HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2002ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION May 13th, 2002 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ANN SKY, DONALD FITCH, LINCOLN ZEVE, MARTY JACOBSON, ALAN DEBOER STAFF: BOB SKINNER, FBO, PAULA BROWN MEMBERS ABSENT: KENNETH EHLERS, BRENT THOMPSON 1. CALL TO ORDER: 11:30 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: A) Donald Fitch – Ultralight Instruction B) Donald Fitch – Airport Access Road C) Alan DeBoer – Airport Commission Issues D) Lincoln Zeve – Equipment Outside Hangars E) Lincoln Zeve – Communication on Approach F) Bob Skinner Letter 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 8th minutes were accepted with one change regarding business licenses and emergency fire fighting needs. Action: Fitch moved approval – Zeve seconded; passed unanimously. 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Rate Review Brown recapped last month’s discussion regarding rates. She explained that she has not had time to review the rate model with the Finance Director for a larger increase and does not expect to be able to bring that back until next month. Brown added that the airport is continuously having the backlog of maintenance items grow at the airport. Included on the deferred maintenance list are the FBO Maintenance hangar roof, the parking lot, landscaping and any other improvements at the airport. Without additional revenue, these items will continue to impact the airport’s appearance. The needed annual maintenance is likely to be over $20,000 annually and is currently only $11,000. Again, these impacts will come back to the Commission next month for long term airport financing needs. There were comments regarding the need to significantly increase the monthly hangar rates. Skinner questioned how these fees relate to the Shaffers lease and the other 5 hangars. Brown stated that they are not on a square footage basis and are assessed differently. She will provide a letter to Skinner explaining the specific lease rates for those leases and the other non-standard leases. Jacobson mentioned that Naumes is getting $200 – 212 for monthly closed hangars. Skinner brought up a concern that the users will expect more if the rates are significantly increased. DeBoer suggested a $10 to $15 per month increase would be fair. Action: Fitch moved the Airport Commission adopt a revised rate of $145/month for no door hangars and $170/ month for the closed-door hangars. Motion was seconded by Fitch, passed unanimously with a condition that Brown brings back the discussion on long term financing and rate impacts. B. CAP Lease Review. Brown and Rostykus discussed the proposed changes to the CAP lease. The primary change would be to add a clause so that any aircraft that is in the CAP hangar that is not owned by the CAP and is not being used for emergency actions would pay a monthly tie down fee directly to the City. Skillman commented that he had spoken to the national CAP organization and was told that the use of the hangar for private aircraft is left up to the Wing Headquarters. The other change is minor in that the lease would be changed to show connection to the sewer, not the septic system. Rostykus left his proposed changes with Brown for inclusion in the lease. Action: Brown stated that the revised CAP lease would be in the next packet for final approval. C. Minimum Standards. Rostykus questioned where staff was with the final changes to the minimum standards. Brown stated that this would come back in “final” form to the Commission in June. The Commission had adopted the ODA standards last month and the only question is any changes on the State’s insurance requirements. Brown will review. Skinner asked if all of the City’s requirements were addressed in the ODA minimum standards. Rostykus and Brown stated that they thought all items were addressed with the exception of insurance. Action: Brown stated that the revised minimum standards would be in the June packet for final approval. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. CERT storage location. Brown explained the request from the CERT group for a storage shed at the airport. She stated that tentative approval had been given to the group pending Airport Commission changes. Action: Commission accepted the location of the storage shed for CERT. B. Donald Fitch – Ultralight Instruction. Fitch mentioned that he had been providing ultralight instruction for the past several years and with the old rules, was doing this with FAA exemptions. New FAA rules require a sports rating and as such, Fitch would be required to follow not only the minimum standards, but also have a different insurance policy. His current insurance will not be renewed. As such, Fitch will not be providing ultralight instruction in the future. Fitch also explained that the new rules would also affect anyone that teaches para-gliding and hang-gliding. Skinner noted that the City’s current regulations required full insurance and that Fitch should have had that as an instructor. DeBoer indicated that the City and all those at the airport need to tighten down on current regulations and ensure they are all followed. He stated that he was also tightening down on airplanes in his hangars and the maintenance requirements. No action required. C. Donald Fitch – Airport Access Road. Fitch requested clarification on the access road that was needed if the hangar was built across from Sky Research. He understood that the road would need to be built by the first developer and requested clarification on the reimbursement policy. Brown stated that the airport commission could recognize the efforts by the first developer, similar to what was done by Jack Day and request that future developers pay back their share to the first developer that built the road. There needs to be a formula for the reimbursement and Brown recommended that the Commission assess the amount of development that would be available off that road. The commission agreed that the issue is to eliminate the car/plane conflicts. There was also concern regarding security and the need for the airport to be secure. If there is additional access, then a gate or electronic arm might be necessary so that there aren’t other vehicles freely accessing the airport. The Commission members noted that fencing is an AIP designated item and could be added to the AIP. Brown will look at that option. Sky suggested that the committee really look at the total potential for development not just an assumed number of hangars. Skinner suggested that the development potential be reviewed prior to the master plan. Action: Fitch and Skillman offered to be a part of a subcommittee to look at development potential. Brown will provide an overview of the current preferred plan at the next meeting. D. Alan DeBoer – Airport Commission Issues – DeBoer suggested that the FBO be “at the table” as a non-voting member of the commission not in the audience as a part of the meetings. Action: Skillman motioned, DeBoer seconded – motion passed unanimously. Skinner moved up to the table. E. Lincoln Zeve – Equipment Outside Hangars: Zeve commented that there is a large wheeled steel piece of equipment that is on the asphalt near his new hangar. He questioned whether it should be in or outside hangar. DeBoer suggested it should be in a hangar. DeBoer also commented that there are a lot of boxes and boards that should be cleaned up. Skinner stated that he has acquired several drums of “something” in the past and suggested the City take care of it. Brown questioned how the drums show up and Skinner stated that he had a couple drums but more appear. Action: Skinner said he would talk to “Tim” regarding the wheeled equipment outside Zeve’s hangar. Brown questioned the City’s responsibility with the drums, but suggested that Skinner contact Dan Nicholson to have them removed. F. Lincoln Zeve – Communication on Approach: Zeve was concerned with the lack of communication from pilots in the pattern on final approach and asked if there was a way to have pilots contact (radio) on final approach. Skinner stated that our airport is uncontrolled and that he cannot advise on landing. The FAA does not allow this for an uncontrolled airport. However, the airport could put up signs or acquire posters that notify pilots of the courtesy and appreciation of calling during final approach. The current Unicom provides advisory. The new SuperUnicom will enhance the information available. Commission members asked for an update on the SuperUnicom and Entitlement projects. Action: Brown will provide an update on the SuperUnicom and Entitlement projects in June. G. The Skinner Letter and several commission members addressed response. DeBoer suggested that Bob collect a tiedown fee for any aircraft outside, but not ones that are on a SASO ramp (Sky Hangar). This tiedown fee would be required for aircraft left outside overnight on the Scott hangar. Action: Brown stated that there are still items needing clarity and will come back to the Commission. Brown will also provide a letter for Skinner on the various leases and permit requirements so that he could deliver that information to the commercial activity providers at the airport. H. Sandler Proposal / Brimm Proposal – Rostykus requested an update on the Sandler / Brimm hangar location and proposals. Brown has met with Burl Brimm. He is aware of the need to build the access road and would like to get started. Staff has heard nothing further from Sandler. Action: Staff will respond to both in writing and provide a deadline. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner reported that activity at the airport is increasing with the nicer weather. 6. MAINTENANCE ISSUES: Skinner reiterated that the signage at the airport is fading and aging. Action: Brown will send our maintenance crew down to evaluate the signs. 7. AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Clark Hamilton stated that the events for Airport Day (May 19th) are coming together, but that the weather is somewhat unpredictable. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Oregon Flightlines Spring 9. NEXT MEETING DATE: JUNE 10TH, 11:30 AM Items to discuss include: § Long Range Plan and Financial Implications § Overview of the Master Plan and Development § Minimum Standards § CAP Lease § Update on the SuperUnicom and Entitlement Projects ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 1:20 PM