HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2002ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 8th, 2002 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, BRENT THOMPSON, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, DONALD FITCH, LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN DEBOER STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB, BOB SKINNER, FBO MEMBERS ABSENT: KENNETH EHLERS, MARTY JACOBSON, LILLIAN INSLEY 1. CALL TO ORDER: 11:30 AM ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS: A) Richard Hendrickson, AOPA Supervising Volunteer B) Sandler Proposal 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 11th minutes accepted as written; moved approval – seconded; passed unanimously. 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. ODA Minimum Standards Rostykus distributed an outline showing the differences between the existing Ashland Minimum Standards and the ODA Standards. Specialized Aviation Service Operations (SASOs) vs. Secondary FBOs SASO has the addition of commercial skydiving, aircraft storage/hangars, specialized flying services and does not include any fueling services. The Secondary FBOs do not include hangar keepers or corporate tenants. Recommendation: Ashland adopts ODA Minimum Standards for SASO. Mobile Service Providers (MSP) vs. Itinerant/Temporary Operator Recommendation: Ashland adopts ODA Minimum Standards for MSP with the following requirements: - Require City business license and insurance - Temporary permit for a 90 day period renewable once in 12 months - Permanent permit requires the City to be named as insured and Airport Use Fee The temporary business licenses are $15. These could be issued from the airport by Skinner. The permanent business license costs $60 and it is renewable yearly. Renewal terms for the temporary licenses were discussed. Skinner was concerned about emergency services who use the airport as a base. The renewal would be allowable every twelve months for fire fighting and search and rescue situations. The airport user fee would be applied only to permanent businesses. Airport Use Fee (proposed) - To support existence of the airport - FBOs and SASOs pay for airport through leases - For permanent Mobile Service Provider (>90 days) A fee is referenced in the ODA standards and it would benefit the airport. The Commission would need to set a percentage or base fee for this activity. Commission discussed different proposals for the fee. Insurance State of Oregon sets the state statutes for insurance coverage. Staff will look into the limits required for the different categories. Implications - Updates for the Minimum Standards would be easier - Present SASOs would need to be identified: - Alan DeBoer - Steve Green - Mobile Service Providers - Application of an Airport User Fee if operating more than 90 days Sky voiced concern over contract work performed by outside vendors under government contracts, will they require a business license for work. Brown will have to research this further before answering. There may be a clause under the SASO definition to cover work performed for the SASO by a separate subcontractor company. Action: Thompson moved the Airport Commission adopt the Oregon Department of Aviation updated Minimum Standards and that we incorporate the recommendations of the committee with the additional recommendations that a Mobile Service Provider may have a temporary permit for 90 days with no renewal in a 12 month period and that airport user fees include a 5% assessment on rents received in addition to 5% of labor or 5% of the profit on parts and supplies. There would be an exception for permits for government service aircraft. Seconded by Fitch, passed unanimously. B. Airport Day Update Sandler offered the A Street Market as a location to hang the banner. Hamilton had asked for the Downtown location, but someone had already grabbed it for the week prior to Airport Day. C. Sandler Proposal / Brimm Proposal Staff received a check and letter from Burl Brimm requesting permission to build a hangar at the location next to Sky Research where Sandler has also been proposing to build. Sandler commented that he would be willing to look at other locations on the airfield. The Commission and staff need to consider reducing the conflict between vehicles and aircraft before agreeing to locations. The ideal situation would be to keep businesses that generate traffic for customers in front of the taxiway. The creation of a vehicle access behind these hangars would be beneficial. The access could be built off the existing road. Commission and Sandler discussed funding for this road being tied into construction of new hangars along this area. Sandler is willing to share the costs of road construction. Excavation for the next space would not be completed until the t-hangar excavation is complete and this could be up to a year and a half before a second space if prepared for construction. Neither Brimm or Sandler was willing to wait. Action: Commission encouraged Brimm and Sandler to work together. If hangar space becomes an issue, there will probably need to be a lottery on the spaces. Brown will work out an estimated cost for excavation and road installation. Brimm information will be included in the next packet. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. 2002-2003 Rates Finance has requested a 10% increase across the board on rates to keep the airport afloat. Brown increased by 3% to help meet revenues. Commission suggested leaving the daily tie-downs at $7.00 an d $11.00. This has been a contentious point for some travelers. Zeve commented that with a demand for hangars that we have we could raise costs, even double the costs of hangar rental to make up the deficit the airport is operating in now. If the demand is there, someone will pay. Thompson would like to see a five year deficit plan and work with the Finance Director to get the airport more self-sufficient. Action: Brown and Finance Director to look into creating a five year plan to discuss with Commission. B. Richard Hendrickson, AOPA Hendrickson was appointed by the AOPA to represent Ashland. He will help the airport work with some public relations issues. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner reported that the signage at the airport is fading and aging. It will need attention soon. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM