HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2003ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION May 6, 2003 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, BRENT THOMPSON, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, BRITTANY WISE STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT: SCOT DOUGLAS, ANN SKY, BOB SKINNER, FBO 1. CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 1st minutes were approved with changes 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Superunicom Update Still pending the FAA approvals. Skinner will inform staff and commission when this happens. B. Self-Fueling Update Skinner forwarded three quotes for the installation of the cardlock to staff. Acetank Equipment bid $9,795.80; Pacific Electrical Contractors, $3,225.00; and Valley Electric, $2,140.00. Staff will contract with Valley Electric for the work as they are the lowest bidder. Coordination for work will be done through Skinner Aviation. The install should not take more than a few days and we are hoping to have the work complete prior to airport day, but definitely will be in operation before summer tourist season. Action: Staff will coordinate with Skinner on the dates for work and report back to commission. C. Web Cam Staff is waiting for input from Don Fitch on the camera choice. Action: Staff will contact Fitch if no word prior to the next meeting, if receive information from Fitch, staff will purchase the camera and have it installed. D. 2003 Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP) Staff anticipates work to begin in the heat of summer, probably August. Staff will work with contractor and Skinner to coordinate work times. E. Master Plan Report Airport Commission members have discussed ways to reduce costs and potentially simplify the Airport Master Plan / Layout Plan document. Brown spoke with Gary Viedorfer, Senior Planner with the Oregon Department of Aviation on April 21st and this summarizes the conversation. 1. Ashland has signed the intergovernmental agreement with the ODA, which went to council on December 18th 2002. 2. The City is expected to provide 10% match – in this case the project is $45,000 and the City is expected to pay $4500 [less than originally anticipated $60-70,000] 3. $45,000 to do a Master Plan update is very reasonable. Brown estimated the City’s share of $4,500 would have been spent just on staff time to develop and advertise the RFP. Once a contractor is tentatively selected, they must be approved by ODA/FAA. Then, once the plan is completed, ODA and FAA must approve it. Using the ODA process, we are ahead on the approvals. 4. This is a pass-through grant from FEDERAL FAA funds and does not have any impact on the State’s budget. The grant is for Planning funding only – NOT construction. If we do not use it on our airport, the state will pass the funds to another airport. 5. A 10-year old plan is outdated from the State and FAA’s view. They would like plans updated every 5-10 years (our plan is now 11 years old and probably using 1990 data). Using old statistical projections does not help move small airports ahead and keep the perspective tight. From ODA's perspective -old plans need to be updated – period. 6. Although the Airport Commission will be very helpful in reviewing and shaping the master plan, they are not professionally qualified to develop the plan and correctly identify all of the metrics and statistics that are necessary for the Airport Master Plan. Our professional consultants have that ability and are in tune with the requirements for small airports and how Ashland relates to Medford and other surrounding airports, freight, and other impacts. The plan is to kick this off in July 2003. Brown anticipates that David Evans and Associates will be given the contract from ODA. They are very familiar with aviation master plans. There will be meetings scheduled for the Airport Commission, staff and the selected engineering firm to discuss goals and future direction of the airport. Preliminary work will begin in late summer, early fall. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Fee and Rates Updates Rostykus reminded staff that it was time for the annual increases. Brown had looked and remembered the increase being about 2%. Commission had increased the tie-downs significantly in the past couple years. Skillman motioned to raise the open and closed T-hangar rates by $5.00 making the costs $170.00 for a closed hangar and $145.00 for a open hangar. Seconded by Hendrickson and passed unanimously. Commission agreed to applying the CPI to the freight handlers fee also. Staff will forward the new rates to the FBO. B. Sky Mapping Request Rostykus asked staff to prepare a map showing the newly proposed roads to help the commission see the goal of the vehicular accesses on the field. Staff will continue to develop this map for inclusion in discussions with the Master Plan updates. Brown showed the engineering plans for the road that will extend behind the FBO office to the Sky Research hangar. The road will be 14 feet wide and alley quality. The cost will be split with Sky who has agreed to pay for materials and City crews who will do the construction. The road costs will be about $10-12,000 to build. Sky will cover the approximately $5,000 of material costs. This estimate is early and these costs could be high or low at this stage. Work will be done once the weather breaks and will take two to three weeks to complete. Commission asked if some of the cost could be reimbursed by the FBO when/if they construct their second hangar. Brown said that would be a negotiating point during the construction. The funds will be allocated from the Central Services account. The cost would be greater if we were to go to bid for the work. C. T-Hangar Construction Proposal Commission is anxious to begin work on the proposal for the new T-hangars. Brown needs the opportunity to meet with the Finance Director to consider numbers. If the City owns the hangars there would be more income for the City, if the City builds the hangars there will be a higher labor cost because Federal wage rates will apply. If privately funded it would be a slower turn around on profit. Brown will bring back a report at the July meeting. The project could take 8-9 months to complete for construction. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner was absent at the meeting but weeding has been accomplished when the weather permitted and the street crew has been notified to sweep prior to airport day. Signage has been added as part of the AOPA efforts. Hendrickson has been working to get the new security signage in. Thanks Richard. Commission discussed adding a stop sign at the entrance to the T-hangar taxiway. If placed in the landscaping the height would not be a problem for airplane wings, but just in case it could be painted on the ground. Commission liked the stop sign better than the painted version. Brown will follow up with Street crew. 6. OTHER: A. Airport Appreciation Day Clark Hamilton is organized for this year’s event. Hope to see everyone there. Flyers were passed out to post around town. 9. NEXT MEETING DATE: July 1, 10:00 AM ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM