HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2003ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 1, 2003 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, ANN SKY, DONALD FITCH, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, BRENT THOMPSON STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB, BOB SKINNER, FBO MEMBERS ABSENT: MARTY JACOBSON 1. CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 4th minutes were approved as written 3. OLD BUSINESS: A. Superunicom Update Tom Franklin spoke with Skinner and certification is still pending. The competitor to the Superunicom filed an appeal to the FAA and this slowed the process considerably. Hopefully certification will come through in the next thirty days. B. Self-Fueling Update Hardware for the system has been delivered. Skinner has gathered bids for the electrical work, three quotes came in with Valley electrical being the lowest at $2,200. Skinner wanted to do a line item comparison to be sure that the bids were comparable before signing with a service. The agreement with AirBP has not yet arrived, Skinner will coordinate with Staff on the agreement. Skinner also found out that pilots with exiting charge accounts will be able to use that service with the cardlock. Skinner will report on electrical service schedule at next meeting. C. Web Cam Fitch and Sky’s IP Manager, Steve Fletcher discussed the addition of the web cam to the Sky bandwidth. Security could be an issue if it is a looped connection that allows users to give the address input. The most secure manner would be to have a web cam that pushes the image out, updating the image every few minutes. The camera would view the northwest to show the fog. The only cost will be the camera and the range is anywhere from $150 to $3,000. The $150 camera is sufficient for our needs but may have low quality resolution. Brown has money in this year’s budget as long as it remains under $1,000. Skillman questioned probability of doubling the purpose to include security viewing. Brown commented that if we do this she would like to include the cost into an AIP. Commission agreed that this camera would be for weather information convenience only. The view may become obscured with the addition of another hangar. Action: Hendrickson motioned to task Fitch with researching different cameras and help with installation and link up. When Fitch has chosen a camera he can coordinate with Lamb to purchase. Seconded and unanimously passed. Fitch agreed to stay involved even after his term to complete this project. Thanks Donald! D. 2003 Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP) A letter from the Oregon Department of Aviation was included in the packet showing the areas to be repaved this summer. The state is requiring a 10% match to the $250,000 cost however Brown feels this estimate is high and could come in considerably lower. Striping will be done by the contractor but Engineering will redo a restriping plan. Action: Engineering will create a restriping plan and Brown will keep commission abreast of any new developments. E. Signage & Traffic Flow Rostykus and Skinner met to brainstorm ideas for controlling traffic flow. Transient parking could be moved directly in front of the parking lot with pavement markings stating transient only. Then Fed Ex and UPS can use this area on fog relief days. Monthly transient parking will be moved to the east end of the runway in front of the Valley View hangars. Skinner has been locking the gates in front of the FBO office but this creates a situation where the FBO office can no longer see people entering the field because they are simply going to other gates instead of checking in. The noise abatement signs are peeling badly. The elevation signs are on rebar poles and will also need to be changed to have correct elevation. Commission said that red pavement markings are popular. Signs could also be put on the fences where the transient area exists. A sign also should be erected going up to the T-hangars that reads authorized vehicles only. The elevation sign could be enhanced to read 2900’, please avoid the downtown area. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Applications for Open Commission Positions Fitch and Jacobson will not be reapplying. The Mayor and Chair will discuss other applicants. The new members should be at the next meeting. B. Road Names The idea of naming the roads and taxiways was brought up to the commission. No one showed any real interest. C. E-mail Addresses It was asked if email addresses could be added to the roster. Lamb will add the addresses of commissioners that would feel comfortable. D. Sky Mapping Request A. Sky asked if there could be a map or plan showing proposed road connections are anticipated. She fears that roads similar to the one being built for employees to Sky Research and the Skinner maintenance hangar are wasteful because they only benefit one or two businesses. She would like to see this more thought out in the future. Sky would like to be sure that our resources are being used wisely. Commission and staff felt this would be served by the new master plan. The construction of two roads instead of one seems wasteful when extending Airport Road could be used for both hangars. Commission had discussed this but still feels that a separate vehicle access is safer. If Airport Road is used for Sky, then the vehicles are still crossing the taxiway and this is still a safety hazard. The construction of the access road to FBO maintenance and Sky Research is to ensure a path for vehicles that does not conflict with any of the aircraft taxiways. Brown feels this kind of internal conflict is why the master plan will be better being developed by an outside engineer with an objective point of view. Skinner agreed with this point. Skillman pointed out that the current Master Plan is out of date and most revisions suggested in the plan have been seen through. It has always been a plan to have vehicles access the west end of the airport from Airport Road while the east end is accessed by the main entrance road. This was the safest and most efficient way to accomplish the separation of vehicular and aircraft travel. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Weather has slowed the field. The weeds will need to be taken care of soon. 6. OTHER: A. Airport Appreciation Day Clark Hamilton addressed the progress of Airport Day! May 18th is scheduled and everyone is on board. The cost of having airport day is starting to add up and the Airport Association only has about two more years of funding. It costs about $2000 a year to put on. The Commission has been discussing the state of the association and would like to see a resurgence in the membership. The membership should be able to help support the airport perks like the web cam and maybe do an association barbecue. There should be more social events out at the airport. Zeve was pleased to see Hamilton and was appreciative of his efforts. He asked if the previous discussions canceling Airport Day have been quelled or if the liability was becoming too much? Hamilton spoke about the positive public relations gained by Airport Day. There will always be a liability but the private pilots that do the flying all have insurance. The EAA has a policy that covers all their pilots too. Thompson supports continuing the Airport Day as is. There is no reason at this point to not do it, there will always be liability for any event and we should encourage the City facilities to be open to the public. Skillman was in favor of continuing Airport Day and the flights are a calculated risk every pilot takes. Hendrickson asked if pilots insurance is checked. Hamilton goes over the list and looks for experience as well as insurance before allowing them to participate. 9. NEXT MEETING DATE: May 6th, 10:00 AM ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM