HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2003ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 5, 2003 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, LINCOLN ZEVE, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, BOB SKINNER, FBO, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, BRITTANY WISE, BRENT THOMPSON, ALAN DEBOER STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT: SCOT DOUGLAS, ANN SKY, RICHARD HENDRICKSON 1. CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 1st minutes were approved with changes. 3. Public Forum: None 4. OLD BUSINESS: A. Superunicom Update Still pending the FAA approvals. Skinner will inform staff and commission of any change. B. Signage Rostykus met with Dan Gunter from the Street Department. Sign placement and breakaway poles will be installed as Gunter has available time. One more elevation sign will need to be created. The stop sign should be fine in its location amongst the bushes and trees. Action: City staff will install signs. C. 2003 Pavement Maintenance Program Bids were received and opened at Oregon Department of Aviation. The bids came in lower than expected with Ashwood Construction being lowest at $99,000.00. This amount could go up as construction begins. Our 10% match was anticipated to be around $15,000 and that is what we had allocated in the funds so this is good news. Funds were being reserved in the Maintenance Fund line item. Seal coating, patching and crack sealing will be conducted. Skinner and Commission asked if the old tie-down area could also be attended too. There is considerable deterioration to the area due to vegetation (weeds). Brown will follow up with ODA and the contractor on how to make changes and additions to the project. DeBoer commented that there were still some old chains in the area that needed to be removed and Skinner said he would investigate. Skinner asked Brown to follow up with the contractor on advanced noticing. A two-day closure is a big deal to a small airport. Skinner would appreciate two weeks notice so that he can run notices on the NOTAM system. Being able to notify pilots a week before would be ideal. Staff will contact the paper for an article. The coatings will need time to cure so weather affects the closure length. D. T-Hangar Request for Proposals There was discussion about the sizing to accommodate the most hangars. If the footprint can be expanded to fit 12 nested T-hangars with 42 foot doors this would be optimal for renters. Staff will research optimum footprint sizes as well as setback from the retaining wall. DeBoer (Derek & Alan) will continue to contract manufacturers for quotes on the hangars. These quotes will be helpful in securing funding. The RFP needs to include door options as part of the criteria, commission discussed clamshell versus accordion and decided to make it one of the engineer’s items to investigate. Tuneberg, Finance Director, is working on a separate RFP for the funding options. Staff will report when we hear back. The final funding option will need City Council approval. E. Hangar Spacing Tout brought up a good point about utilizing as much space for the hangars and accommodating the larger aircraft. If the sizes are not consistent we have wasted space around the building where we could be charging for the entire available footprint. Skillman commented a hangar that is only 50 feet deep affects it resale, but creating like sizes could limit others who are not as financially viable to build 60 X 80. The same would be true if the lease rate is based on a 60 X 80 footprint. Do we require Matzger to change his depth to 60 feet to match the Day hangar. Commission could look at what the cost would be if we make the footprint the lease for future spaces. How important is the distance in the back? Rostykus said this would only be noticeable from the air. Should it be a condition that the remaining hangars be 60X80? Is commission agreeable with the 50 foot depth? Jack Day’s hangar measures 60 X 80 X 18 feet, eve height is 18 feet with a 16 foot tall door. Matzger’s hangar measures 65 X 50 X 21 feet, only three feet taller. Members thought the building being three feet higher was acceptable. The height of the hangars, as long as they were not exceedingly different, was negotiable. The clearance for the Matzger hangar door is 18.4 feet. Commission evaluated different aircraft size requirements for door clearance and felt the hangar size would ultimately be limited by the size of the aircraft allowed to use the airport. From the lease standpoint, the City can charge Matzger if he uses the space behind the hangar for parking or storage. For parking, a standard head-in space is 22 feet long, if he uses it for parking the additional footage will create an 80 foot lease footprint. Staff will research the minimum space required between buildings to meet any Fire Department regulations. The 15 foot easement between hangars was set when Day was building with the thought that parking could be utilized in the space and that it would be accessible to equipment for hangar repairs. Brown will double check the building code requirements, but it is likely that the requirement is less. If parking is not available between the hangars the Commission wants to make sure there is space in front to park cars. The total footage for hangars and easements should not compromise the centerline of the taxiway which Commission wants established to match the distance at the Sky Research hangar. Measure the centerline from Sky’s hangar to the center of the taxilane and freeze that measurement. Brown remembers the distance being about 37 feet. This is information that will need to be incorporated into the master plan. Stockwell suggested that if hangar on the end is to have two doors then will it require more space or is that what is trying to be achieved. Brown feels the second door on the uphill taxiway may not be impossible because of grades. Brown and Olson will take the time to measure out the space and look for the maximum use of this area while still maintaining required spacings. If a hangar owner rents out space to other pilots for aircraft storage is this considered a SASO situation? The SASO permit helps control and assure revenue. It is currently based on the square footage. By being a SASO the City can require a fee, insurance and a business license. It will also affect the building requirements for parking, lobby facilities and bathrooms. The Matzger lease needs to be executed soon to help ensure the intention. Brown will look at the exact wording in the lease and send correspondence to Matzger explaining the SASO limitations. Matzger was actively seeking a partner and a partner could be added to the lease and not be considered a customer. Skillman asked staff to move forward with contacting Matzger. If intends to have more than a partner than he will be a SASO. Need clarification on what type of doors he is installing. Day has accordion vertical doors. Zeve suggested we require the clamshell doors, but commissioners did not feel strongly about suggesting a door choice. Commission discussed the need to have the colors to match exactly. Zeve motioned to have matching colors, motioned died for lack of second. 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Potential Helicopter Business Lamb was contacted by a Michael Young who with other partners was seeking information from various airports on a helicopter based business. Lamb sent the usual packet of information for hangar construction and leasing options. Noise could be an issue for a business of this type. Action: If Mr. Young responds, staff will inform commissioners. 5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Fuel filters were changed, this is a biannual event that costs around $500.00. The self-service fuel doubled its use in its second month. Ron Bartley tore the wing of his wing on a survey stake behind Sky Research. He has been in touch with FBO and he will need to file a claim with the City for reimbursement. Fire season has been very busy. Skinner Aviation has leased a Skymaster and is leasing it out for Forest Service and charter services. 6. NEXT MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 2ND , 10:00 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM