HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2003ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION October 7, 2003 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, BOB SKINNER, FBO, , BRITTANY WISE, BRENT THOMPSON, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, ANN SKY, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, LINCOLN ZEVE STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT: SCOT DOUGLAS, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL 1. CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 2nd minutes approved with changes. 3. Public Forum: Paul Westerman, potential airport commissioner, came to audit a commission meeting. He has lived in Ashland for the past 26 years. Has flown out of the airport as a pilot most of that time. 4. OLD BUSINESS: A. 2003 Pavement Maintenance Program (PMP) Update The painting will need to have a second coat applied. This is scheduled around the first of the month. The first coat tends to bleed through. Skinner felt the quality was extremely good. They used a new material called Poly-Patch that seems to work very well for crack sealing. Costs were under budget. A. Sky noticed deer and truck marks that she and Skinner will investigate further. Signage has been waiting for the paving to be done. B. FBO Access Road Construction Update The road is now complete. The costs will be negotiated between staff and Sky. The estimate is $30,000. The access outlets from Sky Research’s parking lot to the taxiway will need to be closed. This caused concern for larger delivery trucks that may need that extra space to maneuver. There needs to be some intervention with some of the more regular visitors like Ashland Sanitary on the use and acceptable speed for the airport. A. Sky requested leaving the outlets there but blocking them with railroad ties or barriers for the time being. The parking spaces in front of the FBO Road will need to be obliterated. Some people are still parking there and blocking the road entrance. The parking lines were blacked out but there needs to be a bit more treatment. Brown will ask the Street Division to do a hatch mark or a “no parking” design. A. Sky also asked if there would be a different use for this road in the future. The cost of the road construction was split between the City and Sky Research. If the road will be used by persons other than Sky Research employees then an agreement should be drafted for maintenance. Skinner was agreeable to a percentage share of the road when the FBO expansion is built. Currently the FBO deliveries have to go through the front of the building because there is no access door in the rear. Skillman suggested closing the gate to keep vehicles off the taxiway. Skinner feels the gate would rarely stay closed. Action: Staff will meet with Sky to discuss final road costs and closing of the access to the taxiway. Street crews will paint the parking spots at the beginning of the access road restricting parking. C. T-Hangar Request for Proposal – Options Preferable measurements for the t-hangars would be a 41.5 foot clearance on the doors, 36 feet deep with a 12 foot high door opening. Commission likes the idea of electronic clamshell doors but that could mean creating a higher t-hangar. The building footprint is 300 feet by 56 feet which should accommodate 13 t-hangars. The end t-hangars may be able to be modified for different spaces. Water availability is still under question. Deboer still felt water availability is a safety issue. Brown said that the right thing to do would be to install a washrack for the airport users. The washrack needs to have a separator for rain water and wash water. The cost could be as much as $50,000. This may be an item that can be funded through the AIP. Staff will need to investigate costs and designs. Location could be the next issue, but commission felt it would be best served near the fuel tanks. Having water available at the hangars could be hard to control. Hangars themselves can be swept and aircraft can be dry washed. We need to respect the DEQ requirements to keep the creek clean. Action: Hendrickson moved that no water be installed at the new hangars; and staff proceed as soon as possible for a washrack which uses a switch to control flow into the sewer or storm drain. Motion was withdrawn to accommodate separating the two different subjects. Hendrickson moved to not install water at the new hangars, seconded by Skillman and passed unanimously. Staff will research the admission of the washrack into the AIP. D. AIP Update The listed items for 2004 are the projects we are working toward. Lighting and fencing take up a large portion. The fencing is more of a priority because of new security concerns. For us it will be more of a deer deterrent. The lighting will be medium intensity runway lighting with a frequency actuator for pilot control and electricity conservation. Staff will look into the washrack addition. The south apron overlay needs to be addressed soon. It looks to be scheduled for 2010. The Superunicom is still in limbo. Action: Commission will review the list and see if any further items need to be addressed. E. Lease Review, Commercial Use & Rates Upon review of the lease it only calls out that month-to-month renters can not be commercial operators. Skinner recalls the City requiring private hangar owners to pay a percentage of income as a fee but that quickly fell apart. A. Sky felt that the way the SASO fee works now is adequate. The size of the hangar will decide the cost of the fee. The smaller the hangar the smaller the fee. The use of landscape and parking area will not apply to all hangars. Brown suggested requiring different insurance requirements for hangar keepers. For the City to require a business license there must be six renters. If less than six then there is no requirement for the business license. The Commission further discussed using different fees or no fees and even degrees of fees to come up with a deciding factor. The airport needs to be self-sufficient and we have out of pocket costs to contend with. We need to expect that we will grow and so will the maintenance costs. We don’t want to do a business review on each SASO. The 1.6 was come up with when Sky Research was being formed and this number seems fair for a structure. Action: A subcommittee will be formed to come up with reasonable ways to enforce and charge for commercial operations. Rostykus, Skillman and A. Sky will meet and report back to the Commission. F. Master Plan Update This is in process staff will update next month. G. Hangar Spacing- Fire Marshall Request Dave Hard gave the official word on the spacing. Fire requirements are that the hose has to be able to reach 150’ around the building/buildings. The five foot between the hangars is acceptable. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Hangar Inspections Dave Hard, Fire Marshall, wants to start performing yearly inspections of the hangars. They would need to start in 2004 to fit into his schedule. Brown asked for Hard to write up restrictions prior to the inspections. One or two commissioners would attend. Brown and Skinner will work up a letter informing tenants that inspections will be upcoming. B. Install Blue Reflectors Brown will ask Olson to see if this is part of the paving and have added to the final punchlist if it is contractor responsibility. 6. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Self-serve is still going strong. The system has had some down times but the response for service is great. Skinner figures that 60-70% of the gas is now self-serve and only 30-40% is from the fuel truck. Skinner now has a charter plane available. A skymaster cessna 337 to rent out. Skinner was recently in an accident on Dead Indian Hwy. and has found it is a common problem at the airport turn in. Could the County be asked to make the yellow line in front of the airport a solid yellow line to keep people from passing until further past the turn outs. Staff will follow up. 7. NEXT MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 4TH , 10:00 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:35 AM