HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2004ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 2, 2004 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, BOB SKINNER, FBO, ANN SKY, LINCOLN ZEVE, PAUL WESTERMAN, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER  STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB, JIM OLSON  MEMBERS ABSENT: BRITTANY WISE, BRENT THOMPSON, RICHARD HENDRICKSON  1.  CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM  2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 6th minutes approved with changes. February's Meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum.  3.  Public Forum:  0    4.  OLD BUSINESS:   A. T-Hangar Proposal Updates - Report From Tom Walker, PE, Adroit Construction Thomas Walker, PE, from Adroit Construction attended the commission meeting to go over specific decisions that need to be made prior to ordering the T-hangar building. A letter dated February 20 was distributed listing the dimensions and answers to some of the questions that had been brought up. To date, surveying work and geotech work have begun. The foundation will be a four inch slab which met the requirements for the building load. The building itself will take a couple months for delivery. It has insulation on the outside walls and ceilings to help keep condensation from forming. Walker will need to verify if the doors have insulation on the inside or not. The retaining wall in the back is only five feet from the corner of the hangars. This will not leave adequate room for vehicles to drive through. Brown would rather have the extra income from the fourteenth hangar then have a drive through. The fire department has no problems with the distance. A. Sky asked if the odd shaped hangar on the end could be used for storage or if it could be reconfigured to become a larger hangar. The sliding doors will still be used on these end hangars and the man door will be located near the corners. These small hangars may be big enough for an ultra-light or a smaller aircraft. Brown would rather keep things simple at this point and we will work with the end hangars when they are completed. Action: The commission decided to match the T-hangar colors with the private hangars and go with a buff color with a galvanized steel roof. The blue color will be reserved for commercial hangars. Skillman moved to approve the plans displayed by Adroit. Westerman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Future reports will be made to commission.  0     B. AIP Report from Jim Olson & David Evans Inc. Staff Wes O'Neel and Ken Schoening , came to meet with the commission to go over the progress of the project. Staff had to ensure approval by the FAA for David Evans Inc. to do this engineering work and this approval has not yet been received, but is anticipated soon. The surveying crew and utility locates are already underway. O'Neel suggested having some smaller meetings during the process. The process is just beginning with some of the smaller field investigation work. The taxiway will need to be completely reconstructed and if there is enough money they would like to extend repairs all the way to the south. The lighting system upgrade to medium intensity lights. There will be a control box or small shed built near the FBO offices to house the controls. There will need to be extensive locating done in the area prior to trenching. The retroreflectors will also be installed along the runway. Because of financial constraints the apron expansion has been cancelled for this project to compensate for the additional work that will need to be done for the overlay. This work is scheduled for construction in the summer months. DEA will coordinate closely with staff and FBO to minimize the effect of the work on airport users. But there will be impact no matter what. The apron will need to be closed to aircraft parking for some time so the FBO will need to do that coordination. While the lighting and the retroreflectors are being installed there will be a runway shutdown. Determining the best hours of the day for the shutdown will be a priority. Lighting being down will require runway shutdown until it is fully functional. Brown commented that the FAA will fund 95% of the project but we have exceeded the $71,0000 cap. We will need to compensate for the overage. This will happen when the project is estimated for construction costs. Then we will have a clear picture of where we can scale back the project. Brown expects the overlay and the reconstruction will be big expenses. DeBoer asked when fencing would be done. Staff has done a lot of research on the fencing and it will be costly. The constraints of the safety area and the creek have caused some real issues for fencing. Action: An update will be brought back to commission in May.   B. AIP Report from Jim Olson & David Evans Inc. Staff Wes O'Neel and Ken Schoening , came to meet with the commission to go over the progress of the project. Staff had to ensure approval by the FAA for David Evans Inc. to do this engineering work and this approval has not yet been received, but is anticipated soon. The surveying crew and utility locates are already underway. O'Neel suggested having some smaller meetings during the process. The process is just beginning with some of the smaller field investigation work. The taxiway will need to be completely reconstructed and if there is enough money they would like to extend repairs all the way to the south. The lighting system upgrade to medium intensity lights. There will be a control box or small shed built near the FBO offices to house the controls. There will need to be extensive locating done in the area prior to trenching. The retroreflectors will also be installed along the runway. Because of financial constraints the apron expansion has been cancelled for this project to compensate for the additional work that will need to be done for the overlay. This work is scheduled for construction in the summer months. DEA will coordinate closely with staff and FBO to minimize the effect of the work on airport users. But there will be impact no matter what. The apron will need to be closed to aircraft parking for some time so the FBO will need to do that coordination. While the lighting and the retroreflectors are being installed there will be a runway shutdown. Determining the best hours of the day for the shutdown will be a priority. Lighting being down will require runway shutdown until it is fully functional. Brown commented that the FAA will fund 95% of the project but we have exceeded the $71,0000 cap. We will need to compensate for the overage. This will happen when the project is estimated for construction costs. Then we will have a clear picture of where we can scale back the project. Brown expects the overlay and the reconstruction will be big expenses. DeBoer asked when fencing would be done. Staff has done a lot of research on the fencing and it will be costly. The constraints of the safety area and the creek have caused some real issues for fencing. Action: An update will be brought back to commission in May.  0     C. Financial Report on Airport Revenue Brown has run out an expenditure/ revenue report for the commission. This is a good working document because it shows the losses and what would be required to make the airport healthy. This years revenues are falling short of our expenditures. To remain in the black the revenue needs to be $90,000 and that give us a maintenance budget and the money to pay off the loans for the fuel tanks. The fuel tanks will be paid off in another ten years time, the beacon is costing around $2,000 a year and the maintenance on the hangars has fallen behind because of lack of funds. There needs to be a solidly funded maintenance program established to keep the airport from falling into further disrepair. The parking lot is already beyond maintenance and needs complete replacement. If funding had been allocated for maintenance then degree of reconstruction would probably not be necessary. The cost for the utilities will most likely remain the same with an increase in the water of about 10% for restrooms and the landscaping. Electric will have a similar increase of about 5%. Grounds care expenditures include the weeding and the periodic tree trimming on non-airport land. Central services costs are allocated for staff time costs, the administration to run the airport. The new hangars will take approximately 15 years to pay for themselves. The cardlock is not as lucrative as we had hoped. The grounds and maintenance funds will be diverted because they are the only discretionary funds available to cover unexpected costs at the airport. If we look at the trends, the hangar rentals are not bringing in the money. The airport contingency fund is already at the lowest amount the City allows to keep a balanced budget. There are no reserves. Budgets are currently being drafted for next year and Brown will bring back new numbers next month. DeBoer asked if the income showed the new hangar rental revenues. Brown said these have not been added in yet. Zeve asked where we stood for the 2004 fiscal year, Brown commented that the airport is about $10,000 short. We are on a collision course for costs and expenses.   C. Financial Report on Airport Revenue Brown has run out an expenditure/ revenue report for the commission. This is a good working document because it shows the losses and what would be required to make the airport healthy. This years revenues are falling short of our expenditures. To remain in the black the revenue needs to be $90,000 and that give us a maintenance budget and the money to pay off the loans for the fuel tanks. The fuel tanks will be paid off in another ten years time, the beacon is costing around $2,000 a year and the maintenance on the hangars has fallen behind because of lack of funds. There needs to be a solidly funded maintenance program established to keep the airport from falling into further disrepair. The parking lot is already beyond maintenance and needs complete replacement. If funding had been allocated for maintenance then degree of reconstruction would probably not be necessary. The cost for the utilities will most likely remain the same with an increase in the water of about 10% for restrooms and the landscaping. Electric will have a similar increase of about 5%. Grounds care expenditures include the weeding and the periodic tree trimming on non-airport land. Central services costs are allocated for staff time costs, the administration to run the airport. The new hangars will take approximately 15 years to pay for themselves. The cardlock is not as lucrative as we had hoped. The grounds and maintenance funds will be diverted because they are the only discretionary funds available to cover unexpected costs at the airport. If we look at the trends, the hangar rentals are not bringing in the money. The airport contingency fund is already at the lowest amount the City allows to keep a balanced budget. There are no reserves. Budgets are currently being drafted for next year and Brown will bring back new numbers next month. DeBoer asked if the income showed the new hangar rental revenues. Brown said these have not been added in yet. Zeve asked where we stood for the 2004 fiscal year, Brown commented that the airport is about $10,000 short. We are on a collision course for costs and expenses.  0    4.  NEW BUSINESS:   A. SASO Lease Revisions to Incorporate Recent Fee Requirements Lamb presented draft revisions of the SASO requirements and SASO lease with new definitions to include the hangarkeeper and the separate rating fees. Commission felt the wording needed to be changed to reflect hangars owned by single entities instead of just a private hangar. This would cover a group of hangars owned by one person. The definition of a hangarkeeper needs to expanded to include what is in the Minimum Standards. DeBoer asked how charges will be made against current SASO usage. Brown will prorate the cost. The fees for hangarkeepers will help the airport financially. The cost for a commercial business is greater and we need to encourage more business. The SASO leases all increase annually by one CPI. Action: Skillman moved to accept changes as discussed. Stockwell seconded, all in favor and one abstention, DeBoer.  0     B. Airport Master/ Layout Plan Update Staff is waiting for word from Century West Engineering. It is their time schedule and we are hoping that this month we will have some news. The design phase can take a couple months and then we will review for final design. We will try to have an update at the may meeting.  0    5.  AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Commission discussed traffic issues on Dead Indian Memorial Highway. Brown will contact Dale Petrasak at the County to see if some measures can be taken to help with vehicles passing illegally. Skinner had a new pulser installed on the 100 LL fuel tank and it has eliminated the built in pause delay that would pause fuel flow for 15 seconds. This is a nice bonus that came out of the repair. The beacon will need to be discussed at next month's meeting. Lamb asked either Rostykus or DeBoer to get in touch with Clark Hamilton regarding Airport Day. The new restrictions may cause some changes in the way it operates this year. Rostykus has left messages but will continue to try and get in touch with Hamilton.   A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Commission discussed traffic issues on Dead Indian Memorial Highway. Brown will contact Dale Petrasak at the County to see if some measures can be taken to help with vehicles passing illegally. Skinner had a new pulser installed on the 100 LL fuel tank and it has eliminated the built in pause delay that would pause fuel flow for 15 seconds. This is a nice bonus that came out of the repair. The beacon will need to be discussed at next month's meeting. Lamb asked either Rostykus or DeBoer to get in touch with Clark Hamilton regarding Airport Day. The new restrictions may cause some changes in the way it operates this year. Rostykus has left messages but will continue to try and get in touch with Hamilton.  0    6.  NEXT MEETING DATE: APRIL 6TH, 10:00 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:35 AM