HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2004ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 6, 2004 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, BOB SKINNER, FBO, PAUL WESTERMAN, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER, BRENT THOMPSON, RICHARD HENDRICKSON  STAFF: PAULA BROWN, DAWN LAMB, JIM OLSON  MEMBERS ABSENT: BRITTANY WISE, ANN SKY, LINCOLN ZEVE  1.  CALL TO ORDER: 10:00 AM  2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 2nd minutes approved with changes  3.  Public Forum:  0    4.  OLD BUSINESS:   A. T-Hangar Updates - Contractor is working with Building Department on the submittals. The building has been ordered from the manufacturer. There are six interested pre-paid leases to date. Action: Staff will continue to update.  0    4.  NEW BUSINESS:   A. Pre-Paid Lease Draft Discussion ensued regarding the limit of one reassignment for the 15 year term lease. Commission feels this is restrictive, could two reassignments be allowable. Brown cautioned that allowing a large number of sublets/reassignments could create a profitable income for the original lessee if they sublet for more than the $225 a month. Anything above the $225 will be income for the original lessee. Thompson would like a fee to be applied for staff time incurred during the lease transitions. Brown reviewed the cancellation schedule attached to the lease with the commission. The idea of this payback schedule would be to cover the loss of the 25% income to the City and gained by Skinner if the lessee cancelled their lease and a new renter occupied the hangar. The $1000 fee on top is for staff handling of the lease changeover. This will hopefully keep the hangars from having a high number of turnovers. Section 18.3 has language regarding a sublease without consent and this needs to be stricken from the lease. Commission agreed that the word sublease or sublet was not what we want, staff will change the word sublet to reassignment throughout the lease. Commission asked how the electric payments would be received. Staff included the $5.00 per month charge in the interest letter and will ask utility billing to make it a quarterly or bi-annual billing to the renters. Action: Staff will make changes to the lease; delete section 18.3, change sublet to reassignment and delete the last part of section 11 referring to the utilities.   0     B. Beacon Discussion Staff presented a summary of the repair history of the beacons. They have proven to be costly, unreliable devices. The current beacon was sent in for repairs which cost half of the purchase price from three years ago. The spare beacon will now have to be sent in for rebuilding since it was used in place of the main beacon for three months. The commission needs to direct staff if they are willing to purchase a new bacon from another company and send in the spare for repairs. Skinner would like to find out if the state has emergency money available for beacon replacement. ODA donated three partial used beacons to Skinner for rebuilding. The Electric Department staff looked over the beacons and did not see benefit in trying to rebuild them. They also noted they were similar to beacons we had phased out because parts became difficult to impossible to find. Skinner reported that the slip ring on the beacon needed to be replaced often because the arc from the light burns out the slip ring. The Electric Department offered a quote from Crouse Hinds for a 400 watt and 1000 watt beacon. The Electric Department suggested using the 1000 watt. The commission would like staff to find out what the safety requirement for wattage. If we are not required pay for more wattage we should go with the smaller wattage. Funding will need to come from the maintenance fund if other funding is not available elsewhere. The newly repaired beacon will become the spare if a new one is purchased. Hendrickson and DeBoer felt this was a safety issue that should qualify for some kind of emergency funding. Staff will continue to contact ODA and FAA for help. Action: Staff will continue to contact ODA and FAA for help.  0     C. Airport Day Various commission members heard that Hamilton feels no airport day would be possible. Hamilton has organized the events for nearly ten years. Skinner coordinated a few of the airport days prior to Hamilton but does not have the time now. If the airport day happens it will need to be rearranged. The FAA restrictions have become very stringent and costly. The airplane rides attract the crowds and without the crowds the breakfast won't happen and airport day will fade away. Skinner and Hendrickson both had seen an article in the Flightlines about the Oregon Air Tour. They are scheduled to be in Ashland this summer. This is a tour of antique airplanes that fly into airports throughout the year. It would be nice to organize an event on this day. There needs to be a resurgence of the Airport User's Group that helps to organize these events and other activities at the airport. Action: Rostykus will research the dates and size of the Tour and try and get the mailing list from Hamilton for the Airport User's Group and try to resurrect interest.  0      Other:   1. Budget Document Brown presented the narrative that will appear in the budget document that explains the use and financial information on the airport. Brown will make it more explicit that the airport supports itself.   1. Budget Document Brown presented the narrative that will appear in the budget document that explains the use and financial information on the airport. Brown will make it more explicit that the airport supports itself.   2. Superunicom - This is still tied up in approvals. The money is being held in waiting for the final decision of the FAA. Skinner will continue to follow up on this.  0    5.  AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Weeds need attention soon. Ramp lights are burnt out in between the fence and Valley Investment's hangar. Staff will ask the Electric Department to check with Skinner on this. Skinner asked if the street sweeper could be sent out to clean up even though we are not doing airport day. Staff will contact John Peterson to have it scheduled. Skinner will be in Seattle for a fueling seminar. If there are new requirements he will report at the next meeting. Lamb asked if anyone was planning on attending the Airport Management Seminar & Aviation Tourism conference in May. The presentation or distribution to other managers on our SASO requirements was being sought after and this would be an easy way to present our information.  0    6.  NEXT MEETING DATE: MAY 4, 10:00 AM AJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:07 AM