HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes December 2005ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION JANUARY 3, 2006 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, GOA LOBAUGH, BILL SKILLMAN, TOM BRADLEY  STAFF: DAWN LAMB  MEMBERS ABSENT: JOHN MORRISON, VICKI GRIESINGER  Visitors: Sandra and Robert Peters, Alan DeBoer and Alan Bender  1. CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM  -    2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 6, 2005, minutes approved as written  -    3. Public Forum: Paul Westerman confirmed that the Grants Pass airport was looking into acquiring an AWOS type system, but had not made the decision on a specific system yet. Westerman will continue to contact airports who are currently using the SuperUnicom System.  -    4. OLD BUSINESS:   A. ALP Master Plan Update Lamb is still awaiting a firm date on the Council agenda. She will keep interested parties notified if it is scheduled before the next meeting.  -     B. Strategic Planning Action Planning: Economic Impact Study - The students had yet to return from Winter Break. They will hopefully still present the study to the commission at an up coming meeting. Survey results were much higher this study. The students did feel that an update to the existing system of tracking aircraft activity could accomplish a more streamlined and accurate assessment of airport business. The study reflected the business at the FBO and only incorporated in the recent numbers from Sky Research. Bender commented that the Sky Research impact dwarfs all that is going on at the airport. Bradley felt the numbers are not completely representative of a valley wide transportation impact, but we could get to a better number from here. Web Cam Update - Lobaugh making progress on the website development and integrating the weather station section. Marketing - Lobaugh had a meeting with the Ashland Springs Hotel who offered two potential vacation packages for pilots. Both included parking, breakfast, gift certificates and two tickets to the Varsity Theatre and the package during the OSF season would include tickets and be a bit more in cost. Prices would be around $199.00. They were supportive of doing direct mailings and advertisement at the airport. They are having difficulty with a shuttle service. When the project is a little more finalized a more formal proposal will be made to the hotel. Bradley asked if the ODA website did links to airport webpages, Lobaugh will look into the linking possibility. There is money for a modest advertising campaign. Lobaugh and Lincoln will be gone for the February meeting, the budget items be discussed at the March meeting. Stockwell spoke with her acquaintance regarding a concierge service that could include services to the airport. He was willing to include pick up service as well as other services that include a tour of the valley. The owners of the Morning Glory restaurant operate the Cascade Shuttle and they may be willing to be a contact for arrivals at the airport. Valley Lift has resigned and this has affected local service. The owner was willing to drop off business cards with Skinner Aviation for posting at the office. Lobaugh thought it would be worth pursuing selling advertising space on the web page. Bradley asked if it was feasible to post the numbers of shuttles in the phone booth. Hendrickson was willing to forward some information to the pilot's guide. Zeve said the car rentals are available while the FBO office is open. Bradley asked if a plaque could be constructed to fit in business cards or another way to advertise phone numbers.   B. Strategic Planning Action Planning: Economic Impact Study - The students had yet to return from Winter Break. They will hopefully still present the study to the commission at an up coming meeting. Survey results were much higher this study. The students did feel that an update to the existing system of tracking aircraft activity could accomplish a more streamlined and accurate assessment of airport business. The study reflected the business at the FBO and only incorporated in the recent numbers from Sky Research. Bender commented that the Sky Research impact dwarfs all that is going on at the airport. Bradley felt the numbers are not completely representative of a valley wide transportation impact, but we could get to a better number from here. Web Cam Update - Lobaugh making progress on the website development and integrating the weather station section. Marketing - Lobaugh had a meeting with the Ashland Springs Hotel who offered two potential vacation packages for pilots. Both included parking, breakfast, gift certificates and two tickets to the Varsity Theatre and the package during the OSF season would include tickets and be a bit more in cost. Prices would be around $199.00. They were supportive of doing direct mailings and advertisement at the airport. They are having difficulty with a shuttle service. When the project is a little more finalized a more formal proposal will be made to the hotel. Bradley asked if the ODA website did links to airport webpages, Lobaugh will look into the linking possibility. There is money for a modest advertising campaign. Lobaugh and Lincoln will be gone for the February meeting, the budget items be discussed at the March meeting. Stockwell spoke with her acquaintance regarding a concierge service that could include services to the airport. He was willing to include pick up service as well as other services that include a tour of the valley. The owners of the Morning Glory restaurant operate the Cascade Shuttle and they may be willing to be a contact for arrivals at the airport. Valley Lift has resigned and this has affected local service. The owner was willing to drop off business cards with Skinner Aviation for posting at the office. Lobaugh thought it would be worth pursuing selling advertising space on the web page. Bradley asked if it was feasible to post the numbers of shuttles in the phone booth. Hendrickson was willing to forward some information to the pilot's guide. Zeve said the car rentals are available while the FBO office is open. Bradley asked if a plaque could be constructed to fit in business cards or another way to advertise phone numbers.  -    4. NEW BUSINESS:   A. Reassignment of Tout Lease to Burl Brim The lease has been transferred to Burl Brim for use as a temporary hangar until the construction of his hangar is complete. The hangar could take up to a year to build and in the mean time Burl will use this hangar space to operate as a SASO. Leases have been executed. The City Attorney has advised that a fuel flowage fee should be adopted for a SASO that supplies its own fuel. Fuel can be tracked by receipts and a fee can be paid to the City for the fuel used. An agreement will need to be made up that addresses the fuel pumping and environmental concerns. Staff will draft up an agreement and apply a fuel flowage fee suggested by the commission. The FBO is currently paying a 7¢ per gallon. Bradley moved to impose a 7¢ fuel flowage fee for Burl Brim payable to the City of Ashland. Hendrickson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  -     B. Heart's on Wings ProgramSandra and Robert Peters addressed the commission on a program they sponsor which introduces aviation to children through schools and other extra curricular groups. In the past, they have conducted week long simulation classes offering children an introduction to the airplane and later in the program they are taken for flights with qualified pilots. They feel a sense of obligation to bring aviation into the community. Through the parents they can reach the children working through organizations such as Scienceworks or aviation museums. Experiences that the children have help them associate future careers in aviation. The education system never really teaches aviation as a curriculum and if it not introduced at a young age, it could be a foreign opportunity. Hearts on Wings has worked with the CAP and EAP and try to find non-profit organizations to help. The goal is to do a more year round program. They are asking the commission for suggestions on contacts in the area. The commission suggested contacting Scienceworks or contacting SOU.   B. Heart's on Wings ProgramSandra and Robert Peters addressed the commission on a program they sponsor which introduces aviation to children through schools and other extra curricular groups. In the past, they have conducted week long simulation classes offering children an introduction to the airplane and later in the program they are taken for flights with qualified pilots. They feel a sense of obligation to bring aviation into the community. Through the parents they can reach the children working through organizations such as Scienceworks or aviation museums. Experiences that the children have help them associate future careers in aviation. The education system never really teaches aviation as a curriculum and if it not introduced at a young age, it could be a foreign opportunity. Hearts on Wings has worked with the CAP and EAP and try to find non-profit organizations to help. The goal is to do a more year round program. They are asking the commission for suggestions on contacts in the area. The commission suggested contacting Scienceworks or contacting SOU.  -    5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner was absent.  -    Next Agenda: Budget Review of outstanding debt service, maintenance costs, income and expenses.  -    6. NEXT MEETING DATE: February 7, 2006, 9:30 AM  -    ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 10:35 AM