HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2005ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MARCH 1, 2005   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:  JOHN MORRISON, BOB SKINNER, FBO, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, LINCOLN ZEVE, VICKI GRIESINGER, GOA LOBAUGH, BILL SKILLMAN STAFF:              DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:          PAUL WESTERMAN, CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS   1.                  CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM 2.                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES:     February 1st, 2005, minutes approved as written 3.                  Public Forum:                                                                                    4.      OLD BUSINESS: A.                 ALP Master Plan Update The area where the Commission started considering a pedestrian path along the right-of-way on Dead Indian Road has a drawback.  The area along the north corner of the airport where the fence would be moved to accommodate the path is a registered state designated wetlands.  This was brought to the attention of Century West in the transmittal including the draft layout plan.  If the fence can be moved in toward the runway without impeding our flight zones is also a consideration for the engineer to research.  Commission still feels leaving reference to the pedestrian path is important.  The permitting and wetlands designation will create significant work to allow the path, but it should still be a considered option.  There will also need to be easements granted up to the end of the Applegate Way cul-de-sac to make it a viable option.  Other transportation options for transient visitors are unreliable.    Hendrickson has contacted Yellow Cab who told him that they provide prompt service as part of their contract with the City.  Last week Skinner had a couple waiting for over an hour for the taxi.   Hendrickson said two hotels offer shuttles, the Windmill Inn and Windsor Inn, both are at this end of town.  If visitors call ahead they can arrange for better service or for a rental car.  The rental cars are available at the airport, but only during hours when the FBO is open.  The airport had tried a courtesy car, but there was a huge liability cost with tickets and accidents in town.  The commission suggested having the license for the taxi reviewed and suggested a call for competition.  This may help response all over town.  Stockwell has seen many elderly shoppers waiting 45 minutes for a taxi at the grocery stores.  The summer months can bring in 15 to 20 aircraft with anywhere from 2 -8 people, but the winter months are unpredictable.  The spontaneous need makes it difficult to consider a solution for the airport only.  Another service that could be available throughout town may be more effective for the business.  Morrison will look into the taxi service to see if there is a way to offer better service.  The ordinance could need to be reviewed.  Morrison will report back to the commission.     B.                  AIP Update LTM has fixed the gate on Airport Road.  The water fixture at the washrack needs to be looked at for freezing damage.  The concrete that was overpoured around the tie-downs will be covered with slurry seal when the weather is warmer.  It will look better than if we were to grind off the concrete, and it’s a much cleaner solution.   The trenching will be starting soon for the conduit for the runway lights.  There is a request to City Council to approve night work at the airport so that day closures can be avoided.  This will be a safer approach and more timely for the contractor.  LTM will be providing a weather pending schedule within the next couple of weeks.  They will work closely with Skinner to ensure proper NOTAM and signage are complete.  Lamb will check with the project managers on the type of generator to be used for lighting during the work.  A diesel generator could be fairly noisy and disruptive.    The stand-by lights seem to be on the beacon.  Lamb will check with the electric department on the bulbs to see if they are burnt out.  The new beacon installation should be fairly soon.    C.                STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATES: 1.         Superunicom Skinner has been in touch with Fed Ex corporate and is expecting a call back.  Westerman included an email with the cost of the Superunicom being $65,300.  These costs need to supplemented for the commission to viably purchase the system.  Staff will draft a formal letter to prospective partners for the purchasing of the unit.  Zeve would still like a report from other airports who are currently using the system.  Skillman felt that the addition of the weather reporting capabilities and safety benefits were right in line with the vision statement.    2.                  Marketing Plan Zeve has been in touch with the business department of SOU and they are looking for projects for students.  The timing was great.  The professor will be calling Zeve back with a definite answer.   3.         Chamber of Commerce Stockwell has been in communication with Mary Pat from the Chamber and she will be able to talk about the Greeters meetings.  There is an opportunity for the greeters to meet at the airport.  We could combine that with a grand opening for the hangars after construction around the runway is complete.  Hendrickson would like to do more media on the fly-ins when they occur.   4.         Web Cam – Report next month from Goa.   5.         Similar Airport Research Hendrickson has put together a list for the Commissioners to look over.  He is hoping that the after some have been eliminated by pilots that have been there, a list of airports to visit.  A survey of services and growth options would be taken to help gather ideas for future marketing and growth.   4.     NEW BUSINESS:   A.                 Neuman Proposal Doug Neumann presented pictures of several types of “daylight” hangars.  He would like the commission’s opinion on whether they would be willing to support the construction of similar hangars at Ashland.  The commission had been working exactly these types of hangars into the master plan.  The streamlining of the process would be better after adoption of the master plan.  Lamb will email the Planning Director for his input, but if the master plan is adopted this is a viable option for Neuman.  The infrastructure needs may need to be prioritized.  Lamb will address the taxiway and utility needs with Olson for any potential problems.     B.                  GPS Unit Installation by UNAVCO Lamb included literature from a non-profit governmentally funded company who are installing earthquake sensors along the west coast.  The company would like to install a unit at the airport.  Sample leases have been sent and Lamb will work with the legal department if the commission approves the installation.  It will not offer a GPS approach to the airport.  It will simply report information back to the company via an internet connection.  The need for power and internet are the only issues.  The land along the creek by Airport Road will be used positioning.   The information gathered by the sensor will be beneficial to local surveyors and GPS mapping users.  There will be no charge for the land and the AFN line will be their only expense.   Hendrickson motioned for approval of installation of GPS earthquake sensor.  Stockwell seconded the motion and vote passed unanimously.   5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports The airport is now receiving payment for Al Alsing’s hangar.  Alsing installed the doors and the Airport Commission waived his rental costs fort he time it took to refund the money to Alsing.    Staff is still preparing the letter to the hangar occupants about the upcoming fire inspection.  After the letter is sent, a date will be set for the inspection.    Skinner is still hoping to have AFN installed at the FBO building.    6.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  APRIL 5TH, 2005, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM