HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2005ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION DECEMBER 6, 2005 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT:  LINCOLN ZEVE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, JOHN MORRISON, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL  STAFF:  DAWN LAMB  MEMBERS ABSENT:  GOA LOBAUGH BILL SKILLMAN TOM BRADLEY, VICKI GRIESINGER  Visitors:  Alan DeBoer and Alan Bender  1. CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM  -   2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 1, 2005, minutes approved as written  -    3.  Public Forum:  -    4. OLD BUSINESS:   A. ALP Master Plan Update    Lamb has gotten permission to have the review of the ALP put on the Council agenda and needs to write up a Council Communication and submit it to the City Administrator. The entire draft ALP has been scanned and Lamb will email the book to the Council members so that a number of hard copies do not have to be made. The book is rather large and it would be very costly to reproduce it for all the Council members. Lamb will have Skinner and Zeve listed for contacts for questions.  -     B. Strategic Planning Action Planning:    Economic Impact Study - The final presentation of the study will be presented by the students to their class Friday at 4 PM. Zeve will be attending and welcomes any of the other commissioners to join him. Bender felt the study questions were well done and the response was very impressive. Zeve will forward a copy of the electronic version to Lamb as soon as it is received. Web Cam Update - Lobaugh and Zeve met with the Sky Research IT department to discuss the parameters and needs for attaching the web cam to their system. The commission discussed the best location of the web cam for the best vantage point for landings. Consensus was to have the camera looking south/ southeast to see Pilot Rock for visibility over the Siskiyous. Lobaugh researched several different weather downloads to link to for free information. Westerman suggested wundergound for weather links. They have a link on Mt. Ashland which is very helpful. The web link could be possible without hardwiring into the Sky Research building if wireless routers were established on the field. This would increase the cost of the installation considerably. It would mean that internet would be available to more hangars at the airport. The router is viable for about 200 feet. Although this will be beneficial in the future, the fastest and most economic way to install the camera now would be to mount to the Sky Research hangar. Lobaugh will work with Hendrickson on the web site which will link to the City web site. Language needs to be supplied by Lamb. Skinner may do a cost sharing with Sky for the internet service. The integrated weather link needs to be chosen. Skinner will look into the DTN weather station as a possible link for the cam. The cost of the camera will come from the commission budget. Lobaugh felt he could have installation and web site up and running by April. Marketing - Lobaugh suggested a marketing effort that links the hotels and/ or the bed and breakfasts to do package fly-ins for pilots. This could be beneficial to the airport and community. It would bring in business and if it was set up to be a web based package choice it could be easily used. There are so many tourist attractions in Ashland that it would be nice to do OSF packages or winery tours, river rafting trips and other destinations. Stockwell has an acquaintance who is starting a concierge business who could be very interested in partnering up to offer these packages. Lobaugh, Bender and Zeve will do a subcommittee meeting to brainstorm some possibilities to present to the chamber or other outlet.    Economic Impact Study - The final presentation of the study will be presented by the students to their class Friday at 4 PM. Zeve will be attending and welcomes any of the other commissioners to join him. Bender felt the study questions were well done and the response was very impressive. Zeve will forward a copy of the electronic version to Lamb as soon as it is received. Web Cam Update - Lobaugh and Zeve met with the Sky Research IT department to discuss the parameters and needs for attaching the web cam to their system. The commission discussed the best location of the web cam for the best vantage point for landings. Consensus was to have the camera looking south/ southeast to see Pilot Rock for visibility over the Siskiyous. Lobaugh researched several different weather downloads to link to for free information. Westerman suggested wundergound for weather links. They have a link on Mt. Ashland which is very helpful. The web link could be possible without hardwiring into the Sky Research building if wireless routers were established on the field. This would increase the cost of the installation considerably. It would mean that internet would be available to more hangars at the airport. The router is viable for about 200 feet. Although this will be beneficial in the future, the fastest and most economic way to install the camera now would be to mount to the Sky Research hangar. Lobaugh will work with Hendrickson on the web site which will link to the City web site. Language needs to be supplied by Lamb. Skinner may do a cost sharing with Sky for the internet service. The integrated weather link needs to be chosen. Skinner will look into the DTN weather station as a possible link for the cam. The cost of the camera will come from the commission budget. Lobaugh felt he could have installation and web site up and running by April. Marketing - Lobaugh suggested a marketing effort that links the hotels and/ or the bed and breakfasts to do package fly-ins for pilots. This could be beneficial to the airport and community. It would bring in business and if it was set up to be a web based package choice it could be easily used. There are so many tourist attractions in Ashland that it would be nice to do OSF packages or winery tours, river rafting trips and other destinations. Stockwell has an acquaintance who is starting a concierge business who could be very interested in partnering up to offer these packages. Lobaugh, Bender and Zeve will do a subcommittee meeting to brainstorm some possibilities to present to the chamber or other outlet.  -     C. CIP Plan    Dave Roberts, FAA is looking for a list of our top priorities for the next five years of Airport Improvement funds and entitlement grants. Lamb asked the commission to look over the enclosed list of items to see if the priorities needed to be rearranged. The Superunicom is moved from 2008 to the 2006 Entitlement Grant application for October 2006. Commission considered where the most appropriate extension of taxiways would be. The CIP has a 700 foot section with laterals and main taxiway earmarked. The main taxiway up past the Day/Tout hangar and connecting to the taxiways adjacent to the new T-hangars would give connectability and offer another feasible area for a row of T-hangars. Lamb will work with Jim Olson for estimated costs for the utility, excavation and cost of the taxiway. This will give opportunity for more revenue for the City. The apron in front of the commercial business area, parking area and road to the commercial area are also important, but the commercial businesses are sometimes subsidized by SOREDI grants and other business opportunities that private hangars would not be qualified for. If at all possible, the AIP funds should be used for private expansion and the commercial left for subsidized funds. The parking lot rehabilitation may be earmarked for 2008 fiscal year. Hendrickson motioned to have the priorities in the following order: Superunicom, main taxilane, two connecting laterals. Seconded by Stockwell, passed unanimously.  -    4. NEW BUSINESS:   A. Fire Department Emergency Training    Delayed  -     B. Taxi Service to Airport    Valley Lift, which is a division of RVTD, has broke contract with RVTD and will be closing down. This will mean even less available cars. There is a new taxi that seems to be driving around, Metro Taxi. Zeve once again suggested the courtesy car understanding the liability and hassle it is for Skinner Aviation. It is an expectation for pilots to be able to get to town after they land. Morrison said that Yellow Cab still holds the franchise contract with Ashland. Stockwell reiterated that this is not a unique problem with the airport, but with all of Ashland. There are few shuttle services with the hotels that consider picking up at the airport. The Chamber of Commerce would be a good contact to help explore the possibilities of linking with the hotels and bed and breakfasts. Stockwell has been in contact and has been trying to have a representative attend a commission meeting. Skinner will try and keep a log of customers needing taxis and other transportation.    Valley Lift, which is a division of RVTD, has broke contract with RVTD and will be closing down. This will mean even less available cars. There is a new taxi that seems to be driving around, Metro Taxi. Zeve once again suggested the courtesy car understanding the liability and hassle it is for Skinner Aviation. It is an expectation for pilots to be able to get to town after they land. Morrison said that Yellow Cab still holds the franchise contract with Ashland. Stockwell reiterated that this is not a unique problem with the airport, but with all of Ashland. There are few shuttle services with the hotels that consider picking up at the airport. The Chamber of Commerce would be a good contact to help explore the possibilities of linking with the hotels and bed and breakfasts. Stockwell has been in contact and has been trying to have a representative attend a commission meeting. Skinner will try and keep a log of customers needing taxis and other transportation.  -    5. AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A. Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports    Skinner asked if the parking lot could be restriped next painting season. Lamb will put in a request with the Street Department. Burl Brim and Bill Tout have exchanged the lease. Burl has been in and signed both a land lease and a SASO lease. Lamb will need to meet with the Legal department to discuss Burl using his own fuel and if there could be any conflict with Skinner. The Green hangars have had continual problems. The wrong door assembly showed up and the installer needed to send it back for another. The floor of the hangar is asphalt. The hangar used to be an open hangar and the floor was never covered or treated so the asphalt where the door rolls has began to deteriorate. Lamb continues to work with Dale Peters to have the doors functioning correctly. A track will be added on the ground under the door to help it slide easier. The floor itself has layers and layers of paint which have caused another issue since it is also on top of asphalt. The cleaning estimate received is in excess of $8,000. Peters has asked the Street Department for more inexpensive solutions. DeBoer was going to do another follow up on the progress of the Airport User Group. It would be beneficial to have their help in funding the web cam and have their input on the marketing ideas and taxi service. The community needs to become a part of the airport. Next Agenda: Budget Review of outstanding debt service, maintenance costs, income and expenses.  -    6. NEXT MEETING DATE: December 6, 2005, 9:30 AM  -    ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM