HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2005G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\April 5 2005 AC.doc 1 ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION APRIL 5, 2005 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT:CHAIRMAN PAUL ROSTYKUS, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, LINCOLN ZEVE, VICKI GRIESINGER,PAUL WESTERMAN, GOA LOBAUGH, BILL SKILLMAN, JOHN MORRISON STAFF: DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT: BOB SKINNER, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL 1.CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM 2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES:March 1, 2005, minutes approved as written 3.Public Forum: 4.OLD BUSINESS: A.ALP Master Plan Update Staff and commission reviewed the comments and the draft plan sent from David Miller, Century West. Commission would appreciate clearer direction on the fence height and distance in the Object Free Zone. The mark-ups on the plan will depict the pedestrian path more clearly. The commission was concerned over hangar spacing. Would it be beneficial to show the hangar areas as rectangular footprints instead of as individual hangars. This may not be a designation allowable by the FAA. Staff will ask Century West to have a disclaimer that states hangar layout design is at the discretion of the Airport Commission. Zeve cautioned that layout without the hangar measurements caused problems with past land usage at the airport. Staff will send letter to Century West along with a marked-up version of the layout plan. David Miller gave a date of April 29th for the final drafts for most of the Master Plan. If it arrives prior to the meeting, Lamb will present it to the commissioners for review. B.AIP Update Trenching is still on hold due to inclement weather. There has also been another set back on the project. The beacon that was ordered arrived and is too large to be supported by the existing beacon pole. The cost of a new pole would run anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000. There is no extra money for this cost. The pole will have to remain and the beacon will be exchanged for a smaller one. Skillman suggested bracing the beacon pole to the electric building with guidelines. Lamb suggested that Skillman look into the beacon choice to be sure it will be a sturdy effective beacon. Skillman also commented that the gate is still broken and hanging 4-5 inches apart. This is a security issue that needs to be fixed. C.Strategic Planning Action Planning: Web Cam Research –Lobaugh has looked into several different kinds of cameras. The cheaper versions would not pan, but a fixed camera could be linked to the Sky Research hangar. Lobaugh will contact to see if it is still allowable to use their internet link for the connection. The web page will need to be developed and relinked to the City website.Lobaugh included a rough draft of a sample page. Hendickson G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\April 5 2005 AC.doc 2 volunteered to write the verbage for the page. SuperUnicom Funding Avenues Westerman has contacted UPS and they have a charitable foundation that we could apply with. Westerman will draft a letter and bring it to the next commission meeting. Skinner has been talking with Fed Ex and in his absence we don’t have a report. Westerman also spoke with three airports using the SuperUnicom. There have been little technical or mechanical problems and the systems have been well worth the purchase. Lamb was visited by a representative from the Oregon Economic Development Department to discuss the future of Sky Research. During the visit, Lamb asked to have him describe the benefits of an economic zone. Lamb passed the information on to the Planning Director and City Administrator for follow up on what is involved in applying for a designated zone. At this time Ashland is not prepared to campaign for a zone. Lamb passed on the contact information to Griesinger for her follow-up on other economic benefits the Airport Commission could expound on. 4.NEW BUSINESS: A.Fee Increases Staff put together the new formulas for the leases and suggested voting on increases for the rentals at $5.00 more per month for open and closed hangars. Tie-downs and the new set of hangars will not increase this year. The increase in the lease costs will need to be redone. They appear to be incorrect. Lobaugh motioned to increase the open and closed hangar rates by $5.00 for the 2006 fiscal year. Greisinger seconded the motion. Vote passed unanimously. B.House Bill 3254 The new proposed luxury tax would have a direct effect on the aviation population. Representative Buckley and Bates have a weekly phone call on Wednesday morning that Mayor Morrison attends. He will follow up on the status of the bill. C.Election of New Chairperson Rostykus is attending his last meeting. The commission is very thankful to Paul for all his guidance and support during his terms. Hendrickson nominated Lincoln Zeve for the position of chair. Westerman seconded the nomination. Vote was unanimous. Congratulations Lincoln. 5.OTHER: A.Sky Research Expansion Sky Research has been contacting City administration on opportunities for expansion. Sky would like to build an additional hangar and they are currently securing financing. They would like to extend their current lease to a 50 year lease. They will need to address the commission for approval. There have also been some trackout issues near their hangar again. The railroad ties that were blocking vehicles from the taxiway have been moved. Kyle Hopkins from Sky Research thinks it may be the garbage service. They will be out cleaning the area today. They would like to propose paving the FBO expansion area for additional G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\April 5 2005 AC.doc 3 parking. With Skinner being absent, this will be tabled until the next meeting. B.Dead Indian Memorial Road Rock Quarry Application There is an application with Jackson County regarding a rock quarry on Dead Indian Memorial Road. The Council discussed the impact of the quarry and has sent a response to the County. The commission felt a letter from Skinner would be in the best interest since he has been the victim of a vehicular accident in front of the airport. C.Yellow Cab Opportunity Dr. Alan Bender recently used Yellow Taxi for a ride to the Medford airport. The driver happed to be the owner of Yellow Cab and Bender took the opportunity to ask questions regarding performance measures and licensing in Ashland. The requirements for the City only pertain to insurance and safety. The Commission would like the Council to adopt some performance guarantees for the taxi services. Commission would like to draft a letter to Council for support of asking the taxi services to be timely in their response. Their needs to be some accountability for prompt responsible service. Hendrickson will work on a draft letter for the next meeting. 6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner was not present at the meeting. 7.NEXT MEETING DATE: MAY 3rd, 2005, 9:30 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM