HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes August 2005G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\August 2 2005 AC.doc 1 ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION AUGUST 2, 2005 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT:TOM BRADLEY, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, RICHARD HENDRICKSON,PAUL WESTERMAN, BILL SKILLMAN, VICKI GRIESINGER, BOB SKINNER, GOA LOBAUGH STAFF: DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT: JOHN MORRISON, LINCOLN ZEVE 1.CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM 2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES:July 5, 2005, minutes approved as written 3.Public Forum: Airport Security –Bradley asked about future plans for security measures entailed. The airport master plan does call out more fencing, but the cost of the fencing would be in exchange for other improvements. The priority is not high for our airport. The police patrol regularly and it is a small airport which tends to be self-monitoring. Many of the local pilots will drive through the airport on their way past. Many small airports back East have been increasing security since the 9/11 attacks and the AOPA is supportive of more security. The draft master plan calls out for more lighting and fencing in the future. 4.OLD BUSINESS: A.ALP Master Plan Update Century West is still working on the final draft to submit to the FAA. The lease proposition with Brammo Motors is unallowable according to the FAA. Lamb received a call from Don Larsen, Charlie Riordan and ? regarding the land use. They had recently received the master plan draft from Century West. After reviewing the purchase of the land, it was concluded that only 100% aviation related businesses should occupy this location. The AIP funding that purchased the land locks us into these regulations. Larson agreed that the goal is to make airports self-sufficient, and this seems contradictory. The land could be purchased from the FAA to regain control of the use, but it would be purchased at FMV and would become surplus property of the City. The City could then establish CC&Rs limiting the use of the land to aviation type businesses. The profits would go directly back to the airport. If the property were to loose the FAA designation it would be an income generator for the airport. Skillman would want guarantee that the revenue directly benefit the airport. Westerman agreed that he would want assurances that the money benefits the airport directly. There is a debt service that the airport owes for the fuel tanks and for the new t-hangars. Skillman adamantly opposes losing any control over airport property. If the City Council declares the property as surplus, the land could be used for any purpose. There is a lack of understanding about the importance of small general aviation airports to communities. It will be a long time before the infrastructure reaches this land, but it will someday. It would be the last place to build hangars and that may be feasible at some point. The commission could G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\August 2 2005 AC.doc 2 move forward with seeing if the land sale is feasible. Skillman recommended the commission take no action at this time. Lobaugh suggested looking into the history of how the land was purchased. Skinner commented that there is potential for aviation area for income if we ever needed it later down the road. He has always been a proponent of a self-sufficient airport. A.AIP Update The project manager and staff have been working on finishing the items on the final punch list. The beacon is functioning properly with the diversion angle adjusted to keep it from shining on the houses on Oak Knoll. B.Strategic Planning Action Planning: Web Cam Research –Lobaugh continues to work on the web page. Marketing Plan –SOREDI continues to present the airport as a viable resource and potential business location. Colleen Padilla has been updated with the requirements from the FAA for the land lease area. 4.NEW BUSINESS: A.Air Festival Zeve was approached by the coordinator and organizer of the Jackson County Airport festival. He would like to know if we would like to pursue a festival at our airport. Skinner supports bringing the public out to the airfield. The time and effort of putting on the airport day was always consuming. The commission will ask Zeve to communicate further and what details need to be discussed. B.September Meeting Lamb asked if the commission consider not having a meeting in September since it will fall at the end of a long holiday weekend and the first day of school? Westerman motioned to cancel the September meeting, seconded by Griesinger, passed unanimously. 5.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Activity at the airport has been up with the good weather. Skinner added the new twin engine to the ODF. The REIL lighting at the end of the runways seem to be varying in intensity along with the runway lighting. This may need to be readjusted by the FAA. 6.NEXT MEETING DATE: October 2005, 9:30 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:40 AM