HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2005G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\July 5 2005 AC.doc 1 ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION JULY 5, 2005 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT:CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, TOM BRADLEY, BILL SKILLMAN, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER STAFF: DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT: VICKI GRIESINGER,CHAIRMAN LINCOLN ZEVE, GOA LOBAUGH,JOHN MORRISON 1.CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM 2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES:June 3, 2005, minutes approved as written 3.Public Forum: A.Economic Impact Study: Dr. Bender, Embry-Riddle,reviewed the newest EIS done by students from the SOU Business School. He was concerned that the short amount of time to conduct the study may have resulted in a rushed product that did not utilize the survey process to its full extent. He also would like clarification on whether the study based its findings on a City impact or a regional impact. He suggested for a more in depth study by one of the Master’s programs students. The study reflects the positive impact the airport has on Ashland and the Rogue Valley.Bradley suggested having the commission do a summary of expectations and draft a survey to better direct the next students. B.Paul and Kris Hampton introduced themselves to the commission. They are new residents who have moved from Alaska where they were very active in the local airport and built several hangars. They are interested in constructing hangars at the Ashland Airport and will be looking into local demand. C.Itason (sp) Aaronson is interested in the commercial property and would like to discuss with the commission the procedure and challenges to leasing the land. His business is similar to Brammo in that they fabricate composite pieces, but he also does high end wood working. They estimate about 30-50% of their business is aviation and aerospace based. The business has two partners and has been in the process of relocating from the Silicon Valley. They would like to occupy at least one acre and would be willing to share costs of utilities with Brammo. The employment will only be around 8 to 15 people. Half of the positions are estimated to be technical. Aaronson asked if the area could be staked. It is hard to tell the building area from walking the site. DeBoer volunteered to walk the site with Aaronson after the meeting. Bradley suggested meeting with the Planning staff to determine the requirements for the building and for adjacent parking and landscaping. Lease negotiations can be worked out after the applicant decides to pursue the site. 4.OLD BUSINESS: A.ALP Master Plan Update Staff sent all draft mark-ups and revisions to Century West on June 27th. There has been no response. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\July 5 2005 AC.doc 2 B.AIP Update The new beacon is installed and still needs some attention. DeBoer reported that it was fairly bright and we may need to make sure the neighbors are not disturbed. The Electric Department will continue to readjust until the 12 degree differential is correct. Skillman helped with the installation and the adjustment is set above the horizon. Skillman will continue to work with the Electric Department and Swanson Electric to be sure it is fully functional. The washrack is functional and will need to have a hose and reel installed. The Airport Users group could donate those items. C.Strategic Planning Action Planning: No reports this month. D.Fee Increases Bradley has continued to work with Skinner staff to make the spreadsheet functional and up to date. The goal is to design the spreadsheet so that the calculations are automatic when the new CPI is typed. Skillman motioned to accept the spreadsheet as the official CPI increase calculation. Seconded by Stockwell, passed unanimously. E.Steve Green Hangar Renovation The hangar had been outfitted with several additions which will need to be removed before the next tenants can occupy it. Some of the items are minor like cleaning, unfortunately Green had added a furnace and sump pump and the doors had been retrofitted. The doors have been lined with insulation which makes them too heavy to work properly. The opening mechanism is antiquated and will need to be replaced. It is unsafe to keep the door opener as is. The sump pump will need to be removed and the hole filled with concrete. There are several additional electrical outlets between the two hangars to accommodate generators. The hangars are joined together by a man door which can be removed or simply secured. The commission could agree to rent each hangar separately or to rent them as a pair. The cost for all the repairs to make the hangars basic rentals will be approximately $6,000. Skinner and Dale Peters have been working with American Door to work on the electric opener and repair of the tracks. Peters will contact the FBO on an estimated time for renting the hangars. DeBoer asked if Skinner could handle doing the contracting for the repairs. The airport hangars are City facilities and fall under the Union Contracts for our facilities maintenance. It may be something that can be updated into the FBO lease revisions. Because the hangars are lined and closed and the end one is slightly larger the commission felt it prudent to set the rental rate at the new T-hangar rate of $225 plus $5 for electricity. Hendrickson motioned to rent the hangars separately at a rate of $225 plus a $5 electricity fee per month. Motioned seconded by Westerman. Vote passed unanimously. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\July 5 2005 AC.doc 3 4.NEW BUSINESS: A.Brammo Motorsports Update Negotiations continue with Bramscher. The sub-committee met and presented a lease rate and a draft lease. The lease rate is still under discussion. Bradley has worked to establish a rental rate based on local commercial lease rates and land values. The offered rate to Bramscher was based on a $4.90 a square foot rate for the 3.5 acres. This was roughly a $4,200 per month cost. Bramscher countered with $3,400 at the same rate, but based on the footprint of the building. City administration is still considering the counter offer. Skinner supported the counter offer. Bender cautioned that the use of the area as an industrial park could change the dynamics of the airport. Hendrickson felt that the aviation use below the road needs to be strictly for hangars and airplane access, but the lease land should be a revenue generator. Skillman strongly supports the airport remaining in control and the goal should be first and foremost to remain an airport. DeBoer would like to have survey done of the area to see what can be accommodated in the buildable space. The commission supports basing the lease rate on the impervious area with an easement for maintenance of the landscaping. Bradley used this to recalculate his numbers for the lease rate. If the lease is done by impervious area, then Bramscher’s numbers are correct. Commission supported the counter offer by Bramscher. 5.OTHER: 6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports May was a wet month and activity was slow. Business has picked up with the warmer weather. Skinner would like to have the contractor do some more clean up of the washrack. The piping was supposed to be underground to accommodate the new hangar expansion of the FBO Maintenance. The tie-down treatment is alright, but still an eyesore. DeBoer suggested asking Mayor Morrison to do a letter or call to LTM to complain about the aesthetic items. The old low intensity runway lights will be sold to Beagle Airfield as surplus property for $50.00. They will need to pay at the City and take the receipt to Skinner for pick up. 7.NEXT MEETING DATE: August 2, 2005, 9:30 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM