HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes May 2005G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\May 3 2005 AC.doc 1 ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MAY 3, 2005 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT:CHAIRMAN LINCOLN ZEVE, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, TOM BRADLEY, PAUL WESTERMAN, GOA LOBAUGH, BILL SKILLMAN, JOHN MORRISON, BOB SKINNER STAFF: DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT: VICKI GRIESINGER 1.CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM 2.APPROVAL OF MINUTES:April 5, 2005, minutes approved as written 3.Welcome new commissioner, Tom Bradley. 4.Public Forum: 5.OLD BUSINESS: A.ALP Master Plan Update Charles Riordan, ODA, email enclosed once again extending the contract with Century West. The contract is up at the end of June. Lamb spoke with Riordan regarding the challenges not having an adopted completed ALP causes. David Miller from Century West emailed a request for an extension on the April 29th due date for the draft. The adoption of the plan will make new projects fundable. Lamb will send an email when the drafts are received. B.AIP Update Karl Johnson, Project Manager, reported to Lamb that the final control panel for the electrical system had arrived. LTM expects to have work on the medium intensity runway lighting done within the next two weeks. The weather could be a problem if it is too wet for trenching. The gate was supposedly fixed, but Skillman and Skinner say it is still not lockable. Lamb will ask Johnson to stop by and see Skinner on the subject. Skinner said the washrack still needs to be repaired. Lamb will pass that onto Johnson to add to the work list. The new beacon has been ordered and should be here within the next two weeks. Skillman had researched the models that were in the last packet and has recommended either the Halibrite or the Siemens beacon. The Honeywell did not appear to be built as well as the other two. There are no slip-rings and don’t have as many moving parts to break. Lamb will verify with the type of beacon and contact the commission. The FBO office will be replaced with Ashland Electric instead of Pacific Power and Light. Skinner will need to have some paperwork done to switch the service. C.Strategic Planning Action Planning: Web Cam Research –Lobaugh will continue to research cost. The range is from $170 – $700, the camera needed at the airport can be a less expensive version that does not G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\May 3 2005 AC.doc 2 pan or do extraordinary functions. Lobaugh will work with Sky Research representative to work out a placement for the camera and depending on the complexity will attempt to install it. Lobaugh is willing to donate the web development to the commission. The cost would normally be several thousand dollars. The direction of the camera will need to be decided along with the number of thumbnails to show on the page. Skinner felt that a picture update every 15 minutes would be sufficient. Lobaugh will need to find out what the web host capacity will be. Lamb will research funds from the airport commission fund for the camera cost. Lobaugh would like to have information for marketing to put on the site. SuperUnicom Funding Avenues- Westerman and commission reviewed the draft letter and suggested changes. Lamb will finalize the letter for Zeve’s signature. Economic Impact Study – Zeve has been in contact with three students from SOU. They will be producing the report. They were hoping to have a draft set of questions for a survey put together for the commission’s review before the meeting. Zeve will forward on the questions so that the group has put together. Skinner and his staff have been helping compile information for the study. We have more potential for a larger more in depth study. The students will need to complete the study in the next eight weeks for their class. They will be utilizing the 1997 study as a template. They will be gathering information from Skinner and the City. Bradley will try getting a similar study from another airport. D.Fee Increases Lamb asked the commission to review the calculations for the CIP to ensure the amounts are correct. The formula in the existing spreadsheet appears to be wrong. Lamb asked the commission to consider adopting a fixed formula for the calculation. Bradley works with CPI ENR indexes in his business and is familiar with the formulas. Skinner and Bradley will meet to discuss the calculations and come back to the commission next month with recommendations. 4.NEW BUSINESS: A.Airport Day Airport events need to be rescheduled to coincide with other events like fly-ins. The insurance requirements, drug testing requirements and the organization have all become issues. With Clark Hamilton retiring from the Airport Association, there is no one to organize the event. The event always brought the community out to the airport. There needs to be another way of connecting with the community. Stockwell said that Scienceworks holds a day that is dedicated to all things that fly. If we could offer some events at the airport on that day it would be a great way to have children and adults see the airport. Zeve will contact Rostykus about where the Airport Association revival left off. B.Airport Inspection Progress The letters included in the packet will be mailed out to the hangar occupants. They will need to contact Skinner Aviation if their hangars have locks that are not accessible. Lamb would like to give the renters and lessees time to get keys or combinations to Skinner before setting a date for the inspection. Lamb will have available dates for the inspections at the next commission meeting. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\May 3 2005 AC.doc 3 C.Taxi Service Complaint Hendrickson drafted a letter to the Council regarding the taxi service asking for performance standards. There is no current limit to the amount of taxi services in Ashland, but the number of actual taxis that service Ashland share the entire valley. Morrision said it was fine for the city to start looking at an assessment of the services. Hopefully the city can require better performance. Other commissioners have heard that this is a bigger issue than just service at the airport. The problem is Citywide. It is time to review the licensing policy. 5.OTHER: A.Quarry on Dead Indian Memorial Road Stockwell reported that the new quarry has been a contentious development with the neighbors along Dead Indian. There has been a group of concerned neighbors formed to stop the quarry from being approved. The City put in a letter of non-support at the request of the Council. B.Sky Research Topics Kyle Hopkins attended the meeting as a representative of Sky Research. Hopkins will be able to contribute information for the Economic Impact Study. The study they had completed showed they are contributing $10 million dollars a year. Skinner feels that the direct and indirect costs need to be considered. There is a cost value attached to the Forest Service, Oregon State Police, the forensic lab, Fed Ex and UPS. Morrison mentioned that during a speech by the Governor where Sky was mentioned as a new business bringing productivity to Oregon. Lamb talked with the supervisor of Ashland Sanitary who dispatched to his drivers that the taxiway next to Sky Research is to remain blocked by railroad ties. Unfortunately there will be no way to tell who moved the railroad ties. The contractor may have moved the railroad ties. Lamb will remind the project manager to tell the contractor that vehicles are not allowed on the taxiways. Skinner heard that there was a question on when he will be building the expansion to his maintenance hangar, because Sky Research would like to pave over the area to extend the parking lot. Skinner is not opposed to the parking lot paving, but when he is prepared to expand he will want the asphalt to be removed. Sky will have to work out the area to be paved within the allowable area. Skinner felt that the cost of the asphalt and removal should be Sky’s burden. C.FAM Grant Application Lamb was sorry to announce this to the commission so late, but the FAM grant through ODA is due by next Monday. The grant is for $25,000 and can be used for limited amount of items. Olson suggested we use it for tree trimming. Lamb would like the commission to brainstorm other item it may be used for. Lamb will email the application out for the commission to review applicable items. The improvements can only be made to help safety issues for aircraft, nothing to update buildings or vehicle access roads and such. It also has to be an item adopted in the current airport master plan. It is not enough to pay for the Superunicom which is not named in the current master plan. G:\pub-wrks\eng\dept-admin\AIRP\MINUTES\2005\May 3 2005 AC.doc 4 6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Steve Green has given notice that he will be leaving at the end of May. The cost of continuing was not justifiable. It will open two closed hangars for rent. Lamb will contact Dale Peters with Facilities to have a punchlist put together for rehabilitating the hangars for rental. The doors will need to be either updated or removed. Skinner will have no problem filling the hangars. Oregon Department of Forestry and the US Forest Service have exclusive contracts with the pilots and aircraft for fire season. Skinner was appointed to the Fire Aviation Committee for the state of Oregon (?). They are involved in fire suppression strategies for all of Oregon. Southern Oregon has have on of the best resources for the entire area covered which includes Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Skinner will be acquiring another twin-engine aircraft by next weekend. They will add it to the charter list for rentals. It will be an air attack type one multi engine aircraft to add to the resource list with the forest service. 7.NEXT MEETING DATE: June 7th, 2005, 9:30 AM ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:07 AM