HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2006ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION MARCH 7, 2006   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:              RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, BILL SKILLMAN, JOHN MORRISON, LINCOLN ZEVE, GOA LOBAUGH, TOM BRADLEY STAFF:            DAWN LAMB, RUSS SILBIGER MEMBERS ABSENT:  CLAUDIA STOCKWELL Visitors:  1.                   CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM 2.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:    February 7, 2006, minutes approved as written. 3.                   Public Forum: Economic Impact Study Presentation:  Brendyn Shiflea, Team Aviation SOU Business School presented the final version of the Ashland Municipal Airport Economic Impact Study.    4.       OLD BUSINESS: A.                 FAA Response to Land Use Letter With the letter from the FAA there needs to be a direction from the commission.  Bradley felt the property could be attractive to someone looking for this kind of area if we market the land.  Skinner agreed that it takes the right kind of company and the right kind of marketing.  The Chief operation at the Grants Pass Airport was a beneficial situation for both them and Chief.  Bradley thought the terrain might be a little uninviting to some prospective companies.  Westerman asked if a split deal would be beneficial to a company with hangars lower on the field and administration offices on the parcel above.  Hendrickson supported doing a marketing blitz and seeing if there were any leads.  Zeve supports the marketing blitz but not sure how to target the appropriate markets for the best results.  Lobaugh also agreed with a marketing effort before other options.    Zeve suggested and made the motion that a subcommittee be formed to discuss available options with various state agencies such as SOREDI, OECDD and the Chamber of Commerce.  They will report back to the committee with different options for marketing and incentives.  Lobaugh seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  Zeve, Bradley and Lobaugh will form the subcommittee.   Bender suggested approaching RCC to see if there are any educational opportunities.    B.                 Mead & Hunt Economic Impact Study Update The online survey process should be underway on the website.  Lamb encouraged all commissioners to participate to ensure decent base data for the study.  The results will not be available from the study for another year.  When the study is complete, Mead & Hunt will compile reports for individual airports.  State information will be incorporated into legislative funding documentation.  This study will formalize the aviation system as part of the overall transportation system for Oregon.    C.                 ALP Master Plan Update Tonight is the review of the ALP by the City Council.  Lamb will present with Skinner’s help if needed.  After the approval the final documents will be sent to the FAA for their approval.   D.                 Strategic Planning Action Planning: Web Cam – Lobaugh has moved forward with web development of the site.  The camera will be the next step and Lobaugh is considering using one of his old cameras and donating it to the airport.  The last pieces of the website need to be polished and the cost of the website domain will need to be calculated.   4.     NEW BUSINESS:  A.                 Burl Brim Building Plans Burl Brim has been occupying the private hangar behind the FBO offices and has been trying to accommodate other facilities but the hangar is far too small.  Brim requests support in building the next hangar in the row and conjoining the hangars with a shared office.  This will alleviate the parking issues and the landing issues.  The helicopters are fairly close to the taxiway and do cause some apprehension by pilots in passing the hangar.  Brim would like to construct the hangar on a 60X60 footprint and use the extra space in front for better landing and staging for the helicopters.  The area behind the hangar could be excavated to accommodate a landing pad for the helicopters to help keep the take off disturbances from disturbing the neighbors.  Any parking or landing pad will be temporary considering the area will be needed for taxiway when construction reaches that area.   Zeve asked if Brim still planned on constructing a hangar at the taxiway in the commercial area.  Brim began working on this but the road alignment became a problem and he was going to look at other areas. Zeve asked Brim if he would be interested in the area across the airport road for future construction.  Brim did not know that area was available for helicopter use.  Glen Ward, resident adjacent to the airport felt that the area above Airport Road would be much more suitable for helicopters.  Hendrickson commented that Brim’s staff had been very helpful with other pilots and adjoining neighbors.  The company is categorized as a 133 and 135 operator who works with fire fighting, ODFW, gas pipeline construction and law enforcement observations.  Brim has two Hughes 500 helicopters and a personal fixed wing plane, employs three pilots, three mechanics and one office clerk.  Zeve would rather see a long term solution in the works for everyone’s benefit.  Brim said that this was an immediate fix and plans within five years to build a larger hangar.  Skillman felt the addition to the existing hangar would still be appealing to future occupants.    Fuel Flowage:  There needs to be more research done in the exact requirement for fuel flowage fees.  The fuel flowage is charged when fuel is sold on the airfield.  If the airport does not follow the specific rules the pertaining to the fuel flowage we could lose our federal and state funding.  Staff needs to do more research on when it specifically applies to a fuel supplier.  Brim is concerned with the amount of coordination for his staff to monitor the fuel that is used on field or out at job sites.   Staff will work with the legal department and research with the FAA standards on when it is applicable and how to adopt the fees as a commission.    B.                 OAMA Conference Report             Background:  The conference in Klamath Falls was well attended.  There were reports from Homeland Security and from legislative funding initiatives.      5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports The fence has been repaired but some mud still remains on the field.  Skinner asked staff to write a note to Paul Mace to have the stacking up of materials at the end of the hangars be removed.    6.     OTHER: Glen Ward came in to discuss the helicopter use at the airport.  The practices of using certain areas of the airport for helicopter maneuvers have caused a hardship on Ward’s property.  He asked that the helicopters be made to stay 150 feet in either direction away from his residence.  The proximity of the fence and of the small cliff does pose a possible incident.  Ward is supportive of airport activities, but asks that this matter be addressed.  Ward calls the FBO office to report most incidents and they radio the helicopter operator.  The airport is an airport so it is tough to establish directives for the pilots when they are doing allowable maneuvers on an airport.  The FBO staff will continue to encourage the maneuvers to be done away from the Ward residence.    7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 4th , 2006, 9:30 AM ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:10 AM