HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2006ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION FEBRUARY 7, 2006   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:              RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, BILL SKILLMAN STAFF:            DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:  JOHN MORRISON, LINCOLN ZEVE, GOA LOBAUGH, TOM BRADLEY Visitors:  1.                   CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM 2.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:    January 3rd, 2006, minutes approved with changes. 3.                   Public Forum: None.   4.       OLD BUSINESS: A.                 FAA Response to Land Use Letter The FAA letter reiterated many of the already existing regulations.  The commission will need to decide to address if the potential sale of the property would be worthwhile, or increase the amount of marketing for aviation businesses to secure a lease for more income.   Next month the financial information will be discussed and before we make a decision we should see where we stand.  Skillman reiterated his feeling that control of the land should remain for aviation growth.  Hendrickson agreed with Skillman and would like to pursue leasing the land to a tenant.  Morrison questioned the motive of selling the land and what benefit the proceeds would have for the airport.  If the land is sold, it is to be sold at the current fair market value and the proceeds could only be applied to future AIP projects that the FAA would agree to fund under the master plan.  The funds can not be used for past accrued debt.  We could not pay down the fuel tanks, the card lock or the T-hangar construction with the money.  There are many conditions to meet before the land could be sold under the FAA guidelines.  There would need to be an appraisal and the cost would need to be factored into the budget. The budget is overspent for this year because of the maintenance needed on the Steve Green hangars.    Skillman said that if a long term lease agreement could be reached where the City/ Airport Commission remained in control he would support the additional income at the airport.  If we were to sell the parcel of land the control would be lost to private expansion, be it residential or commercial.    The Commission will wait to make any decisions until the financial information is available.   B.                 Mead & Hunt Economic Impact Study Update The first regional meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 3, 2006 in Klamath Falls.  They have requested limited attendance due to the confined space they reserved.  Lamb will attend and report back to the commission.    C.                 ALP Master Plan Update The scheduled date for the Council review is March 7th.  Skinner will attend with Lamb and they will present the draft ALP for review.  Council will have this chance to make comments, but the document has already been through a public hearing process.  The FAA is anxious to have final closeout.  Morrison asked for a revision to be made to the Council Communication for the potential motions.    D.                 Strategic Planning Action Planning: No presentations this month.    4.     NEW BUSINESS:  A.                 Connect Oregon/ Cogent Corporation             Background:             The Cogent Corporation is asking for our endorsement for a grant opportunity they are applying for with Connect Oregon.   Connect Oregon is an organization that offers transportation grants for projects that impact the transportation facilities throughout the state.  Cogent is hoping to secure a grant to implement several improvements to many general aviation airports throughout the state.    Paul Westerman and I contacted Cindy and Robert Peak after receiving information from her.  Paul and I discussed the future of our airport in terms of growth potential for instrument inclusion.  Some of the systems proposed are not designed for our airport, or are not needed.  Paul requested that Cogent research into the AWOS system they sponsor to see if it would be a potential substitute for the Superunicom.  Other suggested systems would include the wireless internet access, low cost taxiway lighting, pilot advisories, airport information display, information kiosk and the security features.  The airport manager reports would also be a benefit to us as we have needed to gather this information on several occasions in just the past year.   Cogent is asking for a letter supporting their request for grant money from Connect Oregon to upgrade general aviation airports in Oregon, Washington and Idaho with the system package they have put together.  They have identified three classes of airports; one being a strip with no amenities; two being a small general aviation airport with on-field amenities, but little to no charter services for passengers; and, three is an airport with passenger services and more amenities.    The cost would be nothing to us for the letter of support, and the commitment would be only to say that we would be willing to participate if the grant was offered to Cogent by Connects Oregon.  The grant match would be paid by Cogent.  They have asked that we supply a computer to run some of the systems.  The maintenance fees for equipment installed would be paid for the first five years.  Cogent feels that after that time the increase in pilot use of the airport will be able to pay for the maintenance costs.  They also suggested implementing a subscription policy to pilots who will be using some of the services.    If the Commission supports the program, we need to send a letter of support to them today for their application submittal on February 15th.                          Commission Discussion:             Lamb spoke with Cindy Peak prior to the meeting and at the suggestion of Paul Westerman, Cogent researched the SuperAWOS system.  Cogent was impressed by the self sufficiency and ease of the SuperAWOS compared to the system they offered and offered to partner with the SuperAWOS parent company for inclusion of their AWOS system into the Cogent package.                The Connect Oregon grants are available to private and government entities for transportation resources.  This means grant monies are available to rail projects, shipping projects, road projects and aviation projects.  The rumor has been that there are so many applications for the grant funds that additional people have been hired to help sort the massive amounts of applications.                If Cogent is successful in obtaining grant funds, their project will move along very quickly.  Not many of the systems they install require construction.                Westerman felt that applying for a Connects Oregon grant as a single entity would be viable.  Going in with an application that could benefit many airports and users and help transportation connectivity might be considered above a request that benefits a single beneficiary.                Hendrickson moved to send the letter of support to Cogent for inclusion in their application to Connect Oregon.  Stockwell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.    5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Business has been slower with winter weather.  The fence that was damaged in the storm event is being fixed this week.  The cost will run around $900.  There is still some additional clean-up on the taxiways.  Lamb will ask the street division to schedule a day for clean up and to help with areas where some backfill will need to restore washed away material.    There is another private boat in the CAP hangar.   Lamb will follow up with the City attorney to see what actions can be taken.    When the weather is drier the street division will be out to do painting and Skinner requested they put lines on the new parking area between Sky Research and the FBO office since Burl Brim Excavation employees are parking there also.  Skinner is also concerned over the amount of people utilizing the restroom facilities in the FBO office.  The Brim employees have been using the bathrooms and they are not being very polite to others.  Skinner believes that Brim was going to come in and see the building department on the requirements to construct a bathroom in the existing hangar.  Lamb seemed to remember that Day had retrofitted and stubbed the hangar for water and sewer, but will need to look at the building plans to be sure.    The Sky Research barrier that blocked the taxiway to vehicles has been moved again.  Skillman had gone out and put it back once.  Lamb will send an email or letter asking for it to be replaced.  The installation of locking bollards may need to be the next step to ensuring no one drives out on to the taxiway.    The Green hangars continue to be a source of money and maintenance woes.  One of the hangars is leaking, the floor treatment is going to be expensive to repair and one of the doors is only able to open to 9 feet high.  Peters continues to work on them and hopes one will be rentable by this week.    Lamb is working with Brim on the fuel flowage.  There are a lot of challenges to deciding how to track his fuel.  It is not only used at the airport and we are only able apply the fee to the amount used at the airport.  Lamb and Brim have been working on this and have discussed using a percentage of his overall monthly receipts.  Commission was supportive of this idea.  Lamb and Brim will continue to work out the agreement.    Skinner may need to refund Bill Tout for his portion of the annual lease payment since he paid for an entire year and Brim is now in the hangar.  Lamb will need to know when Tout paid and the amount to be refunded.    Skinner is going to work with John Loram to put in a wireless router for the AFN connection at the airport.  Skinner Aviation is also developing a website.  We will need to tell Lobaugh to add a link to the Airport website.    Next Agenda:  Budget Review of outstanding debt service, maintenance costs, income and expenses.   6.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  March 7, 2006, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM