HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2006ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 5, 2006   MINUTES   MEMBERS PRESENT:              RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, BILL SKILLMAN, GOA LOBAUGH, TOM BRADLEY, RUSS SILBIGER STAFF:            DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:  CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, LINCOLN ZEVE Visitors:  1.                   CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM 2.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:    August 1st, 2006, minutes approved with corrections. 3.                   Public Forum:   4.       OLD BUSINESS: A.                 Burl Brim Hilltop Helipad Development Lamb met with Bill Phillip and Mike Ussary from Brim Excavation to discuss the lease options and the estimated cost of the utility construction.  Brim had planned to attend the meeting, but was called away unexpectedly.  Phillip and Lamb brought Ussary up on the topics.  Ussary was willing to work up an estimate on the cost for the utility corridor.    DeBoer felt that the cost of the land was worth a higher lease rate and that the cost at fair market value needed to be investigated.  The traditional lease may not work or apply in the situation.  Lamb commented that the lease with Sky Research set a standard for commercial leases at the airport and some continuity would need to apply.  The helipad constructed by Brim would be a benefit to all helicopter flights coming in and out of the airport.  The expectation for Brim to assume all the costs for the construction needs to be averted.  The gain of the utility and the growth of the area for other services needs to be kept in mind.  Skillman commented that because of the different location of the operation qualify Brim from being subject to existing lease arrangements.  DeBoer felt that Brim would be an FBO operating on the upper parcel and needed to be subject to all the fees and regulations of an FBO.  Currently Brim is only servicing fuel to his own aircraft and not selling fuel which is applicable to a fuel flowage cost.  Skinner agreed that the pad would become a public helipad and Brim would have the opportunity to sell fuel to incoming helicopters.  DeBoer still felt the lease should be tied to the market value of the property and the lease discussion would need to go before council for approval.  For Skinner to be able to serve fuel on the helipad, a connection to Airport Road would need to be extended for the fuel trucks to drive up to the upper parcel.  The extension of the road is in the Master Plan and will eventually happen.  The taxiway connection scheduled for the next AIP would be to steep to accommodate a vehicle.    Lamb will continue to work with Brim personnel for pre-application submission, grant opportunities and the lease options.  Lamb will contact Brim regarding the fuel flowage for the site.    B.                 Strategic Planning Action Items: No action this month.    4.     NEW BUSINESS:  A.                 Pavement Maintenance Plan Schedule & Scope NOTAM will list closures needed to complete the taxiway and runway crack sealing.  The contractor will be working with Skinner to clear dates and times.  The contractor is aware of the 99ers fly in and will work to avoid those dates for work.   B.                 Hangar Addressing The marking of the hangars has been a needed improvement for some years.  While looking at the best ways to mark the hangars for clarity in an emergency situation, the fire department worked with staff to renumber the hangars in a more intuitive system.  Staff worked with Skinner staff and all are in agreement that some of the current numbers would be adjusted for flow and to accommodate future addressing on the field.  Staff will be applying numbers and sending out letters to the hangar occupants making them aware of the updates.   C.                 CAP Lease Update Lamb drafted a letter to the current CAP commander on the impending rental rate.  DeBoer asked for the letter to state that the aircraft could be liened if passed assessed costs are not collected.  Skinner commented that the lease currently does not have a clause and doing a retro assessment if they are not in violation of the lease would be an unwelcome approach.  There is a clause about no personal storage in the hangar.  It is solely for CAP owned aircraft or completely dedicated to CAP activities.  If any personal use can be proven then the rate should be charged.  Skillman agreed that they should pay the vintage closed hangar rate.  Make the date effective September 1st, 2006.  No outside storage on the airport should be allowed to keep the airport safe and secure.     5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Hillsboro airport is undergoing growth and at the AIP meeting, the City of Ashland was mentioned as an example of how to operate and on our good work.    Activity has been up for the warm days.  Need to have some painting done at the airport and can the stop bar be painted where the stop sign is.    6.     OTHER: Airport Association will be making greeting efforts for the 99 Fly In.  There will be a welcoming party and some help with shuttling the members to and from the conference site at the Ashland Springs Hotel.    7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  October 3rd, 2006, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:20 AM