HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes June 2006ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION JULY 18, 2006   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:            PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, BILL SKILLMAN, LINCOLN ZEVE, GOA LOBAUGH, TOM BRADLEY, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL STAFF:            DAWN LAMB, MIKE FRANELL MEMBERS ABSENT:  ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, RUSS SILBIGER Visitors:  1.                   CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM 2.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:    June minutes approved as written. 3.                   Public Forum: Sky Research Discussion on Railroad Tie Solution Staff at Sky Research came to discuss options to affixing the railroad ties to the pavement.  The small parking area and the increasing number of people using the parking lot have made it even more difficult to turn around in a large vehicle.  Sky would like to install something that could be removed if need be to accommodate large semi-trucks.  John Steinbergs asked if painting a sign on the pavement stating no vehicles with stop signs.  Lamb felt that if the physical barrier of the railroad ties was not stopping vehicles, that a painted message would be quickly ignored.  The stop signs would be complicated because of the height restrictions so close to the taxiway.  Sky asked if a gate would be an option and the commission felt it would as long as it met height restrictions and had controlled keys.  The keys would be kept with Skinner and Sky personnel to ensure that the gate stayed locked.  Skinner typically has staff in the office on the weekends, and on the weekends there would not be the large amount of vehicles in the parking lot making the maneuvering easier.    The road was built by Sky to encourage drivers to not use the taxiway due to the chance of vehicle and aircraft conflict.  The two exits from the road that connect to the taxiway are now blocked by the railroad ties, but the ties get moved around and have been seen on the taxiway.  While the permanent affixing of the ties to the pavement is cost efficient and easily completed, Sky would like to look at other options.  Reflectors could be added to the ties to make them more visible. Ties may not be the best option for emergency vehicles either.  The airport continues to grow and we will continue to have growing pains.  The commission goal is to keep the incursion between aircraft and vehicles to a minimum.  The problem is not always the employees, it has been a problem with delivery vehicles and garbage trucks.  The constant turnover of personnel at the delivery companies makes it difficult to keep them from moving the ties and driving on the taxiway.    Sky felt that the commission was not being supportive of their company at the airport.  Zeve insisted that this was not the case and this problem was not only Sky’s responsibility.  It is great to see Sky representatives at the meeting and to hear what the future holds for the company.  Lamb reiterated that the liability of an accident being caused by the railroad ties ending up on the taxiway would be wide spread.  There needs to be a solution that keeps both parties from being liable.  Continually checking to see if the railroad ties are in place is becoming an issue.  Whatever method is used to it needs to be a shared responsibility between Skinner, Sky and the City.  Skillman said he was appreciative of Sky Research at the airport.  They bring great opportunity to the airport and the community.  Lamb asked for a representative from Sky to be at each airport commission meeting if it was possible.  They are a vital piece of our airport and need to be involved and informed on what is happening.    Options were further discussed.  The idea of removable gates that would be put out after hours and on weekends was brought up.  Lamb felt it was inappropriate to have the Sky Research employees have that responsibility.  The solution should be something that requires the least amount of attention.  If there is a gate it should have a swing shut automatically.  Safety is our primary goal.  What can we do to make the situation as safe as possible.  Skinner liked the idea of poles and chains with signage.  A key would be issued to Skinner and Sky.  There will be four poles and two chains with two locks.    Sky will research the poles and bring it back to staff for a discussion on the design and the location.  This will be adjacent to the Sky hangar property and we need to be sure not to install them in an area that will cause detriment to Sky.   The parking lot also needs to be monitored to keep cars back far enough from the taxiway in the front.  Sky and Skinner have been asking for people to park back further to be sure that wing clearance is adequate.    Decision:  Lobaugh moved to support installing poles and chains.  Sky will design the two chain gates with concrete fixtures for removable bollards and bring it back to the commission next month.  Seconded by Skillman and passed unanimously.   Airport Flight Patterns:   Sky brought a suggestion that the commission look at encouraging a flyover pattern that kept planes over the I-5 corridor.  This would help keep the noise levels away from the downtown area and residential areas.    Commission felt that developing a directional pattern to encourage pilots to cause as little disturbance to town as possible.  The Bend Airport has an encouraged pattern in a brochure.   4.       OLD BUSINESS: A.                 ALP Master Plan Council Adoption The ALP presentation will only entail the adoption of the Master Plan.  Lamb will make the presentation tonight to council.    B.                 Burl Brim Hilltop Helipad Development Mike Franell, City Attorney, met with the commission to help go over options for the Burl Brim Helipad lease.  The airport will not have the funds to extend the utilities to the Helipad for three to four years.  Staff sent a letter asking if Brim would be willing to work on a lease where the City paid for the installation through lease deductions.    Franell offered the suggestion to offer Brim a pay back option as further development happens, a construction incentive.  Skinner felt that would be an option, but the build out happens so slowly.  Is there a possibility of putting a cap on the time before he can be paid back?  The layout in the master plan could be followed or a linear foot cost to reimburse.  Franell felt that the lease could have a contingency clause that if the costs are not recouped in ten years a lease deduction can be started.  Zeve suggested making the terms no more than five years until the reimbursement would be initiated.  Skinner commented that if infrastructure was in then it is an advantage to the city and would help to initiate more construction for the City.  There is the potential for another six private hangars in the next ten years if the infrastructure is in.  Lobaugh asked about the Bureau of Labor and Industries condition.  Why will this be a lesser expense for Brim then the City managing the project.  The City will have to pay what is referred to as prevailing wage rates which if Brim was to do the installation, it would not be applicable.  Brim’s costs could be as much as 35-40% less.    Franell discussed what the reasonable rate of return would be for Brim if the return for construction was used.  The costs would be recaptured on a dollar amount per unit to utilize his infrastructure.   There needs to be an allocation of what his benefit would be.  Skinner felt that for the 10 or 5 year period for the cost entitlement seemed reasonable, but after that time the lease reduction would begin.  Bradley suggested starting with the ten year term and negotiating from there.  Zeve asked if doing the pay out from the beginning would be worth it if we did pay the BOLI wages.  This is an option and could be used to ensure that it is done without question.  If the pipe is supplied by the City it may need to be prevailing wage regardless of who does the work.   The commission decided to create a subcommittee to discuss the options with Brim; Lobaugh, Bradley, Zeve and Franell.    C.                 Strategic Planning Action Items: Web Cam - Lobaugh is still working on the time stamp.  The site has had 400 visitors so far.  That is a good traffic representation.   Rates & Fees Policy Subcommittee– Lamb asked commissioners to look at the enclosed Rates and Fees policies and brainstorm what our airport could benefit from.  Lamb would like to work with a subcommittee to work on adopting a rates and fees policy for the Ashland airport.   4.     NEW BUSINESS:  A.                 Maintenance Updates             Hangar Repairs: The unoccupied hangar work continues.  LTM completed the floor repairs and replaced the asphalt.  The cost was $4,500.  The tracks for the door have been ordered and are going to be installed by Industrial Door.  The final piece will be the replacement of water damaged dry wall in the hangar.   The FBO office building and the fuel shed will be painted in the next month.    5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner is planning on doing some furniture replacement and office rearrangement and would like to know if the City could replace the carpet and do some painting at the same time.  The carpet is over a dozen years old and has been through a few pavement projects that have tracked oil and slurry into the office.  The carpet gets cleaned twice a year, but it is beginning to wear.  The restroom walls could be painted or have a plastic finish put on that would help prevent the wall staining.  Commissioners asked if there are other floor treatments that might be more suitable and less costly to maintain.    Green hangar needs the rails installed for the doors and some drywall work but will then be complete.    6.     OTHER: 99s Fly In  - The 99s are holding a conference for a joint meeting of the northwest and southwest chapter.  They are expecting fifty or more pilots and have asked for the tie down fees to be waived.  Skinner is already offering a 10 cent a gallon discount in fuel.  The commission discussed doing a discount instead of waiving the entire fee.    Westerman moved to waive the fee and Lobaugh seconded the motion.  Two in favor two opposed, motion failed.    Bradley moved to do a reduction in the tie down fee to $9.99 per aircraft for the three day weekend, Lobaugh seconded the motion.  Passed unanimously.  Staff will notify the 99s and Skinner staff.   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  August 1, 2006, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM