HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2006ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION JUNE 6, 2006   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:              RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, BILL SKILLMAN, LINCOLN ZEVE, GOA LOBAUGH, TOM BRADLEY STAFF:            DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:  CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, RUSS SILBIGER Visitors:   1.                   CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM 2.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:    April 4th, minutes approved as written. 3.                   Public Forum:   4.       OLD BUSINESS: A.                 ALP Master Plan Council Adoption The adoption is scheduled for the July 18th City Council meeting at 7 PM at the Council Chambers.  Besides presenting the Airport Master Plan for adoption the Commission will present their commission goals and vision statement.  The Commissions are asked to present to Council every two years and it has been some time since the Commission presented to the Council.  Lamb will put together an outline to go over with the Commission at the July meeting prior to the Council meeting.  Commissioners are asked to attend, if they are available.    The Council will ask questions regarding the master plan and the latest accomplishments.  Westerman will be out of town that week.  Other commissioners will check their schedules for availability.   B.                 Burl Brim Hilltop Helipad Development Bill Philip and Lamb met to discuss the FAA helipad application.  The application is fairly straightforward, but the process to build around the helipad will need to be followed closely.  Philip was also given the requirements for the utility corridor.  Lamb asked the Commission about options for Burl Brim regarding the installation of the utilities.  The capability of his company to perform the construction is a benefit time wise for the project and the City.   The commission agreed to have staff approach Brim and Philip to present an estimate for the utility corridor work.  Lamb will bring in the estimate put together by the Engineering Department for discussion purposes.  The commission would like to consider a lease option where the cost of the utility installation was credited against the lease.  The payoff for the utility costs could be negotiated with Brim.  Lamb will send a letter to Brim and Philip asking for the estimate and asking if they would be open to the option of a lease reduction until the cost is recouped.    There is a residence just north of the proposed helipad locations down in a ravine area that may need to be contacted.  Bradley located the owners as Eva and Gary Voget.  The commission suggested the Philip and Brim to make an effort to talk to the owners to discuss the implications of a helicopter operation on their lives.    The application for the Hilltop Helipad will be submitted in the fall.   C.                 Strategic Planning Action Items: Web Cam is operational with some pages under construction.  Lobaugh is working on links to the local businesses.  Commission discussed keeping the links simple by linking to existing civic sites like the Chamber of Commerce.  There is a cross promotional opportunity.  Lithia Springs has already created a special package deal for a fly-in scheduled for September.    The maintenance of the site needs to be kept simple for Skinner’s staff to be able to do most of the updating.  The link to the camera at the airport has some issues with the ISP consistency in uploading  current pictures.  The lag is supposed to be five minutes or less for the pictures to be updated.  The ISP and the weather software may not interface.  Lobaugh has been trying to locate the issue and correct the problem.   The goal is to get the website setup and keep it simple to upkeep.  Lamb suggested having Stockwell speak to the Chamber about future opportunities and linking to the website.    SOREDI – Zeve and Skinner met with Colleen Padilla from the SOREDI Medford office to discuss marketing options for the airport.  There is a better understanding for the businesses that would be suitable for the airport.  There are no current businesses seeking airport access with SOREDI, but the meeting was educational for the SOREDI representatives and will help them to seek out potential opportunities.    4.     NEW BUSINESS:  A.                 FAM Grant Tree Trimming The grant had been awarded for $10,000 for the tree trimming at the airport.  The window to trim the trees and still receive the funds has passed.  The nesting of the hawks and the leafing of the trees made it too costly to try and trim this spring.  The grant will be reapplied for next year for $25,000 which should be enough to cover the tree trimming contract.  The $10,000 would not have been an adequate amount to complete the amount of tree trimming needed.  Zeve asked if the NOTAM should address the trees if they have grown tall enough to be in the obstruction of instrument landings.  Skinner will look into the distance between the trees and the aircraft.   5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports There is still clean-up around the Valley Investment hangars that needs to be cleaned by the sweeper.  Some painting needs to be done around the airport.  The paint crews had a late start this year due to the wet weather.  They will be out to do some lining later in the summer.    6.     OTHER: Sky Research Access: The railroad ties at the taxiway entrance off the Sky Research hangar are once again being moved by delivery truck drivers and others.  Lamb discussed the situation with Sky staff who were going to make efforts to keep the ties in place.  Hendrickson reported that the ties had actually been pushed into the taxiway and left there.  The situation is now endangering the pilots and must be dealt with.   Skillman motioned to have permanent collapsible bollards installed, require Sky to have both egress points north and east facing, either charge or bill Sky for both locations of egress.  Hendrickson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.   Yard Sale: It was mentioned that other airports hold a hangar yard sale to help clean-out hangars at the airports.  The idea is to have a day when tenants can clean the hangars and make a profit.  The airport sponsors the clean up and at the end if there is stuff to dispose of the airport rents dumpsters for the work.  Lamb will need to check with the legal department on the liability.   Skinner will see if there is any interest with the airport users.   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  July 18th, 2006, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:10 AM