HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2006ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION DECEMBER 5, 2006   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:              RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, RUSS SILBIGER, LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN DEBOER, CLAUDIA STOCKWELL, GOA LOBAUGH STAFF:            DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:  TOM BRADLEY, BILL SKILLMAN Visitors:  Joanne Krippaehne, Kyle Hopkins, Sky Research 1.                   CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM 2.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:    November 7, 2006, minutes approved as written. 3.                   Public Forum:   4.       OLD BUSINESS: A.                 Burl Brim Hilltop Helipad Development Joanne Krippaehne wanted to address the commission on two main issues: The first is that Burl Brim has submitted a formal request to build a second hangar on the adjacent building footprint.  The hangar would be built as an addition to the maintenance hangar and would be used for vehicle and aircraft storage.  The hangar proposed would be a shell and not include doors.  This reduces the cost significantly.  The addition to the original hangar is still planned, but this would help meet some of the planning requirements such as parking.  The addition needed to be altered slightly to accommodate the three foot firewall requirement from the building department.  The maintenance area and the office area need to have a firewall separation installed.  This increases the width by two feet but still leaves the needed space between the hangars.    Brim also requested in the submittal that the leases be matched to both be 25 years so they are in synch.  The lease options will need to be decided.  The current lease is at the lower reversionary fee of .185 cents a square foot.  There is currently 17 years left on the existing contract at the lower rate.  It may not be beneficial to switch the lease.  This would need to go through the legal department for a review.  No precedent exists for converting a lower lease to a higher lease.  There could be an open solicitation that would need to take place because of the change effects an existing City structure to a private owner.  This would need to be discussed with legal also.  There may need to be a public notice stating the change to allow public comment.  Without Brim’s input on which lease he would prefer, the commission will wait to submit questions to the legal department.  The interest in the lease could be bought out by Brim, it would be a simple calculation of the remaining amount on the lease.  If Brim decides to just continue the lease, that is fine and if he decides to switch the lease to help ensure financing the commission will work with legal to decide the procedure.  Krippaehne will bring the lease question to Brim to see if he has a preference.  Depending on decision, Lamb will ask Finance and Legal for input on the change of lease.  It is ultimately up to Brim to see what makes more financial sense for his business. Silbiger feels the council would take into account the airport commission’s input and make a decision based on the best interest of the City.    Zeve asked that if Brim is willing to build a new hangar, why is he not just leaving the existing hangar as is and putting the office in the new hangar.  Krippaehne stated that the addition can be done more economically if the addition is done to the existing hangar and the planning process has already started.  It would be time consuming to cancel the planning action and resubmit.  There are also newly adopted Federal and State building codes that could increase the cost significantly.  DeBoer would like to encourage Brim to build as he is a valuable tenant.  The existing hangar needs restrooms, this is a priority for Brim.  The additional hangar is an acceptable proposal.  DeBoer asked Krippaehne to determine the widths of the hangars to be sure that the row could still accommodate having four hangars.    The second topic that Krippaehne wanted to discuss was the planning process and the requirements that are imposed on the airport property.  There will be several variances that will be applied for this project.  The master plan speaks to a planning imposed zone that needs to be developed.  If the master plan could have an appendix which addressed some of the pertinent requirements for the airport, it would be helpful.  The airport is zoned E-1 which is an employment district and it is blind toward the special needs of the airport.  The planning requirements include landscaping, sidewalks, entry treatment and parking which, is not conducive to an airport environment.  The process of asking for variances is time consuming.  It could be avoided if the zoning for the airport was adjusted to reflect the needs of the airport.  The planning department would mostly likely be receptive to the idea as it is more work for them to handle the variances too.  Krippaehne recommended the airport commission think of working on a process with planning and planning commissioners to develop proposals for the airport so that the master plan can be adopted and the City can rely on it for developing guidelines.  This will make it easier when a new development is submitted for a hangar it doesn’t need to go through the variance process as part of the process.  She recommends the commission develop their own standards and have a fully adopted plan and get approved from all the needed entities.    Skinner agreed that this has been a past problem with other developers.  There are too many hoops to jump through and the process weighs them down.  Lamb will invite Bill Molnar to the next meeting to discuss process.  Silbiger suggested developing a subcommittee to help bring in the involved parties.  Skinner suggested talking to other airports instead of recreating the wheel.  Krippaehne said it would not have to be a complicated task at all.  She offered to bring in her application which will have the variances to help the commission identify some of the areas that need improvement.  Hopkins knew that some of the parking requirements and such really caused some challenges when Sky Research was being built.  Sky hired a person to expedite the planning and building for their hangar.  Krippaehne also pointed out that there is clarity issues on the required landscaping maintenance also when the lessee simply uses the footprint of the building as their property.  It causes issues even with the building codes for ADA access and parking.    Action:  Lamb will invite Bill Molnar to the next meeting and Krippaehne will bring in the application thus far on January 9th.    B.                 Ben Lindner Development Lindner continues to reach potential hangar owners.  He has been working with the bank to secure financing.   DeBoer encouraged the commission to set parameters on the development.  A project such as this may need to be advertised and see if there is other interest.  Skinner asked how to negotiate the lease options.  The cost of putting in the infrastructure will be a large expense up front.  The property will be useable, but the income from the hangars will not come until later.  If he sells to someone else he is selling the lease interest which is not a problem.  The commission will stay open minded until the proposal is officially received.    C.                 Strategic Planning Action Items: No Report.   4.     NEW BUSINESS:  A.                 Signage Sky Research is being invaded by persons looking for the public restrooms who mistake their hangar for Skinner’s.  It is particularly bad when the large fire crews land.  Lamb can ask facilities to put out some public restroom signs pointing them in the right direction.                Action:  Lamb will discuss with Dale Peters and send Kyle Hopkins the literature for a sign permit.   B.                 Through the Fence Pilot Project - ODA The commission showed no interest in being a part of the program with ODA.  The land lock situation at the airport will keep most development from being allowable.  There is more interest in fencing for security.  Lobaugh asked for more background on through the fence operations.  DeBoer and Skinner recounted a resident who would taxi from over by the Applegate Way residences to the middle of the runway and take off.  It was a terribly dangerous situation for the airport.  There is a lack of control and there is no easy access from the other side of the airport.  The two creeks surrounding the property keep the idea difficult to achieve.    5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports The winter months have slowed activity at the airport.  Glen Ward called the FBO to bring attention to the small aircraft flown by Sky Research over the test plot.  Skinner was notified of the activity before it began and had no qualms about the flights.    B.                 Maintenance Updates –  Bollards are installed.  Signage for bathrooms will be worked on.   6.     OTHER: A.     Finance Report – DeBoer started collecting information to compile the finance report for next month.  The report on the fuel tank and hangar loan repayment is still needed to see where we stand with debt service.  The audit documents are not available until after they are seen by Council and adopted which is scheduled for December 19th.    B.     SuperAWOS – Skinner asked why the cost estimate submitted for the SuperAWOS was so much more than the quote for the equipment.  Olson had been told that the FAA may require an engineering firm to confirm where the system could be located.  Olson felt it was prudent to include that potential cost in the Entitlement Grant application.  If there are remaining funds after the project is complete, the money will roll into next year’s grant.  The SuperAWOS and the parking lot were listed in the application for the 2007 allocation.   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 9, 2007, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM