HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2007ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 5, 2007   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:   RICHARD HENDRICKSON, BOB SKINNER, RUSS SILBIGER, LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, TOM BRADLEY, BILL SKILLMAN, GOA LOBAUGH STAFF:            DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:  PAUL WESTERMAN Visitors:  ALAN BENDER, BRITNAY WISE 1.                CALL TO ORDER:                   9:50 AM 2.                APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      July 3, 2007, minutes approved as written. 3.                Public Forum:   4.      OLD BUSINESS: A.               Airport Open House– September 15th Wise contacted many of the commissioners and worked with the Airport Association to organize the event.  This is the first event in three years and it is hard to work around other events on short notice.  So far the EAA is set up for the pancake breakfast, Brim Aviation will be hosting a BBQ in the afternoon.  There will be representatives from the Sheriff’s office set up and helicopter and airplane rides.  The remote control airplane association will be putting on a demonstration.  The pilots ranked under a Part 135 will have sufficient insurance and qualifications.  Other static displays will be up for viewing.  Next year there will be more time to arrange more events.  There will be volunteers for parking, porta-potties have been arranged and tents will be set up if the day is hot.    Wise has contacted the media and articles will run the week prior to the event.  There was not enough lead time to arrange the banner across Main Street.  Wise will also do a notice to the schools.    B.               Ben Linder Development Lamb attended the pre-application with Lindner.  There is a plan for the parking area to be fenced from the field and Lindner is hoping to do some aesthetics around the parking area.  The discussion went well and Lindner will need to set a date for his official planning submission.   Action:  Staff will continue to work on the draft leases.   C.               Burl Brim Development – Update Leases are in draft form.  The construction will begin soon after fire season passes.    D.              Strategic Plan Assignments Lamb included the memo regarding vegetation options to the Tree Commission for the meeting scheduled for July 5th.  The Tree Commission has a large agenda right now and may not get to this item.  Lamb will report on the progress after the meeting.  The memo asks for assistance in working on the Airport Zone vegetation requirements to ensure landscaping is included in future development.  Lamb hopes a sub-committee can be assembled to work on the draft ordinance.   4.     NEW BUSINESS:   A.               SuperAWOS & Entitlement Grant Lamb and Skinner flew to Grants Pass to speak with Alex Grossi, Airport Manager for Josephine County about the operations of their new SuperAWOS.  The reception was very clear and the customer support seems excellent.  The chattability was a complaint by some pilots, but it is adjustable and there will of course be a learning curve for people accessing the system.  The website is very user friendly and will help track the usage of the system.  The availability of a weather reporting system that operates 24/7 will reduce liability and increase the safety of the airfield.  The City electrician will be called in during eh installation process.   The system is very responsive and will ping back to pilots during approaches to make them aware of sudden weather changes.  Installation will happen soon.  The system needs to be ordered by staff.  Lobaugh will need a month or so notice to link the site to the Ashland website.   The next year entitlement fund will need to be identified.  The AIP will be coming up and the entitlement may be used to offset the match for the airport.  If the Lindner development comes to fruition then the priority for the taxiway may need to be reevaluated.  The development will complete a large portion of the next project slated for the AIP project and Lamb would like to assure that the connecting taxiway will be the next project the commission wants to consider.  DeBoer wants to be sure that fencing is still listed in the CIP for the future.  Commission felt that continuing to put in infrastructure should be the priority.    The yearly budget numbers were distributed to the group for review of where we stand.    5.               AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.               Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner Aviation hired a new office assistant, Cathy Spears.  Renee McCoy has taken a position with the City of Talent.  There was a lot of interest in the position, more than thirty applications were received.    Activity is high with fire season in full swing.  The parking lot construction was done quickly and very professionally.    B.               Maintenance Updates –  Carpet will be discussed by Skinner and Peters for installation after airport open house.  Peters will be asking the janitorial crew to do an extra special cleaning in the bathrooms.    6.     OTHER:   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  October 2, 2007, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM