HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes September 2006ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION OCTOBER 3, 2006   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:              RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, BILL SKILLMAN, GOA LOBAUGH, TOM BRADLEY, RUSS SILBIGER, LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN DEBOER STAFF:            DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:  CLAUDIA STOCKWELL Visitors:  1.                   CALL TO ORDER:                  9:30 AM 2.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:    September 5, 2006, minutes approved as written. 3.                   Public Forum:   4.       OLD BUSINESS: A.                 Burl Brim Hilltop Helipad Development Deboer wanted to express his support of the airport developing and bringing in business to become self-sufficient.    Brim has asked to expand the hangar by 20 feet to attach an office space.  The increase would increase revenue and provide a working area for Brim’s employees as well as a bathroom facility.  The addition would be permanent and useful to future businesses who would want to utilize the existing hangar as a business.  Discussion started with the addition being toward the back of the hangar and has moved to the area to west reserved for hangar growth.  The addition would encroach on the next reserved space.  The commission discussed whether to allow the expansion and what the potential benefits could be.    The area was reserved for four private hangars for that row.  Three would be 60 X 60 with the furthest western hangar being 60X80.  This was accomplished with a minimum distance between the hangars being five feet.  The addition of an extra 20 feet will not affect the layout other than shifting the 60 X 80 footprint to the far easterly location.  Skinner felt that the area should be remeasured to be sure there is enough room.  Lamb will look back in the minutes to see what the minimum distance between the hangars was determined.  Bradley and DeBoer will go out and measure the area to verify the distance from the Brim hangar to the center of the taxiway.   Burl would also like to have more parking space.  He spoke with Skinner about the possibility of using the adjoining hangar space as a parking area until it is likely to be developed.  The space could be leased out at the lower lease rate for the footprint.  The lease could be a month to month so if a developer did want to build it would be an easy arrangement.    Skinner and DeBoer discussed the options.  Skinner supported the idea of adding the parking to lessen the burden on the space between his and the Sky hangar.  DeBoer felt the addition of vehicles traveling on the taxilanes would increase and cause other issues.  The type of parking surface could also be a problem because the rotor wash from the helicopters.  The existing gravel areas near the ends of some of the hangars is already causing track out issues.  A few years back the commission looked at how much paving these small sections would be to decrease the track out issue.  Vehicles parked in these locations would encroach on the taxiways so it is important to mark them as no parking.  Lamb will look back at the history of the paving and see if there are funds to complete the work.  Skillman thought a month to month for the building pad would be a benefit.  Zeve suggested letting Brim make a formal request for size and surface type before a decision was made.    DeBoer spoke with Burl Brim regarding paying the fuel flowage fees.  Zeve also spoke to Brim regarding the fee and he said that Brim was not enthralled about paying for the fuel flowage.  Skillman pointed out that if the fuel flowage fee is applied to only non-owned aircraft than the fees that Skinner has paid all these years for fuel he has used in his own aircraft should be refunded.  The fee should be consistent.  DeBoer and Lobaugh agreed hat the fee needs to be implemented.  Hendrickson agrees that we don’t want a defacto precedent for paying the fee.  There is also risk involved with fuel pumping.  Skinner and Lamb have copies of his insurance which covers the liability for pumping fuel.  Users of the airport need to be supportive of financially supporting the airport in the goal of becoming self sufficient.    Action:  Hendrickson motioned to approve the request from Burl Brim to expand the hangar to the east by 20 feet conditional on the verification of the distance to accommodate the other three additional hangars.  Seconded by Skillman and passed unanimously.  Lamb, DeBoer and Bradley will work on verifying the distances.    The parking area will be reviewed after a formal proposal or request is received from Burl Brim.  Joanne Krippaehne, Madrona Architect will be working with Brim to expedite the planning action.    B.                 Strategic Planning Action Items: Lobaugh reported that the web site has had about 300 visitors a month.  June and July have shown the highest visits.  The link back to the 99 website is over 15% of the visitors.  The time stamp is still not on the site and Lobaugh is not sure it will be possible.    4.     NEW BUSINESS:  A.                 QT Technologies Maintenance Agreement Skinner reported that the first year with the equipment required a lot of maintenance, but the system has been up and functioning much better.  There has been one problem that Skinner has finally identified and now it is not a problem.  The last service agreement covered enough repairs to pay for itself and then some with the installation of a new screen.  There are different programs that are available that range in price.  The platinum is the most inclusive and covers repairs and parts.  The cost of the service agreement is paid out of the maintenance budget.  The cost two years ago was $1,995.00 and they actually waived one year of service because there were so many issues when the system first went online.  The commission discussed the pros and cons of the maintenance agreement and the extent of coverage needed.  The service calls average around ten a year.  This year the monitor needed to be changed out due to sun damage.  The self-fueling accounts for 40% of all the fuel sales.  The system initially cost $10,000.  Skinner felt there was a need to include the lightening protection.    Action:  Bradley moved to direct staff to purchase the platinum service agreement for the self-fueling system for a two year contract for $1,495 per year.  Seconded by Lobaugh and passed unanimously.    5.                 AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports August was an amazing month due to the 99 conference and other fly-ins.  Hamilton did an amazing job of hosting the conference attendees.  The Commission voted to send him a thank you for his time.  The head of the conference was very impressed with Ashland and with the services.  Lamb will send a letter of thanks to the 99s for choosing Ashland.    The Tidings will be running an article on the airport and their operations.  Skinner did not have a date yet.  There have been two confirmed rattlesnake sitings so Skinner warned people to be cautious.   Lamb is still working with the Facilities department to finish the quote for the FBO office renovations.   6.     OTHER: A.     Proposition 37 Claim Hendrickson recently heard of a claim for a large parcel of land that is located directly in the runway 30 flight path.  He is concerned about the potential negative affect of a potential residential area developing under the flight path.  DeBoer knew of the application and felt because of several utility requirements that it would not be a feasible location for a densely populated subdivision.  There is no water or sewer or other City utilities across the Freeway where it is located and it is far outside the urban growth boundary.  Silbiger has seen no Council support of this application either.  Hendrickson commented that the AOPA is weary of these types of developments happening and the airport being sacrificed to the development.  He feels the commission should be made aware of these types of future developments.   B.     Airport Association DeBoer would like to see the Association be more active.    C.     FAA Inspection Summary The summary letter mentioned helicopter operations that were taking place at the same time as his inspection.  The helicopter was operating dangerously.  Skinner was involved with the complaint and did contact the pilot to warn them about the unwarranted operations.  The pilot has not returned to the Ashland Airport.    Hendrickson thanked Krippaehne for her time and to ensure her that the commission supported the growth at the airport.   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 7th, 2006, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM