HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes August 2008ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION September 2, 2008   MINUTES   MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, BRITTANY WISE, BOB SKINNER, GOA LOBAUGH, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, RUSS SILBIGER STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  TREGG SCOTT, BILL SKILLMAN Visitors:  John Phelps, Robert Davis, Kirby Mills   CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:     August 5, 2008, Motion by DeBoer for approval, second by Wise, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   Public Forum: No public comments.   OLD BUSINESS: A.    Faught and Fleury discuss options for Rental Rate approval with the Commission. Option 1: to have all the rates automatically adjusted by the CPI each year and rounded up to the nearest dollar.  Option 2: Have the Lease Rates adjusted by CPI and the Rental Rates plus tie down rates voted on and changed by The Commission each year. Commission likes option 2 the best and would like to have the new rates established each spring in time for them to be attached to the yearly rate hikes that the City Council approves as part of staff recommendations. Lobaugh would like to see market rates for other airports in our region that have similar facilities each year at the time of rate changes in order to make a well informed decision. Airports most likely to be used as comparisons are Sun River, Bend, Grants Pass and Medford. B.     DC-3 Hangar Construction: John Phelps (owner) and Robert Davis (contractor) attended meeting to discuss hangar construction for Phelps DC-3 Aircraft. Commission gives general breakdown on steps required to build a hangar. Phelps has idea for classic style hangar to fight with the DC-3 and the Commission has no problems with something visually different from existing hangars on site. As explained to start the process Phelps needs to send letter to Public Works along with $2000.00 deposit for hangar space reservation and then follow standard planning application requirements.                 NEW BUSINESS:           A.    Lease Development Lindner: Fleury informs commission that leases are complete. Letter is also complete and has been reviewed by all parties including planning. Fleury mailed complete package to Lindner and is awaiting deposit check for hangar space. B.     Potomac SuperAwos: Skinner has had no further contact with Potomac since last discussion regarding FAA approval of the SuperAwos system. Skinner has also not installed the Net-Link package on SuperAwos and will not do so until we receive the FAA’s blessing on the installation and use. Skinner to follow through with email to Potomac regarding status and CC rest of Commission. C.    Hangar Door Installation: Skinner informs Commission that he has not had time to obtain new bids for engineering and installation of the donated hangar doors. Skinner to pursue new bids for hangar door engineering and installation.       AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.              Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports   B.               Maintenance Updates – Commission reviewed hangar numbering map and would like to see all grouped hangars numbered sequential and start over for new group. Ex: Number 395 (address) has 11 hangars numbered 1-11, next building 431 (address) has 10 hangars numbered 1-10 not 12-21. Fleury to discuss with Peters from maintenance and Light from GIS       OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  October 7, 2008, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:49 AM