HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes May 2007ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION JUNE 5, 2007   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:   RICHARD HENDRICKSON, PAUL WESTERMAN, BOB SKINNER, TOM BRADLEY, RUSS SILBIGER, LINCOLN ZEVE, BILL SKILLMAN, GOA LOBAUGH, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER STAFF:            DAWN LAMB, LEE TUNEBERG, PAULA BROWN MEMBERS ABSENT:  Visitors:  Ben Lindner 1.                CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM 2.                APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      May 1, 2007, minutes approved as written. 3.                Public Forum:   4.      OLD BUSINESS: A.               Ben Lindner Development The proposal was included in the packet.  Lindner had a discussion with staff discussing the outline of the proposal.  Issues were raised regarding the proposal a few of the items.  One of the issues that was discussed was the requirement for prevailing wage.  There has never been a condition in the past where private development required a prevailing wage requirement.  Staff is working on the lease structure.  Lindner told the commission the goal is to satisfy the needs of the community and the airport, not to build out the airport, but to build what is desired.  The idea is to follow what has already been adopted in the Airport Master Plan.  There needs to be decision on the types of hangars shown on the master plan.  If there are changes from the master plan then the need will want to have Council approval.  The change is a small adjustment to the types of hangars, but not the number.  Lindner plans to sell the box hangars and sell the T-hangars as a whole unit.  The interest in the lease will be sold to the next owner and the city will have right of first refusal on the hangars.  The conventional hangars are planned to be will be 50 X50.    Commission needs to consider whether to have staff continue the drafting a lease and taking the approval to Council with the addition of the alternatives buildout.  The lease will be in two parts; one for the first row of hangars and one for the second.   Then a SASO lease will cover both of those leases.  The ground leases will be in effect after the certificate of occupancy is in place.  The commission approved the concept on the premise that details would be brought back for final approval.  Then changes in the master plan can be taken to council.    Zeve asked what Lindner considered to be fair selling price, ballpark figure.  The 50 X 50 hangars will probably be in the six figure range.  There will also be a clause in the agreement for future people will be charged back for the infrastructure.  If Lindner defaults could there be a financial downfall for the City.  The project will then just be for the City.  The bank is funding Lindner so there is no ownership by the City to cover Lindner’s default.    The lease subcommittee could look at the liens and other terms.  Lindner has had great interest in the hangars and would putting a lot into marketing.  His interest from people he has contacted has been solid.  He will not want to sit on empty hangars.  He will try and pre-sell as many as he can.  Tuneberg would like to clarify the need and type of bonding for the infrastructure and have the provisions in the agreement.  Lobaugh still wants to see the parking addition to the north and the access to remain the same.  DeBoer suggested leaving some options open and we will need to consider the addition of security fencing.  Skinner felt the continuation of the taxiway behind Brim’s hangar as a priority to the fencing.  Lindner considers the first row of hangars as phase one and the second row of T-hangars as phase two.  Like to see how this development progresses and then consider more at that time.  Westerman wants to be sure to consider the surface transportation plan as this project progresses.    Action:  Hendrickson moved to approve to approve the concept and would like to continue discussion on the project.  Seconded by DeBoer and the vote passed unanimously.   B.               Tree Trimming Progress Report The tree trimming is complete and the commission asked if the tree trimming could be completed in four years time.    C.               Burl Brim Development – Planning Approval Update Brim project received planning approval.  The commission gave appreciation to Skillman and DeBoer for their presentation at the meeting.  Commission asked staff to draft a letter to the Planning director and Council regarding the airport overlay zone.   DeBoer moved to direct staff to draft a letter to the planning director to establish a Airport Zone.  Seconded by Hendrickson.  Vote passed unanimously.    D.              Strategic Plan Assignments Overlay zone example was distributed to commission.  Lamb asked for the commission for their review and comments for the ordinance.  Commission asked for staff to set up a date that they could meet with the Tree Commission to discuss potential inclusions for tree and other landscaping opportunities for the airport.  Silbiger said that the Council will look at three things where the airport is considered; one sustan itself; two is growth design not cause negative impact of noise; and, three the invitation for more recreation tourists.    4.     NEW BUSINESS:   A.               Airport Day Update Skinner has had discussion with Brim.  September is looking like the best time to hold the event.  The commission would like to have Brammo motors invited along with some music of some type.  Wolske suggested having the event coincide with a flyin or air show to help attract the community.    B.               Airport Fund Narrative from Proposed Budget Tuneberg explained to the commission that the airport does not have the fund balance and there is pressure for the airport to meet the debt service.  The underground storage tanks are not being paid back.  The grant money for improvements is great but any overage falls onto the airport funds.  The commission needs to keep looking for revenue streams.  Excited about pursuing new projects that bring in rent and cash flow.  This fund does not currently meet the fund balance policy.  There is a small amount of interest accruing on the underground storage tanks.  More money is coming in from the T-hangars and there is a percentage of the rent that goes to the FBO for rental administration.  There could be some relief from the Lidner project if it is approved.  Tuneberg would like to see the project happen to expand the hangar options.  All means costs need to be managed.    Commission asked if there is an estimate on the underground storage tanks.  All the equipment was funded along with the other storage tanks in the city.  DeBoer asked if the cost of the tanks and the remainder of the underground storage tanks could be given to the commission.    Zeve asked if we could have some feedback on what we are doing and if a performance measure would help.  Skinner said the addition of land leases and rental income is the way to get things positive.    DeBoer asked Tuneberg for a balance sheet.          5.               AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.               Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner reported that some fires have already been flown and that activity will be picking up.  The airport has been busier with nice weather.    Skinner Aviation will be updating their Part 135 to include air ambulance service.    B.               Maintenance Updates –  The parking lot reconstruction is scheduled for July and will be posted.  Lamb has been in contact with Brim and Sky Research regarding potential closures and inconveniences.    6.     OTHER: 1.  FAM Grant Application – The application was submitted with a request for an easement acquisition for a property that has trees that grow into the VASI zone.  Lamb will bring a map to the next meeting showing where the trees are located.  A temporary access may need to be worked out prior to the construction to allow access to the airport.   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  July 3rd, 2007, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM