HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes December 2008ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION January 13, 2009   MINUTES   MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, TREGG SCOTT, DAVID WOLSKE, BRITTANY WISE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, RUSS SILBIGER, BILL SKILLMAN STAFF: JIM OLSON MEMBERS ABSENT:  ALAN DEBOER, SCOTT FEURY (STAFF) Visitors:  Dave and Liz Risdale, Glen Ward, Larry Graves CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 2008, Motion by Wise for approval, second by Silbiger, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   Public Forum: Glen Ward asks Commission about the appropriateness of storing other items within a hangar. Commission informs Ward that other items are allowed as long as an airplane is housed within the hangar.     OLD BUSINESS: A.    Hangar Inspection: Hangar inspection is scheduled for January 21st 2009. Skinner to attend inspection and report back to commission at next meeting with findings.  Wolske raises issue of hangar numbering scheme. Commission would like to invite Lea Light and Margueritte Hickman to next meeting to discuss numbering layout. Wise to contact Margueritte to discuss numbering changes to existing assigned address’s at Airport. B.     Avionics Business: Dave Risdale owner/operator gives report on JLC Avionics. He has sent out a 1-page flyer as an introduction to service. He is working with the FAA to do responsible repairs and service. Risdale inquires about sign for aviation business. Risdale to contact Fleury regarding signs placement and permit process. C.    Electrical Power: No report. D.    ODA Inspection Repairs: Skinner gives overview of items that have been addressed already, which include, tree removal and Vasi light bases re-rocked. Hendrickson to contact Kevin Christensen as USDA Wildlife Services for advice on deer and ground squirrel problem.                 NEW BUSINESS:           A.    WAAS Approach: No Report. B.     Hangar Door: Skinner has been working with firm for engineering and installation of hangar door. Attached email for agenda shows cost breakdown and total cost of approximately $20,000. Skinner will arrange for installation of door with payback plus interest by the City of Ashland in a timely manner. Staff will need to investigate funds availability for reimbursement. Funds may need to be allocated into next year’s budget. Motion by Wolske to enter into an agreement with City of Ashland to allocate funds for door installation on a fast track basis, second by Zeve, unanimous vote passes. C.    Airport Rates and Charges: Olson handed out Josephine County Airport Rates and Policy for review. Skinner to review and copy will be sent to DeBoer for review. This Rate and Policy sheet can be edited for Ashland specific items and possibly adopted in the future. Previous Commission rental rate sheet to go before City Council in February for approval. This may not provide enough time to create and include a specific “policy” portion and may need to be adopted separately. D.    Silbiger suggested that staff report on the proposed riparian ordinance’s affect with regards to the Airports operations. Silbiger suggested to invite a member of the City’s planning staff to discuss at the next meeting.     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.              Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner gives overview of fuel sales locally and statewide. Statewide sales are down 15% over the past three year, while Ashland has only experienced a 10% reduction in Jet A and 1% reduction in Avgas over the same time frame. The self service gas system is still working well. Skinner waiting for police to get back to him regarding boat owner, who is storing boat at south-east corner of hangars.   B.               Maintenance Updates – Willows at south-end of runway 30 need to be removed. City will look into permitting for removal of willows and trees at north-end of runway 12 that are mentioned in ODA inspection report. Hangar inspections rescheduled for January 21, 2009.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  February 3, 2009, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:55AM