HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2007ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION January 8, 2008   MINUTES    MEMBERS PRESENT:   RICHARD HENDRICKSON, BOB SKINNER, RUSS SILBIGER, LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, GOA LOBAUGH, TOM BRADLEY, BRITANY WISE STAFF:            DAWN LAMB MEMBERS ABSENT:  BILL SKILLMAN Visitors:  1.                CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM 2.                APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      November 6, 2007, minutes approved as written. 3.                Public Forum:   4.      OLD BUSINESS: A.               Mead & Hunt Economic Impact Study – Final Draft In last month’s packet was the draft chapter on the Ashland Municipal Airport from the final draft of the Oregon Airport Master plan and the Economic Impact Study. The commission did not relate any discrepancies in the draft chapter.  The approval and adoption of the document will take place at the next Oregon Airport Board Meeting scheduled for January 24th.  The adoption of the document will enact the recommendations listed in the document.  The draft recommends that the Ashland Airport be increased from a Category 4 airport to a Category 3.  There was concern over the requirements listed for a Category 3 airport, especially the runway length of 4000 feet.  The other requirements are very close to being met if not already met.  The runway length is an obstacle for the Ashland Airport due to the terrain.  After a discussion with Kevin Mulcaster, Mead & Hunt, Lamb was told that the requirement is not one that will be pursued by ODA.  If the opportunity ever arises that the airport was in a position to extend the extra 400 feet, it would be expected to take the opportunity.    The commission looked over the Oregon Aviation Plan 2007- Airport Role in Economy sheet to be included in the Economic Study.  The sheet shows the economic impact of the Ashland Airport on the local and state level.  The information gathered for this study included studies and surveys throughout the community.  Skinner felt the number of operations listed seemed correct, but the number of commercial operations was not listed.  Skinner will try to estimate the number of commercial operations.  Lamb will contact Mead & Hunt to receive a definition of the commercial operations.    Skinner had a further conversation with Larry Weber, ODA to discuss the addition of a WAAS system for the airport.  The GPS system is one of the requirements for a Category 3 that could be added without a great expense to the airport.  The minimum elevations for the approach could be fairly low which would benefit pilot operations.  Safety for incoming pilots would increase drastically.  The obstructions and terrain encroaching on the approach would be what would set the elevation.  Skinner will research the estimated cost for the elevation survey to decide whether to apply for one of the ODA grants.    B.               Noise Sensitive Area Map & SuperAWOS Advertisement Draft for Review Wise will send recent aerial pictures of the airport to Lamb to consider for inclusion on the map.  The wording was reviewed and changes were requested.  The wording will be updated and dropped on a map for the next meeting.  The inclusion of commercial operations; Burl Brim Aviation, Sky Research and Skinner Aviation websites should be added to the brochure.   C.               Ben Lindner Development – No Update             D.              Burl Brim Development – No Update   E.               Strategic Plan Assignments 1.      Zoning ordinance – no update.    4.     NEW BUSINESS:   A.               Lease Development Memo Lamb has discussed the lease developments with both Jim Olson and Richard Appicello.  Appicello agreed to contract with an outside attorney as soon as Lamb supplies him with a scope of work.  The scope will include the leases with Ben Lindner, Skinner Aviation and Burl Brim Aviation.  The timeframe is set for completion by the end of June.    B.               Merle Mills Lease Discussion             Merle Mills passed away on Christmas Day.  The family has requested to continue the lease to house the aircraft.  The lease was originally signed in 1988 and is one of the open hangars.  DeBoer motioned to transfer the Merle Mills rental agreement to his son and successor Kirby Mills on a newer version of the rental agreement for hangar number 6.  Seconded by Wolske and the vote passed unanimously.    C.               Siskiyou Rest Area Skinner received notice from Jackson County Planning regarding the proposal for the Siskiyou Rest Area along the northern route of 1-5.  The rest area has been in consideration for many years and is finally at a stage for development.  Lamb has seen preliminary engineering and site designs on the project and brought up two concerns with the architect.  One being the height of the buildings and accessories and the second being the type of lighting used to illuminate the site.  Lamb should receive a form from the County for comments from the City and will include the concerns.    DeBoer motioned to send a letter of support from the Airport Commission for the development of the Siskiyou Rest Area.  Bradley seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.   5.               AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.               Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports Skinner reported no damage was incurred during the large windstorm that hit the City.  He did not look up the highest recorded wind speed.  Skinner has also been left with an aircraft that has been in the tie down area for months with no payment.  The FBO can lien the plane to make the owner pay the fees.  Skinner is to get contact information on the owner.   Skinner is to research the cost for the final installation and skinning of the doors for the maintenance hangar.    B.               Maintenance Updates – Peters is working on the hangar numbers.   6.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  February 5, 2008, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM