HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2008ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 4, 2008   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT:   RICHARD HENDRICKSON, RUSS SILBIGER, LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, TOM BRADLEY, BILL SKILLMAN, GOA LOBAUGH, BOB SKINNER. STAFF: DAWN LAMB & SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  BRITTANY WISE Visitors:  Merle Mills 1.                CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM 2.                APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      FEBRUARY 5, 2008, minutes approved as written. 3.                Public Forum:   4.      OLD BUSINESS: A.               Larry Giardina Conservation Analyst gives overview of cost analysis associated with installation of Solar Panels for electrical power at the Airport. The Commission sees the value of reducing carbon footprints, but there were concerns voiced over the cost and tax rebate program for installation of the panels. (See attached cost breakdown sheet.)   B.               Review of Noise Sensitive Area Map and SuperAWOS advertisement. Lea Light from COA GIS Department created Area Map for Commission members to review and suggest changes, subsequent changes will be added to newest Draft Version of map.             C.               Lease Subcommittee meeting to be scheduled by Megan Thornton from COA legal Department.   D.              Draft Zoning Ordinance- Dawn Lamb stated that she is awaiting cost analysis from Century West for required work on Airport Zoning Ordinance. Costs will be used to apply for FAA grant to add the ordinance work into the Airport Master Plan.   E.               Rate Adoption Motion: Rates analyzed for increases and adopted for fiscal year starting July 1, 2008. Voted by second, vote passed. DeBoer abstains.   F.               Request for letter from Potomac regarding SuperAWOS and what they plan on doing regarding the FAA request for inspection and maintenance. Skinner has all email conversations regarding subject matter and commission will wait 60 days for situation to be resolved by Potomac or pursue other action at that time.   G.              Bi-fold Door Donation:  Skinner to research and obtain new quotes for installation of doors. Cost of installation will need to be added into budget. They might need to be deferred until more revenue is obtained   H.              Meteorlogix: Staff to research removal of existing system and replacement with a computer and printer from computer services or replace with a computer paid for by the Airport Users Group. Need Cost Analysis of both options. Skinner has existing DSL internet connection which can be used for online weather research. Bradley to research monies in Users Group fund and report back to Commission.               4.     NEW BUSINESS:   A.               Rate Adoption Motion: Action: Wolske motioned for Scott Fleury to research fuel flowage surcharges and Medford’s Tariff Rate for adoption into Rental Rate breakdown sheet.   a.      Meteorlogix: Analysis of City of Ashland computer and maintenance vs. Users Group purchase and maintenance of computer system. Feedback on MxVision AviationSentry Airport Edition software.   B.               Watermaster Request: Gauging Station on Neil Creek. Jackson County Watermaster has requested to place a gauging station in Neil Creek on Airport Property, see attached letter and photos.   C.               Noise Sensitive Area Map final review.     5.               AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.               Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports   B.               Maintenance Updates – Peters is working on the hangar numbers.   6.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   7.     NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 1, 2008, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM