HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2009ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 3, 2009   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, BILL SKILLMAN, BRITTANY WISE, RUSS SILBIGER, TREG SCOTT STAFF: SCOTT FEURY, JIM OLSON MEMBERS ABSENT:  ALAN DEBOER Visitors:  Larry Graves, Alan Bender, Kirby Mills, Burl Brim CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 3rd, Motion by Hendrickson for approval, second by Skillman, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   Public Forum: Alan Bender states that new Medford Terminal is open and the new tower will soon follow. Traffic is down throughout the industry as well as locally. He also states that Allegiant Air will be adding a new flight to Los Angeles starting in May.       OLD BUSINESS: A.    Hangar Door Installation: Fleury states that City received letter regarding terms for hangar door payback schedule that Skinner would like City to follow. Fleury also states that a discussion meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 5, 2009 with Mike Faught, Jim Olson, Megan Thornton and himself. Concerns have been raised about maintenance on hangar door due to wording in Skinner’s lease. Skillman states he believes it is the responsibility of the City to replace the Hangar door not the Lessee. Wolske states that he believes a balance and fair position between the City and Skinner would be of benefit to both parties. Hendrickson motions for Zeve to speak with Mike Faught of the Public Works Department to give him and overview of the maintenance performed at the Airport, specifically the work performed on the FBO hangars, 2nd by Wise, all approved. Skinner and Fleury will discuss outcome at next Airport Commission meeting. Discussion continues with details regarding Skinner lease. Skinner has valid lease with City currently but has been looking to add additional terms and clarify some items in existing lease for approximately six years. Paula Brown was working on lease re-write but had other issues come up over the past couple of years that had stopped her from completing. Skinner will discuss some lease related issues at hangar door meeting on Thursday. Commission asks Skinner to bring proposed addendum to lease to the next meeting for review and Commission will try to move things along. Commission worries about lease development for new leases. Fleury states that the Lindner lease has been done and sent out to Lindner for review and that Legal has essentially created a template out of his leases for approval by Council. Fleury to gather more information regarding lease development for the next meeting. B.     ODA Inspection Repairs: Removal of Blackberries to West of Runway has started. Fleury states that he has applied for the tree removal permit to remove trees to South of Runway 30 and will let Commission know when work will start. Fleury states that the rest of the items from the ODA inspection list will be taken care of as well as time allows. C.    Riparian Ordinance: No new information D.    Airport Zoning Ordinance: Fleury continues to work on draft of zoning ordinance. Once complete he will hand over to planning for review. Fleury to work with Lea Light in the GIS department to develop new zoning map that compliments ordinance. E.     Hangar Numbers: Fleury to work directly with Wolske regarding layout. Fleury needs to run Wolske plan by Hickman of Fire Department. Once number system has been determined Dale Peters of Facilities to order and install numbers. F.      Signs: No new information G.   CAP hangar: Fleury states he sent letter to CAP Wing Commander regarding concerns with use of CAP hangar and electrical issues noted during the recent inspection.               NEW BUSINESS:           A.    Airport Budget; Revenue and Expenditures: Olson, Fleury and Commission discuss 2009 budget with Commission and the development of the 2010 budget. Fleury asks Commission if they foresee any items that will require money other then ones currently on the budget list. Commission does not see any additional budgeting items needed. Fleury states that the ODA FAM Grant might not be available next budget year. Sandi Larsen from ODA will inform Fleury about the FAM Grant status as soon as she knows.  Commission reviews previous years rental rate sheets and discusses whether or not to raise rental rates. The CPI adjustment from January 2008 to January 2009 was .03% so the lease rates had no adjustment. Fleury states the storm drain fees have doubled since the last budget year and he expects the other utilities to increase as well. Fleury states that there will still be a few projects performed at the Airport over the next year that will requires money and they include the tree removal, painting, grounds keeping and asphalt repair. Zeve motions for a price increase of five dollars for hangar rentals and an increase of two dollars for monthly tie down rates, 2nd by Wolske, all approved by unanimous vote. Silbiger states that increased operating/utility fees can be used as justification for rental rate increases. Skinner states that demand for hangars at the Airport have not decreased over the past few years and he does not expect demand to decrease any time in the future even with the current economic status.   B.     Burl Brim: Burl Brim attends meeting to discuss commercial aviation operations at the Ashland Municipal Airport. The Commission wants the Airport property utilized properly and would like and is committed to fair treatment of all people who use the Airport. Burl Brim gives overview of Operations on site; He has one 6000 gallon fuel tanker, one 2000 gallon batch truck, one each of a 800, 600, 500 gallon fuel trucks that follow helicopters out. He states that the fuel trucks are DOT certified and inspected every year by DOT and FAA, they also contain spill kits. Brim also states that the horse trailers are part of the rolling stock also because they use them when rounding up wild horses. Zeve asks about any previous agreement to use area behind hangar for equipment storage. Burl states there was no previous agreement for usage. Burl states that he made the improvements to area on an informal basis so he could have a storage space for his rolling stock until new hangar and parking lot are built. Once the new hangar and parking lot are built then he will have direct space to store his rolling stock. Commission asks Burl Brim if he is ok with creating an agreement for using parking space behind hangar. Burl thinks an agreement for usage would be fine and he will measure area of usage behind hangar and return numbers to Commission for verification. Commission to then discuss details of agreement and have them approved by both Commission and Council. Scott mentions that there needs to be specific requirements for a commercial user vs. a private user when it comes to parking at the airport. Fleury states that planning requires a certain amount of parking based on new planning applications that come through, but there is nothing that pertains to previously existing commercial operations that accommodate parking. The commission also questions whether or not Sky Research has an agreement to use space next to hangar for parking area. Fleury to research. C.    Potomac SuperAwos: Skinner gives Fleury bill for net-link monitoring services. Skinner states the net-link system transfers weather information to Potomac every 20 minutes and that information is available to anyone using www.superawos.com . Zeve asks Skinner for an update of the SuperAwos system with regards to FAA approval. Skinner has no new update, but will inform Commission as new status becomes available.     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.              Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner is still trying to find an acceptable location to move trailer that is currently located at end of DeBoers hangars.   B.               Maintenance Updates – Electrical issues within maintenance hangar have been take care off. Fleury states that he is in contact with Dale Peters regarding maintenance issues with hangar door pins on new hangars. Peters is working with Adroit on necessary fix.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 7, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:35AM