HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION May 4, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: ALAN DEBOER, DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, LINCOLN ZEVE, TREG SCOTT, BILL SKILLMAN, RUSS SILBIGER, SUSAN MOEN STAFF: JIM OLSON, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN BENDER, LARRY GRAVES, RICHARD HENDRICKSON Visitors:  Burl Brim, Brittany Wise, Michelle Scarlata, Jeff Neilson CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 6, motion by Hendrickson for approval, second by Graves, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:     Public Forum: Public   OLD BUSINESS: A.     AIP Project Engineering Design: Olson explains to Commission that 50% plans and specification review has been completed. The grant application for the construction phase of the project in the amount of $1.8 million has been submitted to the FAA. The FAA has approved the full reconstruct section width of 75’. 100% plans and specs are due sometime near the end of May and a tentative bid opening date of July 1, 2010 has been scheduled. The contract might need to be delayed until September 15th, 2010 depending on the availability of Federal funds and the award of the construction grant. Olson informs Commission that Fleury is in Roseburg presenting the Connect III Grant Application to the Regional Area Commission on Transportation. B.      Brim Aviation: Brim informs Commission that the training tower will not be constructed on site as originally planed. Wise mentions that the new storage area lease has not been finalized and approved by the City. Wise has a check in hand for payment of usage for the storage area. Legal was in court and not able to attend meeting to comment on storage area lease status. Faught stated that he would meet with Brim and Wise later to discuss the lease and accept payment from Brim Aviation for use of the storage area. Wolske is concerned that the Airport Commission is not in the loop when it comes to finalizing the Brim storage area lease. Zeve to discuss this issue with Faught. Faught states that he will get back to the Airport Commission with more information regarding the lease and flowage fee. He also states that he will attend meetings on a monthly basis for approximately 10-15 minutes to answer questions and deal with concerns. Noise: The discussion turns to noise generated from helicopter training on site. Skinner suggested that Brims operation is legal, but that Commission should work with the public as a facilitator or mediator to find a compromise and use policy acceptable to all. Wolske stated that if the noise issue should escalate that mediation should be considered before any legal action is taken.  Skinner asks that Brim supply a complete schedule of the training operations so the Commission and City could review. Zeve states that Brim has done what is possible to address the issue. Skinner states that he is the first line of contact for most of the complaints and that he acts as a defacto public information officer. He is also concerned about the safety of some of Brims operations and training activities on site and mentions occasions where the helicopter was hovering over runway with a long line down. Silbiger expressed the need to develop and adopt a policy regarding airport training and noise. Scott agreed and added that the policy would eliminate the need for each application to come before the Commission. Skillman was not in favor of a hard-fast type policy but suggested that the following safety measures be considered: use standard right hand approach pattern, air operations over  runway not allowed, hover away from active taxiways, helicopters to park far enough back on apron to allow for full use of the taxilanes. Brim stated he understood the need for helicopters to avoid fixed wing patterns. DeBoer suggested that a list of complaints be developed so they could contact individuals regarding new and upcoming training events on site. Brim stated that his next 60 to 90 day training would begin in January or February of 2011. He will be conducting an internal sound study and will also post a schedule on his website of the next training session. Zeve suggested a sub-committee be developed to deal with the noise abatement issue. Fuel Flowage: Brim stated that a flowage fee was not acceptable and would rather pay a fixed rate. Skinner stated that we need to treat all in the same manner. Faught suggested that he could speak with Brim after the meeting to discuss a resolution to this issue. C.    Educational Curriculum: Scott has no new update regarding development of a cross educational curriculum with Science Works. D.     Neil Creek Riparian Restoration: Olson reports to Commission that cleaning Neil Creek would trigger the City Water Resources Ordinance and possibly require a DSL permit if work takes place within the limits of the high water mark. Any work must stay at least 50’ from top of bank to limit permit requirements. E.      Unicom Frequency License: No report from ODA regarding status of “required” license. F.       Rental Rate Approval: Olson states the approved rate sheet will go before City Council tonight for approval.   NEW BUSINESS:         A.     Noise and Compatible Use: A subcommittee will be formed to develop a noise abatement policy regarding Ashland Airport and its users. B.      Airport Day: Skinner gave an overview report on preparations for Airport Day. Rides are available from Brim Aviation. Wise stated they have procured several “marshal” vests to aid in the security and control of the wandering public. Skinner stated that the upper field used by Sky Research has several holes that needed to be filed before that area could be mowed. Brim volunteered to fill in the holes and mow the upper field. Staff should arrange to have the remainder of the Airport areas mowed by the Parks Department and pavement area’s swept by the Street Department prior to Airport Day. Skinner will issue a NOTAM about the activities at the Airport. Skinner also suggested that Fleury forward him the letter of approval for Sky Research to use the upper field for their testing. Wolske mentions there is an old rusty truck cab on the North end of the property that should be removed by the City.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Commission reviews monthly FBO report. DeBoer states that they will be moving jigs and other material inside the hangars. The wing jig will stay outside, but it maybe possible to dismantle it and move it inside.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – No new updates. Maintenance work will continue as time and weather allow.   C.                Brown Bag: Zeve attended brown bag meeting with Mayor. Zeve stated that the Mayor was interested in Airport Day and that he invited the other Commission members to attend.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  June 1st, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30