HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2008ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 5, 2008   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: TREG SCOTT, LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, BILL SKILLMAN STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  BRITTANY WISE, BOB SKINNER, GOA LOBAUGH, RICHARD HENDRICKSON. RUSS SILBIGER Visitors:  Larry Graves, Alan Bender, Dawn Lamb, Mike Faught CALL TO ORDER:                   9:47 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:     July 1, 2008, minutes approved as written.   Public Forum: Alan Bender makes comments regarding the future opening of the new terminal at Medford Airport which will occur in December 2008. Commercial airline traffic is down with US Airways pulling out of Medford and Horizon cutting flights.   OLD BUSINESS: A.    Noise Sensitive Area Map: Fleury awaiting pamphlet from Bend so Leah Light from GIS can work with printer to do first setup and printing of map. First printing will be 250 copies and if needed in the future another 250 copies will be made. B.     AIP Projects: Fleury states that after speaking with Dave Roberts of the FAA, The City of Ashland is looking at a start date for engineering on the current AIP project in November 2010. The new projects include the 12/30 runway overlay along with replacing the current VASI’s with new PAPI’s. C.    Treg Scott was appointed and approved to be a new Commission member by the City Council on the consent calendar agenda on June 17th. Treg introduced himself to Commission at first attended meeting since being appointed.                 NEW BUSINESS:           A.              Mike Faught new Public Works Director introduces himself to the Commission and gives them an overview of the procedure to approve the Airport Hangar Rental Rates each time the Commission votes to increase them along with the approval of the Ground Lease Rates which are increased through the CPI indexing every year. The new rates will be taken to Council each year and approved through Resolution. Faught also went over the Airport Commission Rules as setup through Ashland Municipal Code Chapter 2.23. B.               Lease Development Lindner: Airport Commission discusses Lindner Lease as put together by the Legal Department. Issues that arose were terms of the lease, deposits and construction timelines. Lindner needs a minimum 20 year term with two 5 year first right of refusals in order to secure financing. Commission thinks terms are reasonable and similar to SKY Research terms.  Motion by Skillman for approval of terms, second by Wolske, vote passes by unanimous decision. After motion passed construction timelines were discussed. DeBoer motions for a construction timeline of 1 year for the infrastructure improvements with a 60 day window after to start with hangar construction and a 6 month completion date for hangars. Wolske seconds motion, vote passes by unanimous decision. Next the Commission discussed how the deposits should break down. DeBoer amends motion to include 2000.00 deposit for the t-hangars and 2000.00 deposit for the executive hangar, and when an executive hangar is sold the person who will now occupy the building will pay a separate 2000.00 deposit. Amended motion passes by unanimous decision. Lamb states that she originally put together a letter to send to Lindner discussing most of these issues. It is still in draft form and Commission wants Fleury to update letter with meetings discussion topics and send to Commission members for review and then to Lindner with copies of the leases created by Legal. C.              Potomac SuperAwos: Not enough time to dicuss agenda item, to be postponed until next meeting. D.              AIP/Grant Money Applications Information: Fleury gives breakdown of FAM Grant and AIP Grant money as shown in Agenda Packet sheet. FAM grant was cancelled for the ’07-08 Fiscal year and Sandi Larsen from ODA said the ’09-10 budget was still be worked on and she did not know if their would be money for a FAM grant for either of those years. The FAM Grant is for 25,000 and can be used for projects within the Airport Master Plan. Sandi Larsen said that ODA usually sends out the Grant Applications a few months prior to their due date and expects to have an online application ready for when ODA does have available FAM grant money. AIP Grant money comes for the FAA and is 150,000 bankable up to 4 years. This allows us to save up to 600,000 for large scale projects. Dave Roberts of the FAA is aware that the next AIP project will the 12/30 runway overlay along with installation of PAPI lights. He expects engineering for the project to start in November 2010 with construction to begin in summer 2011. E.               Gas Usage Graph: Commission reviews chart put together by Fleury comparing fuel consumption between the 2007 and 2008 fiscal years. Total consumption was down approximately 10,000 gallons in the 2008 year. F.                Hangar Door Installation: All Commission members agree that the hangar doors need to be installed because they are a better quality and safer product. Skinner unable to attend meeting so Commission will discuss further at next meeting. G.             DC-3 Hangar: DeBoer has been meeting with John Phelps owner of the DC-3 discussing construction of a hangar  for the DC-3. Commission would love to see the addition of a new hangar and DeBoer to keep Commission informed on progress. Mr. Phelps to go through all steps normally required before hangar construction; design, planning approval and lease approval.       AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.              Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports   B.               Maintenance Updates – First number installed on DeBoer Hangar. Commission would like to see number on total structure and letters on each building attached to main structure. Fleury to research original map with number breakdown.       OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 2, 2008, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM