HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes December 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION January 4th, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, SUSAN MOEN, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, BILL SKILLMAN, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER, RUSS SILBIGER STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: TREG SCOTT Visitors:  Joseph Rice, Glen Ward   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 7th 2010, motion by DeBoer for approval, second by Moen, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.     Additional Items:   Public Forum: Joseph Rice asks if there will be any future security improvements made at the Ashland Municipal Airport? Fleury informs Commission and Rice that as part of the AIP projects in the future that the perimeter fencing will be installed and security cameras at some point will also be installed around the FBO building. This project is approximately 2-3 years out due to current AIP project and the need to bank FAA funding for project. Rice states that Brim Aviation has some potential security concerns regarding there personnel, equipment and facility due to the line of work they do and will take internal security measures in the future.   OLD BUSINESS: A.       AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury informs Commission that all the contracts for construction and construction administration have been signed by all parties and approved. The anticipated project start date will be in April of this year. Fleury to work with Reid Middleton and Knife River to determine best possible start date and inform everyone as soon as possible about runway closure times. The contract stipulates a 60 day construction time limit with a full closure length to be determined based on the amount of work required to rehabilitate the center section of the runway. Commission asks Bender if Medford Airport would be open to allowing use of the facility at a reduced cost during the closure periods? Bender to discuss the ability to use Medford at a reduced cost basis during closures with Bern Case and get back to Commission. Skinner states that most likely he will have to relocate some of his services to Medford for fire spotting, but can use the Department of Forestry facility. The Commission would like a construction schedule once complete and it should be made available to all airport users via the FBO building and website.   B.         Budget Review: Fleury goes over previous meetings information regarding the airport budget and budget process. Fleury hands out loan rate sheet for new t-hangars that was provided by the finance department. Cindy Hanks has the status of the fuel tanks and will return from vacation shortly. Fleury to pass fuel tank information on to Commission once he receives it. DeBoer questions if t-hangar loan payments are made monthly or quarterly and also questions if the City should refinance the current loan because the interest rate seems a bit high compared to current loan rates. Fleury to discuss with the Finance Department C.       FBO Management –Skinner lease: The city and Skinner to meet and discuss exiting lease terms for clarification along.   NEW BUSINESS:          A.    Good Neighbor Policy: Skinner states that no new complaints were received in December. He also informs Commission that Erickson has been on site recently performing some helicopter related training. Commission asks Rice about future on site helicopter training. Rice believes the next training session will begin in February and last a total of 65 days with a total fly time of 560 hours. Brim Aviation is expecting 5 pilots and 4 crew members for the training. Rice also informs Commission that Brim Aviation still plans to perform as much training off site as time and weather allow. Brim Aviation is also agreeable to the site location for training as discussed with Skinner during a site walkthrough in December. Brim Aviation would like a letter from the City outlining the training locations and the request that Brim use said areas for any training activities. Skinner to create draft letter for City and City will complete letter with legal review and submit to Brim. Graves mentions that it might be a good idea for Brim Aviation to update their website with the outlined training activities and associated times so that interested parties could review at their leisure. DeBoer thinks that Brim Aviation could also create an email list for interested parties that details training dates and activities that could be sent out by Brim on a daily or weekly basis. Rice to look into these items and discuss with Brim. B.      CAP Lease: Commission reviews updated lease template for the CAP. The main question revolves around verification of “in-kind” service at the Airport due to the fact that the Ashland CAP branch appears to be fairly inactive, while the Medford branch is highly active. Zeve would like to see the CAP actually pay the base yearly lease fee and be rebated on a quarterly basis after the CAP attends a Airport Commission meeting and verifies any “in-kind” service work they did during the quarter. Skillman states there is no money in the CAP system for lease fees. They operate as a 100% volunteer system with the community supporting the CAP and the CAP supporting the community. He also states that there is value to the community in just having the hangar on site for any CAP search and rescue operations that take place along with the fact that the facility can be opened up to the public in any type of emergency as a shelter. Wolske does believe that the CAP is a value and asset to the community, but the Ashland CAP appears to be inactive with a lease on an empty hangar that is in disrepair. He also states that since a CAP member attended a meeting last summer no other member has come to the Commission meeting and given a synopsis of CAP activities at the Airport, as requested by the Commission. Rice states that Brim Aviation could use the hangar for some of their training and would compensate CAP accordingly if that would be allowed. Commission is agreeable to Brim Aviation contacting the CAP to check if the hangar could be used for training. Commission requests a couple of edits to the lease template. Fleury to update lease and send to legal and back to the Commission for review at the next meeting. C.    Council Goals: Faught reviews existing council goals and asks Commission if they would like to add too or change any of the existing goals. DeBoer would like to see the airport overlay planning zone updated because currently airport development is effected by planning limitations in code. Wolske would like to see public transportation to and from the Airport that is more convenient then waiting for a limited number of taxi’s in Ashland. Faught states that that will be discussed as part of the Transportation System Plan update and the Commission should wait and see what recommendations come from the plan update before recommending a goal to the Council. Motion by Hendrickson for addition Council goal; to revise current airport overlay zone to accommodate airport appropriate development, 2nd by Moen and approved by all Commissioners.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner informs Commission that it was a quiet December at the Airport as is usual this time of year. There was a water leak at the Airport that facilities maintenance was having repaired by a plumbing contractor. Skinner also states that the EPA conducted a site visit recently and is requiring that the “mystery” barrels outside of the FBO maintenance hangar. Skinner will contact Mike Morrison with the Facilities Department about removing barrels.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – Commission discusses security camera installation around FBO building. Commission asks Fleury if there is money to purchase a simple stand along building security camera system from Costco. Fleury states there is money to purchase a camera system because the tree removal cost was significantly lower than expected. Motion by Graves to purchase and install a security camera system as soon as possible, 2nd by Hendrickson, motion approved by all Commission members. Skinner informs Commission that the SuperUnicom has been operating at 122.8 for the past month with no complaints from pilots. Skinner also informs Commission that he will train Brim Aviation on how to use Unicom in order to post helicopter training related messages as an advisory to pilots landing and taking off from Ashland.   C.                Brown Bag: Zeve states there was no new information presented at the brown bag meeting.   D.                 Transportation Commission: Wolske did not have in Airport specific items to pass along to Commission.   E.                  Medford Airport Update- Bender states that both commercial and GA activity at Medford is up. He also informs Commission that Medford is waiting for right temperature conditions to use new fog dispersal balloon. Also, their will be a meeting regarding the Airport Master Plan update on site at the Airport next week.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  February 1st, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:21