HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes May 2008ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION July 1, 2008   MINUTES   MEMBERS PRESENT:   RICHARD HENDRICKSON, RUSS SILBIGER, LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, TOM BRADLEY, BILL SKILLMAN,  GOA LOBAUGH STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  BRITTANY WISE, BOB SKINNER Visitors:  Larry Graves CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      May 6, 2008, minutes approved as written.   Public Forum: No Public Forum comments   OLD BUSINESS: A.     Fuel Flowage Surcharge: Commission still interested in raising fuel flowage surcharge in order to help pay of fuel tank debt. Fleury to check on remaining balance for fuel tanks along with a history of the monthly fuel consumption at the Airport. B.     Noise Sensitive Area Map: No known problems or issues came up to Council regarding the map and newspaper article in the Tidings. Fleury reports the map is ready to be printed and will work with Lea Light from the City G.I.S. Department to print map out to correct size and folding pattern. After printing is complete Fleury to work on getting .pdf version of map uploaded onto City Commission webpage for downloading. Commission would also like Skinner to add blurb into monthly bill when new map is available. C.     West Jackson St.: No new complaint issues have developed and Commission considers this issue over. D.    AIP Project List: Commission has a concern over Grant application deadlines for projects and would like Fleury to research dates and monies available for Airport improvements. The previous parking lot reconstruction and SuperAwos project is complete and The City of Ashland has received money for the project. The next set of projects for AIP include runway overlay, new taxiway and PAPI’s to replace existing VASI lights. Also Commission would like to have a yellow taxi-way stripe laid down: Fleury to research and work with street crew to stripe taxi-ways. E.     Tregg Scott commission application: Scott had interview with Mayor and is awaiting Council approval to become newest member of Airport Commission.                 NEW BUSINESS:         A.               Lease Development Update: Lindner Lease was written by Legal and reviewed by Lindner. Airport Commission to receive and review Lease Documents at next meeting. Legal is currently working on the Burl Brim Lease and will then move onto the Skinner Lease. B.               Airport Day Review: Airport Day was a success but safety is a concern due to a taxi-way incursion between a parked aircraft and a moving aircraft. Commission agreed that safety is a priority and needs to be addressed before the next Airport Appreciation Day. Hendrickson would like the Commission to put together a subcommittee to outline safety precautions for the next Airport Day. Wolske mentions that each aircraft with a spinning prop should have a marshal watching it and controlling the crowd in the vicinity. C.               Meteorlogix Weather System: Final bill of 318.00 has been paid and service with Meteorlogix has been terminated. D.              Stand Alone Computer System: Commission members who have used the new system for weather reports state that it works fine and are pleased with it. Icons are set on desktop for various weather related sites.       AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.               Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports   B.               Maintenance Updates – Peters installed first hanger number on DeBoer Hanger. Commission to review initial number sign and approve or recommend changes at next meeting.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  August 5, 2008, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM