HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes May 2009 - Continuation Meeting MinutesMEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, DAVID WOLSKE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, LARRY GRAVES, RUSS SILBIGER, TREG SCOTT STAFF: SCOTT FEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT:  ALAN DEBOER Visitors:  Jeanette Hutchinson CALL TO ORDER:                  9:41 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 5 & 19, Motion by Wolske for approval, second by Hendrickson, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items: Airport Day Discussion (Zeve)   Public Forum: Jeanette Hutchinson read over a list of five memo points that Allan   Sandler needed clarification on from the previous two meetings. The points include exact price per square foot, electrical bills throughout the airport, toilet sq-ft cost and removal of office space. The memo points were sent out via email to the Commission members this past Friday and were also available at the meeting. The Commission feels that they have directly answered these questions during the past two meetings and do not feel there time is well spent answering the same questions repeatedly, but wish to make clarifications. Discussion revolves around the removal of office space in the Sandler Hangar. Faught states that Mr. Sandler would like to remove the office space to allow for a better fit of his planes so he does not have to stagger the wings. Faught presents the architectural drawings of the new layout before Commission for review. Zeve states the Commission does not want to see the City devalue an asset by allowing removal of existing office space in a City owned hangar as per the request of Mr. Sandler. Wolske states that in the rental world the landlord should not allow the devaluation of an asset and that if a tenant wants to remove structure to better improve there personal layout they should still pay the rate as if that structure exists in the building and then at the end of tenant occupation restore building to original condition and layout. Skillman states that Mr. Sandler’s airplanes could fit in the hangar side by side without wing stagger if the office space is removed, but that the majority of other planes that could be stored in the hangar would have to stagger there wings with or without office space in tact. Faught states that he will take this information into consideration and speak with the City Administrator regarding this issue. Motion by Hendrickson: Tenant must pay full rental value of hangar at current build out and can remodel structure per building code, but must restore structure to previous condition when no longer an occupant, 2nd by Skillman, Silbiger abstains, all approved.  Skinner addresses the airport rental rates and states that it is common industry practice to set different rates for different types of hangars at an airport.  Hendrickson agrees that an open T-hangar should not pay the same square footage rate as an enclosed box hangar with and electric door. Commission also makes clarification about price per square foot of a bathroom addition to the hangar. The price per square foot is meant to adjust the cost of the total hangar to market value, not to be associated with a direct bathroom cost as Mr. Sandler stated in the memo. Commission also agrees that the rates make sense for either a commercial or non-commercial occupant and that a bathroom is a desired commodity in a hangar. Faught then discusses a rental lease term with the Commission as there is a precedent set when the new T-hangars were built, people were offered a 5 year pre-paid terms. Faught states that this item will be in direct negation with the City and that the tenant will need to pay the difference in any rate increases approved by Council each year even if they have paid the 5 years upfront.     OLD BUSINESS: A.     AIP Project Consultant Selection: Fleury states that a consultant has been selected via the RFP grading process and that the City of Ashland is currently in contract negotiations with Reid Middleton for the engineering design. Commission thanks Scott for assisting in the grading process. Fleury will update Commission on status of AIP engineering each meeting. B.     Airport Day: Commission members state that overall it was a subdued event compared to previous years, but the event was still a success and appreciated by all in attendance. Commission thinks that Burl Brim did a good job at providing a successful Airport Day. Discussion turns to concerns over safety and community advertisement. Fleury states that the City was not aware of Airport Day until Tuesday the 19th and that as a City and Commission could have assisted in numerous ways. Wolske states that from previous meetings after last year’s Airport Day, there was discussion of aircraft marshaling and other safety issues that needed to be addressed before the next Airport Day.  These issues were not addressed since there was no true advanced notice of Airport Day to the Commission or City staff. Wolske would like the Commission and City to take more ownership with regards to Airport Day. Wolske also mentions that having a check in/out desk for pilots so they are able to have a marshal safely lead them on and off the taxiways to the runway. Zeve to draft letter to Brim discussing these points. Hendrickson would like an agenda item for January to discuss Airport Day well in advance. Bender states that promotion of Airport Day is a very important issue and that we should really do whatever we can as a City and Commission to let the public know about it. Fleury states that if the City knows far enough in advance they can reserve the banner section across Main St. as part of the advertisement of Airport Day. The City can also issue a press release on the City website and even include information in the City Source that goes out every month in the utility bill. C.     Rate Policy Development: Fleury asks Commission about any edits that can be made to the attached rate sheet. Commission members recommend placing word “box” before hangar shell rental and putting “City Owned” after privately built. Commission also recommended to place amenity definitions under there price structure. Fleury also asks for clarification of shell rental rate as specified by motion at the previous meeting; from the Sandler memo he believed it to be .245 sq-ft/month while Fleury believed it to be .25 sq-ft/month. The Commission all agreed that the motioned rate from the previous meeting was .25 sq-ft/month. Fleury will make necessary changes to rate sheet. NEW BUSINESS:        A.     Hangar Doors: Zeve questions who should shoulder the responsibility of an improved hangar door? Zeve does not want to see the City responsible for maintaining anything other then a general non-powered door. If hangar has an improved door then in the lease document it should specify who is responsible for maintenance and upkeep. Discussion revolves around the FBO maintenance hangar door and its replacement as requested by the Airport Commission do to its possible safety problems. Staff states through legal’s research into Skinners lease that Skinner is responsible for maintenance of the hangar doors, not the City. The Commission believes that the doors have reached the end of there useful life and it is the responsibility of the City to replace them. Skinner states that throughout his time at the Airport the City has previously maintained the hangar doors and has agreed to maintain the FBO maintenance hangar do to its poor state when he moved in. Fleury points to section 10 of the new approved lease template and Commission agrees that it is somewhat vague when it comes to maintenance and replacement of hangar items. Skinner to send Fleury documents and Commission minutes regarding the FBO maintenance issues in the past for Faught to review. B.     Commission Ordinance: Silbiger gives overview of existing Commission Ordinance. The City would like to remove the Council Liaisons as a voting member from Commissions and now is the chance to update the existing ordinance with any new language, number of members and conflict of interest statements. Commission discusses possible improvements and they included stating the Airport Manager (FBO) in the membership section as an ex officio non voting member and a statement that discusses that if the majority of members have a conflict of interest with regard to discussions that technically no conflict of interest exists then. Legal will make ordinance updates and Commission to review before being approved by City Council. C.     Airport Website: Discuss at next meeting     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that activity is increasing from fire investigation flying to transient activity.   B.                 Maintenance Updates – Fleury states that the concrete and door rail system for the one enclosed t-hangar that has failed will be replaced and the City will work on replacing the rest of them as budget allows.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  July 7, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:40