HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2008ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION December 2, 2008   MINUTES   MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, TREGG SCOTT, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, BRITTANY WISE STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT, JIM OLSON, BILL MOLNAR MEMBERS ABSENT:  BILL SKILLMAN, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, GOA LOBAUGH, RUSS SILBIGER. Visitors:  Julia Summer, Kirby Mills, Larry Graves, Alan Bender CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 2008, Motion by Wise for approval, second by DeBoer, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   Public Forum: Julia Summer who lives near North Mountain Park voiced her concerns over low flying aircraft in that area at various times of the day.  She also states that it appears aircraft are just circling with no apparent destination. Skinner states that any information she can garner from the planes in that area will help him identify pilots who he can talk with about flying in the area west of the I-5.  I.D. DeBoer mentions that very often pilots will speak to other pilots about flying activities near the cities populous areas.   Dr. Alan Bender gives update with regards to the new Medford Airport Terminal. New terminal ribbon cutting ceremony will be held January 3rd 2009 and the new tower is scheduled for completion in March 2009.   OLD BUSINESS: A.    Potomac SuperAwos: No new information regarding FAA Status of SuperAwos. Zeve to write formal letter outlining Ashland Airport Commissions expectations of SuperAwos system at time of purchase that have yet to be fulfilled. Skinner to update Commission with any new status received from Potomac. B.     Hangar inspection: Hangar inspection scheduled for November had to be rescheduled due to unforeseen conflict. Fleury to reschedule inspection for end of January. Fleury will send out email to Commission with new confirmed date of inspection. Skinner to post new notice in FBO building with inspection date. Discuss about hangar numbering ensues and Zeve motions for approval by Airport Commission of numbering scheme before changes occur, second by Wolske, all in favor. Issues still need to be dealt with regarding address changes to B.B., Skinner and Sky hangars. Wise to speak with Fire regarding numbering scheme to see if they have issue about changing it to building sequential instead of site sequential.               NEW BUSINESS:           A.    Planning Information: Bill Molnar from planning attends meeting for a Q&A session regarding planning within the City of Ashland airport zone and FAA defined horizontal surface zone. Commission would like to see existing airport zone change to apply to all tax-lots within the horizontal surface as defined by FAR 77 and the City’s Airport Master Plan. This would give property owners knowledge of their location in relation to the Ashland Airport and that there will be noise/traffic from Aircraft. The Commission would also like to see all tax-lots within this new zone have either an avigation easement or hold harmless agreement signed and on record. Comments were made about the Crowman Mill Site consultant plan not being valid within the City’s own Planning requirements and their was no mention of the site with relation to the Airport or problems associated with tall buildings within the Horizontal Surface.  Fleury states it is not illegal to build passed the horizontal surface ceiling if you have applied for and received mitigation via the FAA.  Molnar to meet with Fleury and Faught to discuss strategy for making improvements to planning code. Fleury to bring updates to Commission as process unfolds. B.     Electrical Power: Fleury states that cost to purchase power system from PP&L would require 2 times the annual revenue generated, which would amount to approximately $1300.00. The problem lies with the money required to update the facilities with City of Ashland power. In order to change over the system to COA power it would require new meters, new transformers, underground trenching and materials that would result in costs of tens of thousands of dollars. Commission abandons idea of consolidating power. C.    Hangar Door: Skinner states that he is having an engineer on site to review existing hangar door system and new system to see what is needed for installation. Skinner to receive new “firm” estimate of installation cost and bring to Commission when available. Commission to then discuss rent reduction to cover cost of hangar door installation.   D.    ODA Airport Inspection: Skinner forwards inspection letter from ODA to Fleury. Fleury shares letter with Commission and they would like to see all items attended to in a timely manner. Fleury to create spreadsheet in maintenance issues and take pictures of said items. Fleury to work with street department to perform required maintenance tasks as their schedule allows. Certain items can not be done until spring, I.E. striping of parking t’s.     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.              Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that he was able to drop fuel prices down about a dollar based on his last load received. Skinner to put notice on boat @ end of hangars to be removed or City will remove it. Individual damaged chain link fence near entrance and will need to repair it. Fleury to work with City’s risk management group to get fenced repaired by proper individuals.   B.               Maintenance Updates – Hangar inspections rescheduled for January 22, 2009.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 13, 2009, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:25 AM