HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION February 2, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: ALAN DEBOER, RUSS SILBIGER, BILL SKILLMAN, DAVID WOLSKE, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER, TREG SCOTT, LINCOLN ZEVE STAFF: SCOTT FEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  RICHARD HENDRICKSON, ALAN BENDER Visitors:  Kirby Mills, Glen Ward CALL TO ORDER:                   9:37 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 5, motion by Graves for approval, second by DeBoer, unanimous vote, minutes approved.   Additional Items:  Airport Security (old business)   Public Forum: No Public Comments   OLD BUSINESS: A.     AIP Project Engineering Design: Fleury informs Commission that there are no major updates for the AIP engineering design. The City of Ashland is expecting to receive design plans for review in another month. Reid Middleton is working on a final schedule and will submit to Fleury this week. Fleury will also complete the three grants for the Connect III rural Airport five million dollar allotment and they are due by May 1, 2001. B.      Airport Website Development: Fleury and Graves plan to do a site walkthrough at the next Commission meeting to give members a good overview of site content and let them comment on any additions or removal of data. The website still needs pictures of the Airport and surrounding area both on the ground and aerials. Commission members to get photos to Fleury as they can. C.    CAP Hangar: Commission discuses the Medford CAP lease. A copy of the lease was sent over to Fleury from Bern Case and then passed on to the Commission. The lease has a structure to it that provides for a base rate and then rate reductions for in-kind service matches. The Commission would like to send a letter to the CAP to state the intentions to negotiate a new lease at the end of there current term. The lease will be similar in structure to that of Medford. The Commission would also like the boat removed from the hangar as it is against there current lease and also the mission of the CAP to have a boat stored there. Skillman to discuss moving boat with Chris Adams before next meeting. The Commission would also like verification that the plane stored within the hangar is a CAP asset and can be used by any and all CAP personnel. Wolske states that the Commission does not want to be adversarial towards the CAP, but the hangar should have a fair market value assigned to it. The Commission believes the CAP provides an invaluable service and would like to see them stay at the Airport. Zeve motions that for the City to draft a letter to the CAP stating there intent to negotiate a new lease similar to Medford’s CAP lease. The hangar would have an established lease rate per existing Council approved rate sheet and an in-kind contribution to be defined could be used to lower the lease rate. The in-kind contribution will need to be monitored on an agreed upon time frame with the City and CAP. Motion is 2nd by Graves all approved. Fleury to draft letter and send to Commission members for review. Once reviewed and final edits have taken place, Fleury to send letter to CAP locally and in Eugene. D.     Housekeeping: Commission to review housekeeping occasionally if items creep up. They would like to keep the airport free of safety hazards and operating smoothly. Skinner to use due diligence when housekeeping issues arise. E.      Security: Skinner states that someone has removed fuel from his fuel truck on two occasions in the past month. He has filed a police report and then stated the police will ramp up enforcement around the Airport. Skinner states that it is a federal offense to tamper with fuel on an airport and his fuel truck has stickers that state that. Commission thinks this is another reason for installation of a security camera system at the Airport. Random incidences have increased over the past few months, more than Skinner has seen in his twenty years at the airport. Fleury states that he has put a security camera system in the AIP budget along with perimeter fencing. Fleury thinks they can use entitlement money after the completion of the runway project to install fencing and a security camera system. Fleury to check with the ODA about any grants for security systems at public general aviation airports in Oregon.   NEW BUSINESS:         A.     Burl Brim Training Tower: Fleury informs Commission the lease was approved by the City Council at the January 19th meeting. Brim was to obtain a building permit through the Planning Department before the lease would be made official and signed by the Mayor. Brim had an engineer working toward all the requirements of a building permit. Discussion turns to the flowage fee that Burl was asked to develop a method of tracking and pay on a monthly basis to Skinner. Meeting minutes from March and August 2006 were discussed and the motion that was made by DeBoer in the meeting. The Commission believes it only fair that Burl pay a flowage fee for all fuel brought onto and pumped at the Airport, just like everyone else. Commission would like Skinner to collect flowage fee from Burl on a monthly basis. Skinner would like letter from City authorizing Skinner to collect flowage fee from Brim. Fleury to draft letter and review with Mike Faught and discuss with Skinner at next FBO meeting. B.      Airport Day: Brittany to forward information regarding “in-house” meeting scheduled to discuss Airport Day.  Commission wants to take more ownership of Airport Day and make sure that it is safe and fun for all attendees. Fleury to still see if Brittany can attend Commission meeting to discuss. Zeve to contact Brittany regarding Airport Day and Brim Tower lease for informational updates.   C.    Transportation Commission ex-officio member: Silbiger states the second reading for the Commission ordinance is tonight and will take 30 days to become effective. The new ordinance will allow an ex-officio member of the Airport Commission to be on the transportation Commission. The Airport Commission can pick the ex-officio member and Wolske as stated in previous meetings has an interest in being part of the Transportation Commission. Commission is fine with Wolske being an ex-officio member. Wolske will also apply to be a voting member of the Transportation Commission.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Fleury asks Commission who has power in the vintage closed hangar section because there is a new City of Ashland meter there as part of the transfer from Pacific Power and no one knows who the power goes to. Commission believes the power goes to the Oregon State Police. Fleury to pass this information along to utility billing.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – No new updates. Maintenance work will continue as time and weather allow.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  March 2, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30