HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes August 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION September 4, 2012   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, ALAN DEBOER, ELIZABETH TRIPP, NICOLE DORAN, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE, DENNIS SLATTERY STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: RICHARD HENDRICKSON Visitors:     CALL TO ORDER: 9:33 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 14, 2012, motion by Nielsen for approval, second by Skillman, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: Power Pole Storage: Staff informs Commission that the Electric Department is following the Planning process for development of the storage facility onsite. Planning notice for the development has been issued and appropriate signs posted at the airport. Electric Department to inform staff of final planning decision in order for staff to generate appropriate lease documents. Tree Trimming: Staff informs Commission they recently spoke with Mrs. Saunders the owner of the property along Neil Creek without an easement dedicated to the City for tree trimming. Mrs. Saunders did not wish to grant the City and easement on her property for trimming and maintenance of trees within the approach slope zone, but would grant the City a right of entry to trim the cottonwood tree. Staff informed her that they would generate the required legal approved document and send it to her for signature. Staff also informed Mrs. Saunders that the wood could be left for her to use as firewood or hauled off as part of the project. Staff is still waiting for Terrasurvey to perform final survey and generate topping plan for inclusion into the RFQ for public bidding. Staff still sees the work starting in October after fire season ends. Parking Lot Policy: Staff has not had time to find the appropriate ORS as it relates to tow away zones in a private parking lot. Staffs to work with Skinner on appropriate 48 hour tow away signs if the vehicle is not registered with the FBO. Commission raises the idea of paying for parking onsite. Skinner states that most GA airports do not have pay for parking areas. FAA Inspection Report: Staff informs Commission that he has recently spoken with Tod Miller from Jackson County Code Enforcement about the dirt piles on City property in the runway safety over run area. Mr. Miller has requested through the County that the piles be removed from the flood plain and from the City’s property. Staff has also drafted a letter to be sent out to the owner of the winery if the piles are not removed as required by the County. The City’ code language includes abatement by the City if the ordinance is not followed and how the property owner can be billed for the City’s time to manage the abatement. Staff is not sure if there are any “teeth” within the County’s request to remove the piles, but will check with Mr. Miller regarding the request.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Staff informs Commission they were recently given a hold harmless agreement that was signed in 1987 by the Voget’s. This agreement was recorded as part of their deed documents to their current residence along Dead Indian Memorial Rd. Commission still needs to address valid complaints and make sure that operators and users of the airport are good neighbors to the surrounding area. Commission needs to verify that an operator’s actions are appropriate or inappropriate and make recommendations if necessary to improve situation. Skinner has noticed that Brim helicopter appear to by using the runway heading for a majority of their departures with the occasional departure heading North East straight from the hangar. FBO-RFP/Lease: Staff is waiting for legal to make the final changes to the lease that came out of the previous subcommittee meeting. The main issue that legal needed to review was the applicability of Ashland’s living wage requirement within the lease agreement. Staff was hoping to have the final draft back from legal this week in order to incorporate into the final RFP. Staff will check again with legal the status of the lease. Once the lease is complete staff can advertise the RFP. Commission asks staff about publications the RFP will be advertised in? Staff states that they usually advertise in the local paper and with the Daily Journal of Commerce with their RFP’s. Commission thinks that and aviation specific publication might be a good place to advertise. Staff will review aviation publications and see if any should be included for advertisement. Mobile Service Providers: Staff was recently contacted by an individual regarding working onsite under a mobile service operator approval. Staff sent the mobile service provider documentation to the individual for review. They were interested in performing aircraft detail and cleanup services onsite. The yearly fee established for MSP’s is $350.00 plus a business license requirement. Staff asks if this fee is appropriate or if it should be changed? Commission believes the fee appropriate and the MSP document does not require any changes at this time. Staff to verify if the insurance requirements in the document are in accordance with the current ORS and City requirements. AIP Projects: Staff reviews with Commission previous discussion regarding AIP projects. Sometime within the next few months the FAA will be requesting an update of Airport sponsors 6 year project list. The City currently has a taxiway extension and security fencing in the priority list. Staff included the AIP project list from the master plan in the packet. As per there last site visit the FAA thinks security fencing is a good idea and they believe it’s getting close to performing a master plan update. Usually master plans are updated on a 7-10 year cycle and the current master plan was approved in 2005. Staff to verify with FAA the timeframe associated with the master plan update and if it should just be a small update or a new overall master plan. Commission would like to spend adequate time reviewing proposed AIP projects and wonder if this item can be discussed solely at a future meeting. Staff thinks the November meeting might be a good time to discuss AIP projects. Motion by Skillman, 2nd by Moen; Move to use the November meeting solely for discussion regarding AIP projects and the FAA’s six year capital plan. Staff to create a spreadsheet that contains all projects within the master plan and highlight those that have been completed.    AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner reports that activity is good. The FBO business has been busy with both fire services contracts and with maintenance activities. Skinners new fuel supplier, World Fuel, has allowed him to be more competitive with his pricing at the Airport. Fuel sales are increasing and appear to be better than last year, but still far below what they were a couple years ago.   Maintenance Updates: Commission would like to see security camera signs installed since the cameras are now up and working. Staff informs Commission that signs have been purchased they just need to be installed. Skinner states that one of the PAPI lights is out and that he has contacted Cook to replace. Commission would like to see the maintenance hangar door issue resolved prior to the next FBO lease agreement or in conjunction with the new lease agreement. Commission would like staff to work with Skinner to see if an agreement can be reached for replacement of the hangar door with the new clamshell door that was donated by Medford. The agreement template was created by Lohman as part of the FBO lease update and was taken out of the final lease to be part of the FBO RFP, but this can serve as the starting point for discussion with Skinner.   Brown Bag: Moen gives an update of the previous meetings discussion regarding Enterprise Zones and how they generate tax benefits for business growth. Slattery to forward more information to Commission on Enterprise Zones.     Transportation Commission: No update   Medford Airport Update: No update.   Action Item List: No update   CAP Hangar Improvement: No update.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  October 2, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:17