HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2008ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION November 4, 2008   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, TREGG SCOTT, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN DEBOER, RUSS SILBIGER, BRITTANY WISE STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  BOB SKINNER, GOA LOBAUGH Visitors:  CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 2008, Motion by Skillman for approval, second by DeBoer, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   A. Additional Items: Ashland Rental Building Construction Approval   Public Forum: No public comments.   OLD BUSINESS: A.    Potomac SuperAwos: No new information regarding FAA Status of SuperAwos. Commission would like update from Skinner via email when possible. Fleury to ask Skinner to update Commission at earliest possible convience. Fleury to work on scheduling internet training for Mike Cook to become FAA certified service technician on system.  Commission also would like Noise Sensitive Area Map placed in a more obvious location within FBO so more people become aware of it. Also Commission would like Skinner to place map within every hangar bill so all occupants obtain one. B.     Rental Rate Approval: Rate Resolution to be written by Mike Faught and brought before Council for approval in November or December depending on work load. C.    DC-3 hangar construction: No new updates on Hangar construction. D.    QT-Technologies Fueling Terminal Service Agreement: The Platinum Service has been paid for and Airport Commission to review and discuss renewal options next year when service expires. E.     Avigation Easement: Commission is interested in the planning process within the Airport Overlay Zone and would like to know how certain issues with building heights and the Avigation/hold harmless easements are dealt with. Fleury to research planning information for next meeting. DeBoer mentions it would be a good idea to change the zoning for taxlots within the overlay zone to include the designation -0A to indicate taxlot was within the Airport Horizontal Surface and certain conditions may apply to construction.  Fleury to talk with planning regarding zoning change.               NEW BUSINESS:           A.    Hangar Inspections: Fleury states that he has scheduled the Hangar inspections for 11-18-08 and Skinner has posted notice regarding inspections at FBO office. Fleury to make sure that keys are available to all hangars and if there are locks with no keys they will be removed to enter. B.     Hangar Electrical Audit. Fleury shows hangar map and power provider breakdown to Commission. Commission would like to see all power switched over to City of Ashland Power. Fleury to research and get back to Commission on the change over. C.    Crowman Mill Site: Silbiger states he has a conflict of interest with any discussion relating to the Crowman Mill Site Development and leaves room during discussion. Fleury stated that Jim Olson was going to contact the FAA to determine how buildings are constructed on land that encroaches into the Airport overlay zone. Fleury to share this information with planning so the proper procedures are followed when it comes to construction within the overlay zone. D.    Oregon Aviation Plan: Commission had no comments regarding Aviation plan. The main item of interest is the change from a category 4 airport to a category 3 airport, which will allow for a broader range of funding for AIP projects in the future. E.     Ashland Rental: Commission reviews site plan for 26’6” building to be built at Ashland Rental, 2915 Highway 66. Building maximum height meets guidelines set forth in FAR 77 and DeBoer motions for approval of Height exception to current planning standards, second by Hendrickson. Vote passes unanimously. Fleury to write letter to Steve Shapiro stating approval from the Airport Commission and height calculations with regards to FAR 77.      AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.              Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner absent from meeting. Fleury states only issue was brought up by FAA inspector regarding Vasi Light calibration being done. Fleury states calibration is done on a bi-annual basis and logged in a book kept at the Public Works building.   B.               Maintenance Updates – Hangar inspection scheduled for 11/18/08 and Peters to install hangar numbers as time allows.  Commission interested to know how numbering changes affect BB, Sky and Skinner hangars who use old number.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 2, 2008, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:49 AM