HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2011ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 1st, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, SUSAN MOEN, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER, BILL SKILLMAN, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER, DENNIS SLATTERY STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT: TREG SCOTT, ALAN DEBOER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON Visitors:  Chris Adams, Joseph Rice   1.            CALL TO ORDER: 9:31AM   2.            APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 1st, 2010, motion by Skillman for approval, second by Moen, unanimous vote, minutes approved as amended.     Additional Items:  New Business B: Airport Day   3.            Public Forum: No comments   4.    OLD BUSINESS: A.                AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury informs Commission that he had an informal preconstruction meeting with Knife River Materials. At the meeting Fleury inquired about the potential re-use on site of granite base material and asphalt grindings. Joe Soares from Knife River stated he would do more investigation into their bid breakdown to determine if they had a planned use for the material or some of it could be left onsite to be used at the City’s discretion. Knife River has not developed a final schedule, but it appears that work will start in May and finish in June. Work needs to be done when the contractor has good weather due to the stringent paving requirements of the FAA. Fleury will inform Commission as soon as he has a final approved schedule in place. Commission would like to notify airport users as soon as possible of the pending work and closure. Fleury mentions that a letter could be sent out in Bob’s monthly billing statements along with being posted at the FBO office on the City’s website. B.                  FBO Management –Skinner informs Commission that he had a one on one meeting with Fleury to discuss lease point clarifications. Fleury plans to draft a lease amendment that provides clarifications regarding FBO management on site. The draft amendment will be provided to the Commission for review and then submitted to the Legal Department for final review. Once the amendment is approved by the Legal Department it will then be sent to the City Council for final approval.   C.                CAP Hangar lease:  Adams from the CAP is in attendance to inform the Commission and City that the CAP has decided to close down the Ashland group and move remaining members into Medford. Membership in Ashland has diminished to a point where the CAP believes that it best to dissolve the Ashland branch.  Adams informs Commission that the hangar is owned by CAP Corporate and is not Department of Defense property. Adams states that it is CAP’s intention to sell the hangar to a private party and the title can be transferred through a bill of sale since it is owned by CAP Corporate. Adams states that he is the go between for negotiations and that Col. Brian Bishop will have the final say with regards to the hangar sale or donation. Adams reiterates that the existing lease states that CAP must remove hangar and site must be brought back to original conditions at the end of the lease. Fleury believes that the City can enter into good faith negotiations with the CAP to amend the lease and purchase the hangar or allow the CAP to sell the hangar to another party. Motion by Wolske: City to investigate options as they relate to the CAP hangar current and future leases and report back to the Commission at the next meeting, 2nd by Skillman, all approved. Fleury to discuss issue with Faught and the Legal Department and bring back information to the next meeting.   5.    NEW BUSINESS:    A.                Good Neighbor Policy: Rice informs Commission that Brim Aviation is currently 4 weeks away from its next training session. Brim Aviation is working through visa issues. Brim still plans on performing as much training as possible offsite and will keep a log of all activities due to the fact that multiple helicopters use Ashland Airport and Brim is being blamed for all helicopter noise. Rice asks about draft letter from City regarding specific agreed upon training location on site. Fleury informs Commission and Rice that he will supply draft letter created by Skinner and Fleury. Letter indicates the location north-east of Brims hangar away from fixed wing aircraft as a training location when on site. This area was discussed and picked as a safe location to minimize impact with fixed wing aircraft and existing structures. B.                  Airport Day: Zeve was under the impression that a representative from Brim Aviation was going to attend meeting and discuss Airport Day. Fleury informs Commission that he has reserved the Main St. Banner for the week and that Commission needs to develop the wording for the Banner. Fleury to send wording to Zeve for review. Rice states that a representative from Brim Aviation can attend the next meeting to discuss Airport Day. Wolske would like to make sure that there is enough time for the Commission to comment and assist towards the development of Airport Day as last year’s event went very well with the assistance of the CAP and the extra marshaling they provided. C.                Rate Analysis: Fleury informs the Commission that the January 2011 CPI-U shows a 1.6% increase as compared with the previous years data. Fleury has made the adjustments to the lease payments that are guided by the CPI-U and given that information to Skinner for billing purposes. Fleury goes over existing Council approved rate sheet and asks for Commissions opinions towards hangar rental increases. Fleury states that the existing rate for open t-hangars is on the upper end of the scale and the FBO has a hard time filling openings in these hangars when they become available. Commission would like Skinner to investigate what it would take to enclose the open t-hangars. Skinner to call Industrial Door and get a general quote for the services. It could be possible for the City to offer a deal from renters to enclose their hangars similar to what was previously done. Commission would like to see rates from a couple local GA airports to compare with our own existing rates. Fleury to provide rates from Benton Park, Redding and Bend in the next packet.   6.    AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that activity last month was scarce as the weather continues to effect GA activity. The oil barrels have been removed and disposed of along with the dirt around the site. This should resolve all issues with the EPA with regards to the site. Skinner states that the FBO office has been closed the last four weekends and he has only received a couple of calls to his cell phone during that time.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – Fleury informs Commission that a 10-pack meter service will be installed on the back of the old style closed hangars. The meter pack will be installed to allow any renters to run power from the meter to their hangar at their own expense, similar to what was provided when Kirby Mills acquired power to his hangar rental. Fleury also informs Commission that once the weather improves that the City will have the County work crews out to the site to chip all leftover remains from the tree trimming that was recently completed.   C.                Brown Bag: Moen attended the February brown bag meeting and informs Commission that her main discussion topic was in regards to the current transportation system plan and creating a link between downtown and the airport.     D.                 Transportation Commission: Wolske states that in the meeting he is going to provide information to the Commission that stresses the importance of linking the airport with the City as part of the transportation system. Fleury provided economic data that the Oregon Department of Transportation created to Wolske as background information to the Transportation Commission. As a side note, Wolske mentions they have received the airport users’ group survey information back from 15 recipients and it appears there is enough interest to restart the group. They will plan on having an informal get together BBQ in spring.   E.                  Medford Airport Update-Bender informs Commission that the Airport Master Plan update has begun and the kickoff meeting recently took place. He also states that Medford is continuously working with carriers to expand service at the airport. Bender to discuss in detail with Bern Case options for use by Ashland Airport users during the runway closure for construction. The Commission would be thankful if Medford could assist Ashland’s users with reduced or eliminated tie down fees during the full closure period for the runway rehabilitation.   7.    OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   8.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 5th, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:21