HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes July 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION August 3rd, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: ALAN DEBOER, DAVID WOLSKE, LINCOLN ZEVE, BILL SKILLMAN,  SUSAN MOEN ALAN BENDER, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT: TREG SCOTT, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, RUSS SILBIGER Visitors:  David Ridsdale CALL TO ORDER:                   9:32 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 6, motion by Moen for approval, second by Bender, unanimous vote, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  Tree trimming-maintenance   Public Forum: No discussion   OLD BUSINESS: AIP Project Engineering Design: Fleury updates Commission on status of current AIP project. The City is waiting for a construction grant offer from the FAA. After a recent conversation with the FAA the City was informed that they are moving up the list for discretionary money, but will have to wait until the next round of funding is approved. The City will know by the middle of September if this project will be funded this year, or put off until next year. Fleury is waiting to here back regarding the Connect III application that will cover the 5% match for the design of the current AIP project. The additional Connect III application for the 5% match with respect to the construction portion of the project is in limbo due to the fact that the City has yet to receive a construction grant offer. Bender discusses the reliever airport with the Commission again as a possible means to obtain more funding. Graves states that it might help our case if we were to obtain letters of support from freight operations and others that are affected by fog days in Medford.   Commission would like Bender to draft a letter that discusses Ashland’s unique situation with regards to freight and GA traffic overrun on bad weather days and how Medford will no longer seed the fog during winter so the traffic at Ashland could increase. Once Bender completes letter and Commission reviews Fleury to forward on to the proper FAA representatives for review and comment.   NEW BUSINESS:         A.     Good Neighbor Policy: Fleury relates information from FAA regarding the proposed sound study. The FAA will not pay for an updated sound study until the next Airport Master Plan Update. The FAA and their sound experts believe that though an annoyance, the helicopters that Brim Aviation fly do  not create a dramatic increase in db level, which would warrant an update to the existing sound study. Skinner states that he has not had an increase in noise complaints over the past two months. Skinner also reiterates that safety around the airport is his main concern and there are specific areas around the airport that no helicopter operations should take place. The Airport Commission would like to see the helicopter pilots use the radio more and follow proper etiquette when it comes to hovering operations at the Airport. Safety is of the utmost importance when there are fixed wing and helicopters in close proximity. B.      Caldera Height Encroachment: Fleury goes over letter from Mark Knox regarding the possible height encroachment on Clover Ln. Caldera Brewery would like to build a structure that would house storage silos and the maximum height of the building would encroach into the horizontal surface by approximately 25’. The Planning Code allows for structures of that height to be built on site. The Airport Commission does not see a safety hazard for a building of that height at that location.  Motion by DeBoer, to recommend approval of the proposed construction as long as the building does not violate any FAA rules, 2nd by Skillman, all approved by Commission. The Commission would like to see Mark Knox and the City of Ashland’s Planning Department perform their due diligence when it comes to the planning stages of the development. C.    Commission Goals: Fleury goes over minutes from meeting that discussed yearly goals. The 2010 goals where to find money for improvements of the Airport, work towards the riparian restoration of Neil Creek and develop a crossover educational curriculum between science works and local schools that expose kids to aviation. Commission would also like to discuss long term goals. The Commission states that long term goals where developed a few years back. Goals to be discussed again at the next meeting. D.     SASO/Lease Payments: SASO payments for all SASO operators where included in the packet for the Commission members to verify that the City is collecting required fees. Commission inquires into status of Brim storage area lease. Fleury review what has occurred to date. The lease was generated by Legal and sent out to Commission members in June for review. Once reviewed the lease was sent to Brim on June 29th. Brim contacted Fleury regarding one condition in the lease. The lease called for Brim Aviation to receive planning approval to use the area for temporary storage, Brim was hesitant of the planning process because he did not want to end up paving the area in question. Fleury contacted planning to discuss this issue and they understood the need of Public Works not wanting that area paved as it is not paved in the ALP. The Planning Commission also is aware of development situations that can plague the Airport and are willing to accommodate reasonable requests via variances. Public Works will continue to work with Brim Aviation to get established lease signed and in place. Motion by Graves; Fleury, DeBoer, Zeve to meet independently and determine what exactly needs to be done regarding the Brim Aviation lease and flowage permit then have Commission review and put process in place before the next meeting. 2nd by Skillman, DeBoer opposed all others agree, motion passes.     AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that fire activity has been down this fire season. General Aviation activity has increased throughout the summer as is typical for Ashland.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – Fleury informs Commission that he has sent requests to the Public Works Superintendent to complete the tree trimming, paving and stripping at the Airport. The tree trimming will take place when fire restrictions are reduced. The paving will occur when the Street Department can schedule it in with their other work along with the stripping. Fleury also informs Commission that he has ordered the video surveillance signs and that he will work with the Street Department for installation on the signs on site.      C.                Brown Bag: Skillman attended the brown bag meeting in Zeve’s place. Skillman noted that nothing of great significance was discussed, but he did have a discussion with the Mayor regarding monetary impact the Airport makes to the local economy.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  September 7th, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:24