HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes December 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION January 8, 2013   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE, BOB SKINNER, JEFF NIELSEN, ALAN DEBOER, SUSAN MOEN, LINCOLN ZEVE, ELIZABETH TRIPP, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, DENNIS SLATTERY, WILLIAM SKILLMAN STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT: NICOLE DORAN, ELIZABETH TRIPP Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 4, 2012, motion by Neilsen for approval, second by Moen, minutes approved as written.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No public discussion.   OLD BUSINESS: Power Pole Storage: Staff informs Commission the Electric Department expects to start work in August with new appropriations for the fiscal year. Staff will work with Electric on the actual lease and lease start date later in spring or early summer. Tree Trimming: Staff informs Commission that work has begun on the topping project. Upper Limb It has started topping the trees and is working with City project manager Brad Barber. Contractor expects to finish at some point in February. FBO RFP/Lease: Staff informs Commission that Legal has not finalized the lease documents at this point. AIP Projects: Staff informs Commission that the AIP spreadsheet dictating projects over the next five years must be turned in by Friday. Skinner has supplied staff with the hangar waiting list as backup documentation for the FAA regarding approval of the taxilane extension project.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Council Goals: Councilor Slattery at meeting to discuss the Councils goal setting session on January 26th. Slattery explains that last year with new Council members and a new City Administrator the Council decided to keep the old goals in place and not make any changes. Slattery would like to see the goal setting session to be inclusive of all Commissions and not be aspirations. Slattery would like to start from scratch with goal setting and does not know specifically what the City Administrator has in store for the session. Slattery hopes for an effective goal setting process and the new established goals help feed the budget in order to accomplish the goals in an appropriate time frame. Slattery also states that he would like to see a comprehensive City budget plan developed as part of a City goal. Commission is concerned with bottlenecks in City Departments; examples include waiting for a final lease drafted by the Legal Department for the FBO RFP. The lease has been back and forth between the Commission and Legal over the past year and now its almost complete but stalled in Legal. The Commission feels like these bottlenecks are an issue that needs to be resolved. Slattery believes that a Council goal should be to remove system bottlenecks through process improvements or by adding employees to better maintain and complete workflow in City Departments. Slattery understands that each Department does a large volume of work and that process improvements/new employees will help everyone meet level of service and Council goals. Commission asks about liaison appointments and when will they happen? Slattery states that the Mayor appoints the Council Liaisons and that will happen after the goal setting session. Slattery enjoys the Airport Commission because he has an interest in aviation and would like to continue being the liaison, but understands the Airport Commission would like the liason in attendance in as many meetings as possible. Slattery explains that between other meetings and his teaching schedule that he cannot attend all meetings but does stay informed on Commission issues. Slattery also states that the Commission Goals:   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that activity has been slow as is normal this time of year. Skinner states that the onsite signs are still in need of repair along with installation of the new parking and video surveillance signs. Fleury informs Commission that he will delegate the sign installation to Brad Barber an engineering project manager as staff does not have the appropriate amount of time to pull everything together. Maintenance Updates: Skinner states that recent rain has caused a little flooding of the FBO hangar as the gutters were overwhelmed. Skinner to contact Peters and discuss flooding issues. Brown Bag: Moen state there was no brown bag meeting in December.   Transportation Commission: No update.   Medford Airport Update: No update. Bender plans to attend February meeting to discuss any issues at the Medford Airport.   Action Item List: No update.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  February 5, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:05