HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes November 2009ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION December 1, 2009   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: RICHARD HENDRICKSON, TREG SCOTT, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER STAFF: SCOTT FEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  ALAN DEBOER, RUSS SILBIGER, BILL SKILLMAN, LINCOLN ZEVE Visitors:  Bob Sims, Jerry Fullstone CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 1, Motion by Graves for approval, second by Bender, unanimous vote, minutes approved as amended.   Additional Items:     Public Forum: No Public Comments   OLD BUSINESS: A.     AIP Project Engineering Design: Fleury informs Commission that the Connect III grant for the taxiway extension has been applied for and ODOT has received all required paperwork. Fleury will also apply for the rural airport funding Connect III grants that are due by May 20, 2010. The rural airport grants applications will be for the AIP engineering design 5% match, the AIP construction 5% match and for the taxiway extension construction project. The regular Connect III grants will be awarded in Fall 2010. Fleury to keep Commission informed of status.   B.      Housekeeping: Skinner states that he has spoken to people on the Airport about walking and set the off limit area at any part forward of Sky’s hangar. Wolske states there are trails that span the perimeter of the airport that could be appropriate for walking. Graves states that maybe signs stating uses could be used. Skinner thinks that most people will not pay attention to the signs as is the case now. He also discussed the bike demos with the necessary parties on site and they under the radar of the City and Commission with regards to the operations that are not consistent with the minimum standards. They understand the situation and bike demo operations have ceased. Bender states that in some instances a non aviation related business would be permitted on site by FAA if the if revenue generated from business would help improve the Airport. What could the City do to maximize the use of the Airport? Bender to investigate non-aviation related businesses on airport sites. Wolske note there is a Sherriff’s vehicle parked within the 39’ clear zone near Burls Hangar. Skinner to speak with Burl and have vehicle moved. Wolske also states there is a solar panel and piece of equipment associated with it to the North of Burls hangar and does not remember what it was for. The Commission vaguely remembers approving the area for something a couple years ago. Fleury to look back through the minutes to find out what the piece of equipment is and who’s responsibility it is.   C.    Airport Policy Development: Fleury states that he will continually work with the Airport Commission to develop the Airport Policy booklet. Fleury asks if any members have an additional policy they would like to add to the current booklet, either new or old. D.     Airport Marketing-Website Development: Fleury informs Commission that he and Graves will meet this week to start work on developing the website content. Fleury asks Commission members for photos of the Airport, both ground and aerial to add for content.     NEW BUSINESS:         A.     Airport Commission Goals: Commission discusses goals for 2010. They would like to continue through will grant applications and research any and all sources of funding for the improvement and expansion of the Airport. Bender says that a consultant could be used to find funds for the improvement and expansion of the Airport.  Hendrickson would like to proceed forward with the website development and improve the overall marketing of the Airport. The Commission believes the Council and Citizens of Ashland should better understand the use and importance of the Airport and that it is up to the Commission to help them in this process. Wolske states that he would like to see a maintenance program established for the riparian sections along Neil Creek that are on Airport property. What can the Airport Commission do to clean, upgrade, improve the area around Neil Creek? Wolske states that most of the creek is overgrown with blackberries. Commission to work towards riparian restoration and improvement along Neil Creek. Scott states that he volunteers at his kid’s school and that he would like the Commission to develop a curriculum for field trips to the Airport to get kids interested in aviation and promote the Airport at the same time. Commission thinks the Young Eagles should be involved. Hendrickson would like a sub-committee to meet and establish a curriculum. Sub-committee will be Graves, Scott and Hendrickson. B.      CAP Hangar: Jerry Fullstone in attendance to discuss CAP operations at the Ashland Airport. Jerry states that the CAP would like to keep the CAP hangar operating in Ashland and that it is a viable important entity to the CAP. He mentions that the electrical issues from the previous fire inspection report have been taken care of.  He states they have two weekday night meetings a month at the hangar and recently had a training exercise based out of Ashland. He states they use both the Medford and Ashland facilities for training. Chris Adams is the Squadron Commander for the Ashland CAP. Hendrickson states the Commission is supportive of the CAP mission, but the impression the Commission and City have is that the hangar is not being utilized. Skinner states there should be better communication between the City, Commission and CAP so all parties understand what is going on with regards to the CAP hangar. Commission would like to see emailed reports from the CAP occasionally to understand how the hangar and Airport is being used by the CAP. All email addresses are in the Commission packet and Jerry has a copy. Wolske states that the CAP is a resource and they should take some pride of ownership in the hangar and the Commission is interested in obtaining the hangar because of its apparent lack of use. The Commission also believes the hangar is in disrepair and the CAP should try and invest some time into cleaning it up both on the interior and exterior. Scott asks if the CAP has any upcoming maintenance that it will perform on the hangar. Jerry says he does not know of any off the top of his head. He states most of the work is done by volunteers and they try to do basic cleanup on the inside. He also states CAP funds are limited for hangar improvements. Hendrickson states he would like Jerry to inform his superiors that the Commission is concerned with the condition of the hangar. It was also mentioned that the CAP should place a larger sign at the Airport to let users and the general public know of the CAP presence at the Ashland Airport. The Commission would also like to see the Medford CAP come to the Ashland Airport for meetings and trainings. The Commission asks Jerry or a CAP representative to email Commission members any CAP information that comes out of their meetings or any training plans that the CAP has for the future. Commission would also like to see the CAP involved in next years Airport Day and will keep in contact with CAP regarding this issue. Hendrickson thanks Jerry for his attendance at the meeting and looks forward to seeing the CAP attend meetings when they are available. C.    TSP: Fleury states that Faught was going to attend meeting to discuss the TSP with Commission but was double booked for time. He will attend January meeting to discuss the TSP and how it relates to the Airport. D.     Planning Commission: Fleury states that he has spoken with Bill Molnar and that Bill is trying to schedule a time for Airport Commission members to have a question and answer session with the Planning Commission. Fleury to update Commission of status once Bill has something set up.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that he is having a monthly meeting with Fleury and Faught to discuss airport operations and issues. Previously they discussed the vandalism and the possibility of installing a security camera system. Faught would like to try and budget for a small security camera system and DVR for the next budget cycle. Hendrickson states that he would still like to discuss the housekeeping issues with DeBoer at the next meeting.  Fleury states he has measured off parking area for Burls rolling stock and sent him a lease to review. He has not heard back from Burl yet regarding the lease and will try to discuss further with Burl.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – No new updates. Maintenance work will continue as time and weather allow.       OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  January 5, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:07