HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes August 2013ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION October 1, 2013   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Bob Skinner, Lincoln Zeve, Nicole Doran, Bill Skillman, Elizabeth Tripp, Richard Hendrickson, Susan Moen and Alan DeBoer Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Jeff Nielsen, Greg Lemhouse Visitors:   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 6, 2013 motion by DeBoer for approval, second by Hendrickson, minutes approved as written.     2.Public Forum: No public discussion.   3.OLD BUSINESS: A.FBR RFP/Lease: Staff and Skinner still need to hold final meeting to straighten out lease verbiage with regards to liability issues. Skinner will have more time to meet now that fire season is over. Once final language is created staff will bring lease to Commission for final review and approval before taking to Council for final approval. B.AIP/Hangar Door/Hanger Enclosure Projects: Staff informs Commission of onsite meeting with Skinner and American Industrial Door to discuss the FBO hangar door replacement project. Meeting was set up to coordinate and discuss any issues regarding the project. Skinner wanted to maintain existing height opening and with current engineering for door he would lose about 4-5 feet of height. Discussion onsite created a reasonable solution to the problem by removing some roof material and extending new support posts up through roof and façade to create the proper vertical clearance. Staff will work with a structural engineer to update drawings and calculations for construction.   Staff informs Commission of scoping meeting with Precision Approach Engineering (PAE) for the taxilane and security fencing AIP project. PAE believes the project will be pretty straight forward and the first thing to accomplish is a pre-design meeting with the FAA to make sure everything gets accounted for when they create the final scope of work. Staff also informs Commission that working with Brim Aviation will be important as the taxilane runs right behind his hangar. Commission wants to make sure the appropriate distance is created for separation between the taxilane and Brims hangar. Staff to confirm distance on ALP and discuss with PAE to maximize distance without hurting future development. Brim’s parking area will be affected as material will need to be removed from this area for construction of both taxilanes. FAA would like to see the project engineering complete and ready to bid in spring of 2014 in order to obtain a construction grant for the project. PAE does not see any issues with finishing engineering and bidding project in spring of 2014. Another issue discussed in the scoping meeting was fence alignment. Staff informed PAE the intent is to minimize impacts to the riparian area and minimize creek crossings as part of the fence portion of the AIP project. Once the final scope and price is developed staff and the FAA will review and either make changes or approve. If the fee for engineering is over 100k then an independent fee analysis will be required prior to starting any work.   Commission inquires into status of hangar enclosure project and rental status of open hangars currently. Staff informs Commission that engineering is working on many other projects and has staff issues with getting the project going concurrent with two other airport projects and multiple city projects. Commission would like to see the project proceed as soon as possible if there is any way to get it done sooner. Staff will need the assistance of a local architectural consultant to develop plans and specifications to meet building code requirements for enclosing the hangars. Staff will look into trying to speed up process with current staff level.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission of email sent to Molnar in planning regarding the Commission’s request to remove landscaping requirements for hangar construction and also how parking requirements be developed based on previous research. Parking can be bonded for with regards to t-hangar construction, this way the City can build the second public parking lot as an AIP project and used the bonded monies as part of the project. Commercial hangars should account for their parking needs based on the type of business operation onsite, taking into account employees and site specific trips. Staff still needs to meet with Molnar regarding codifying the new requirements in the land use code. Commission would like a member to brief the council liaison on the zoning issues in order to move the process along. The Commission views this as an economic development issue. If we have the appropriate code language for development onsite more airport users including commercial development would be willing to build at the airport. This makes the taxilane construction important as this provides the needed infrastructure for all future development at the airport.   D.Matzger Hangar: Staff informs Commission the hangar purchase was approved and complete. The hangar is available for rent and Brim Aviation is interested in it. Skinner and staff inform Commission of the intention to rent the hangar at the approved box hangar rate that was developed when the Sandler hangar became available. The rate developed for this type of hangar is commercial in nature and thus staff and Skinner concluded to use the commercial waiting list for renting the hangar. Brim Aviation was first on the commercial hangar waiting list and the hangar was offered to him first. The City and Skinner will process all rental documents as soon as possible in order to start generating revenue from the new hangar.   4.      NEW BUSINESS: A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner informs Commission that Brim Aviation has been active recently and a majority of their flight time they use the runway pattern, but occasionally takeoff directly from the hangar and head east. Skinner has received a couple calls regarding training operations from both fixed wing and helicopter activities over the past month and he has Skinner spoken with the identified operators and asked them to change things up a bit in order to minimize noise exposure.   B.Self Fueling Permit: Staff informs Commission the permit has been edited by Legal and staff has forwarded to the Fire Department for review. Per previous months discussion, staff reviewed but could not determine if another payment by Brim Aviation for self fueling has been made since 2011. The Commission would like to see Brim Aviation billed directly and the billing to include back charges for onsite self fueling. They would also like Skinner Aviation be the responsible charge for billing with regards to self fueling. The Commission would like the billing to occur as soon as possible while staff is finalizing the self fueling permit. Staff to contact Brim directly and discuss billing and permit details prior to next meeting.   C.Sky Research Deposit: Doran asks about status of previous Sky Research hangar construction deposit from 2011. The deposit was put down for construction of a new facility adjacent to their current hangar, but the grant application for construction was never approved for funding. Sky Research is currently winding down operations and Sierra Romeo will be the new owners and they are working on hangar ownership/property details right now. Sierra Romeo would like to see the deposit timeline extended for another year as they might be in the market to construct an additional facility onsite in order to expand their business. DeBoer motioned to extend the deposit for one year and place in Sky’s successors name as appropriate, 2nd by Trip, all approved.   D.Grapes: Zeve asks about using airport area for growing grapes as they grow them in McMinnville. Commission details that grapes take 6 years to mature and last for 50 years. Commission believes there is no acceptable space onsite for grapes and also does not want to see a long term ground lease for anything other than aviation related usage.   E.Use of Hangars: DeBoer mentions that two open hangars are currently housing a boat, fuel trucks and other materials. Staff and Skinner remind Commission that Brim Aviation approached the City regarding renting the hangars for storage and the lease agreement made with Brim Aviation includes a 30 day notice to terminate clause by either party in case there was a renter who needed the hangar for aviation related storage. Commission would like to see that all airport users are made aware of this opportunity. Staff to draft a memo that can be posted at FBO office regarding the opportunity to rent a shade hangar for storage.     5.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that activity has slowed down which is consistent with this time of year. Currently Skinner is catching up on other airport activities now that fire season is over. Skinner also informs Commission he will miss November meeting due to a planned vacation.   B.Maintenance Updates: Skinner inquires into the status of weed removal as spraying was approved by the City Administrator for the airport proper. Staff will check into this as it was supposed to be completed by the Street Department certified sprayer.   C.Brown Bag: No update.   D.Transportation Commission: No update.   E.Medford Airport: No update.   F.Action Item List: Annual hangar inspection added to action list.   G.Airport Day/Marketing:     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  November 5, beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:19 AM