HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes February 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 6th, 2012   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE,  JEFF NIELSEN, SUSAN MOEN, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, BOB SKINNER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, ELIZABETH TRIPP, LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN BENDER STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY, MIKE FAUGHT MEMBERS ABSENT: DENNIS SLATTERY, ALAN DEBOER Visitors:  Nicole Doran   CALL TO ORDER: 9:38 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 7th, 2012, motion by Skillman for approval, second by Moen, unanimous vote, all approved.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No Comments   OLD BUSINESS: AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury informs Commission that two invoices for reimbursement towards the Connect Oregon III grant have been submitted to the Oregon Department of Transportation for review. Fleury expects that the City will receive the 5% matching funds reimbursement to be processed shortly by ODOT. In addition, the City has received the as built topographic survey for the runway project and that information has been given to GIS for input into our internal mapping program. There are not other AIP updates. CAP Hangar Lease: Staff informs the Commission that CAP is still waiting for Brim to return from Texas to sign the bill of sale and return to CAP in order to complete the transaction. Staff has requested that as soon as this is complete that Brim should notify the City so they can proceed forward with the ground lease development. Entrance Sign: Staff states that there was no movement towards sign replacement other then taking photographs of the existing sign in order to work with new sign maker on development of the new sign. PAPI Lights: Fleury informs Commission that quote to tie PAPI lights in directly with the pilot controlled runway lights is around $2,000. This work will tie the PAPI lights in with the runway lights and they will run together via the same amount of clicks. Fleury states that to create a separate pilot controlled system would require purchasing another controller at 3-4K, then tying one set of PAPI lights into the controller in the electric shed and the other set on a the new controller. Commission would like staff to contact the FAA to determine if any costs associated with the project can be redeemed through non-primary funds and if the FAA would approve of the PAPI lights being pilot controlled. Commission would also like staff to discuss with Mike Cook of the Electrical Department the number of PAPI lights that have been replaced since their installation and how many runway lights are replaced per year. Skinner states that the PAPI lights are in place for safe landing operations at the airport and anything that is done to them should not reduce safety for pilots. Skinner would like to see how other communities run their PAPI light systems. Commission agrees that they need to discuss this option more when more information is available. Pavement Maintenance Program: Staff informs Commission that he was contacted by the engineer last Friday to discuss onsite work this week. The onsite work would consist of crack sealing the pre-defined areas on the ramp and taxiways. Fleury had the engineer contact Skinner to discuss the operation and make sure the FBO was inline with the activities being presented before moving forward. Skinner released Notams regarding the time and nature of the work onsite. It is expected that the contractor will be onsite from March 7th-10th for crack sealing only and there should be no issues with access to the runway other then taking an alternate taxiway around the work. Zoning Ordinance: Fleury informs Commission that a meeting with Molnar, Faught and himself still needs to happen in order to discuss the process regarding simplifying the planning process and changing the overlay zone code to accommodate airport appropriate development. Faught was gone for a portion of February and budgetary items have not allowed time to meet with Molnar. Faught to discuss with Molnar today and set up a meeting for next week to discuss the process. The main discussion of the meeting will be the how to of adopting the airport layout plan into the comprehensive plan in the expectation that it will allow people to do an over the counter building permit for a hangar to construct within the pre-approved areas on the layout plant. In addition, the meeting will address planning requirements for sidewalks/parking/landscaping that hamper airport development currently. Fleury states that 50k was added to the CIP budget to allow for a consultant to develop a zoning ordinance update if the process could not be resolved internally between Public Works and Planning.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: Skinner informs Commission the FBO office has not received any new complaints within the last month and that helicopters continue to use the defined approach and departure paths if available. Airport Rental Rates: Staff presents an updated rate sheet to Commission for review. The updated rate sheet takes into account the CPI-U difference from January 2011 to January 2012 of 2.9% and applies that increase to the rental rates, leaving the tie downs and shade hangars the same as last year. The shade hangars are the most difficult to rent, thus the discussion regarding their enclosure. The previous two years the Commission has reviewed other airport pricing schemes and have made recommendations based on the comparative analysis and the change in CPI-U. The ground leases are automatically changed by the CPI-U each year. Nielsen asks about the waiting list and would like to see the rates increase 4-5% based on supply and demand since there is a waiting list for hangars. Skillman does not want to see the rates increase more than necessary due to the current economic status. The consensus of the Commission is that general aviation is down in general and they do not want to push pilots even more with additional rate increases past what the economy grew at over the past year. Motion by Wolske to recommend the hand written adjustments on the packet rate sheet be adopted by Council, 2nd by Hendrickson, approved by all except Nielsen. Fleury will take rate recommendation to the City Council for approval. FBO RFP/Lease: FBO Lease Addendum: Fleury states that over the past couple of weeks meetings with Skinner and Lohman from the Legal Department have occurred to clean up and finalize the FBO lease restatement. The new lease approved by the Commission and Legal will be part of the FBO RFP packet that will be released for public response in May. Fleury states that he has met with Skinner to discuss additions and changes to the lease restatement and also met with legal to incorporate and edit restatement. Fleury also continues to work on FBO RFP and expects to have a draft version for the Commission to review in April. Commission would like to develop one final lease subcommittee meeting to review the final lease draft prior to its inclusion in the RFP. Staff to setup another subcommittee meeting at end of month to discuss final draft. T-Hangar Enclosure: Staff reviews discussion from previous meeting regarding enclosing the shade hangars and installing bi-fold doors. The quote was for $6800 per hangar with a 5% reduction if all hangars where enclosed at the same time. Commission motioned to enclose four of the existing shade hangars. Faught states that in order to proceed forward the City would discuss taking an interfund loan and creating a five year payback to enclose the hangars. This item will be discussed with the Finance Director and City Administrator at a March 12th budget meeting. Based on internal calculations it appears that the City can enclose the 4 hangars and still meet the five year payback schedule with the increased rental rate payments, specifically since three of the hangars are unrented. Skinner states that he has contacted all seven renters of the shade hangars and the consensus is that all minus one would be for the change and that one would like to remain in the shade hangar. Skinners concern is if we only do four of the hangars and the remaining people on the closed hangar waiting list move from a shade hangar to an enclosed hangar that we still have the potential for unrented shade hangars. Fleury and Faught to discuss options of enclosing 4 or doing all 7 with the Finance Director and City Administrator.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner reports the drinking fountain is now working again after the drain was snaked and cleaned by a plumber. Skinner also states that American Industrial Door will be onsite to install a hydraulic door stop on the Avionics hangar front door as the prevailing wind can slam it shut and has the potential to cause injury. Skinner is waiting for a quote on the final installation of the security camera system and should have it shortly. Hendrickson asks is any of the Commissioners whose appointments end shortly are going to re-up? Bender states that he will not reapply and will likely move over to the Transportation Commission. Wolske states that in the future he will not participate on the Transportation Commission as an ex-officio member, but will continue to volunteer on the Airport Commission. Fleury states that he will also be involved in the Transportation Commission filling the staff vacancy of Jim Olson who is retiring in July. It appears that the Airport Commission will require another member to fill the future vacancy. Commission members to ask around and inform airport users of the pending vacancy.   Maintenance Updates: Fleury states that Terra Survey will be onsite to conduct the approach slope survey and determine if any trees are currently encroaching into the 20:1   Brown Bag: No brown bag meeting report.   Transportation Commission: No update.   Medford Airport Update: Bender reiterates that general aviation is down in whole and commercial activity is also down, but to a smaller degree. The new freight terminals are complete at Medford and Mercy Flights new facility is also open and running. Benders states that Alaska Airlines has added a flight to Portland after United discontinued the service and that Allegiant will be adding a flight to Oakland.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 3rd, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30