HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes October 2009ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION November 3, 2009   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: LINCOLN ZEVE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, RUSS SILBIGER, ALAN DEBOER, BILL SKILLMAN, TREG SCOTT, DAVID WOLSKE, ALAN BENDER STAFF: SCOTT FEURY MEMBERS ABSENT:  LARRY GRAVES Visitors:  Bob Sims CALL TO ORDER:                   9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 1, Motion by DeBoer for approval, second by Skillman, unanimous vote, minutes approved as amended.   Additional Items: (1) TSP (2) Planning Commission    Public Forum: No Public Comments   OLD BUSINESS: A.     AIP Project Engineering Design: Fleury informs Commission that there are no new updates for the AIP project. Everything is moving along with the proposed construction in Fall of 2010. Fleury working on Connect III grant for the taxiway extension near Sky’s hangar up towards Dead Indian. The grant is due by November 20th. Commission agrees that any infrastructure added to the Airport would be very beneficial. Fleury also states that he is in contact with ODA regarding there pavement management program and will inform Commission of any updates and possible work. Bender makes a general comment that aviations is under attack because people do not understand the significance of general aviations airports and are questioning why money should be allotted for them.  The Congressional reauthorization of FAA AIP funds has not taken place as of yet, but will most likely happen in the near future. The City of Ashland AIP grant is contingent on this funds be approved. B.      QT Technologies: Fleury informs Commission that the platinum level service has been paid for through 2010. Commission will reevaluate service level for fueling cardlock system next fall. C.    Airport Policy Development: Fleury states that he will continually work with the Airport Commission to develop the Airport Policy booklet. Fleury asks if any members have an additional policy they would like to add to the current booklet, either new or old. D.     Airport Marketing-Website Development: Fleury informs the Commission that he will be working with Graves to develop the City website for the Ashland Municipal Airport. Fleury had a training session with Ann Seltzer regarding the site in a box backend system for the City website. Graves is out of town and when he returns Fleury to sit down and develop website content. Fleury has already done some ground work on the web page and it will have its own URL. The old website will have a forwarding link placed on it, so whenever someone goes there they will be redirected to the new site. Silbiger states that there should be a link to weather underground and that the site is very informative with regards to any weather information pilots are looking for. Fleury to keep Commission in the loop with regards to the website development. E.      Brim Rolling Stock Area: Commission discusses area behind hangar that houses rolling stock. As per discussion with Burl Brim at a previous meeting they believe that a ground lease should be charged for the area where the rolling stock sits when not in operation. Brim was agreeable to paying a ground lease for the area used as discussed at the previous meeting. Fleury to measure area used for rolling stock and generate letter and ground lease to send to Brim Aviation for review and signature. F.       Airport Housekeeping: Skinner states that he is working on cleaning up the area between the maintenance hangar and Sky’s hangar. Commission discusses wing jig outside of Maces hangar with DeBoer. DeBoer states that there really isn’t another spot for it, unless it is being used inside of a hangar. DeBoer states that his lease is up next year and if the City and Commission would like they can add another charge into the lease for the area the wing jig takes up. DeBoer will look into cleaning up any other items outside his bank of hangars. Commission discusses possible policy regarding items kept outside the envelope of the hangars and how people use the airport. Skinner states that people are walking there dogs and riding “glide” cycles around on the taxi-way and this can present a serious safety hazard if they are not aware of the day to day operations of the Airport. Skinner would like Commissions recommendation on how to deal with these situations. Zeve states that people moving around on the airport proper give it a “life”. Scott states that people who are unfamiliar with airport operations present a safety hazard. Commission discusses possible designated safety area on the airport grounds. Skillman states that the FAA regulates the allowed activities on the apron, taxiway and runway and these types of activities are not allowed. Commission trusts in Skinners good judgment to handle the situations as he sees fit. Commission agrees that the demo of the glide cycles on the Airport taxi-ways is a safety hazard and does not follow the minimum standards when it comes to a business that is not aviation related. Wolske will work on possible policy details regarding these issues for the December meeting.   NEW BUSINESS:         A.     Airport Commission Goals: Commission members to come up with 3 goals for the 2010 Airport Commission and bring back to the December meeting for discussion. B.      CAP Hangar: Zeve states that he has not pursued any new information from the CAP regarding the status of use of there hangar. The CAP recently performed some exercises while based in Ashland and Commission agrees that it was nice to see some activity from them. Zeve still believes that the hangar should be cleaned up and fire code violations fixed. Zeve to speak with CAP individuals to determine how the hangar is truly being used and report back at the next meeting. Fleury to investigate the fire code violations and the possible ramifications for not fixing them per Margureitte.  C.    SOU Economic Impact: Bender states that he currently working with SOU students for a new economic impact assessment for the Ashland Airport. They have taken the old survey questions and improved them. Bender asks Skinner for a list of tenants at the Airport and a list of all transient sign-ins over the past year. Skinner will get the information to Bender as part of the research. Silbiger states that the City is starting to discuss its economic development strategy, which will lay out its economic base for the next 20 years. Silbiger recommends that the Airport be involved in the discussion; all the Commission needs to do is express a willingness to be involved. Commission is willing to be involved. Silbiger to discuss at Council. Commission would like to know more about the accounting and economic status of the Airport. Fleury to try and bring Cindy Hanks in from accounting to discuss how the Airport fund is managed by there Department. Fleury states he now has access to Eden’s accounting section and can research each month’s revenue and expenditures for the Airport account. DeBoer would like verification that the SASO fees are being paid after the invoice is sent out. Fleury to verify accounts receivable has received the SASO fees. D.     Brown Bag Lunch: Wolske states that the Mayors lunch was informative for all parties. The Planning Commission member in attendance asked about having a Airport Commission member attend a meeting to answer questions regarding the Airport. This would allow the Planning Commission to better understand the day to day airport operations. The Airport Commission agrees that attending a meeting would be beneficial to all parties. Wolske volunteer and the Commission would like Skinner to attend as well if at all possible. Fleury to contact Bill Molnar to see about setting this up and inform Commission of meeting specifics. E.      Transportation System Plan: The Commission discusses the current RFP out for the new Transportation System Plan. The Airport plays a role in the transportation system of Ashland and the Commission wants to make sure it is represented correctly in the new System Plan. Fleury states there are two sections to this TSP, one is an update to the existing plan and one is a completely new plan. Fleury to see if Faught can attend meeting to discuss TSP with Airport Commission members. Silbiger states that they are discussing ex-officio members for the Commissions and that it would be in the best interest of the Airport Commission to have some representation on the Transportation Commission. DeBoer states that it would be beneficial to have a voting member on the Commission and that if there was an opening an Airport Commission member could apply to fill said opening. Hendrickson motions that the Airport Commission should have voting member presence on the Transportation Commission, 2nd by Wolske, all approved. Wolske volunteers to fill out Commission application packet.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that the additional rent collections will occur now for the Lobaugh and Scott hangars and he has already collected the first ½ month payment for the Sandler hangar. This should generate a net revenue gain of approximately $10,000 a year for the Airport. Skinner discusses how the runway was used as a racetrack one night. Rock and dirt were tossed all over a couple sections of the runway and Fleury took pictures then had the sweeper on site to remove debris. Commission discusses possible security camera installation at Airport and would like to discuss in further detail at the next meeting.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – Fleury states that he has discussed the tree trimming with the Public Works Superintendent and that he will schedule work crews to start when time allows. The paving of the phone and electrical trenching will take place when time and weather allows. Fleury discusses the sectional granite base near the older closed hangars. There could be a possibility of filling in that area with ¾- asphalt grindings to make more of a pavement type roadway. Commission agrees that if it is possible to place grindings in granite sections to go ahead and do it. Fleury to discuss with Terry Ellis about possibility of that work being done.       OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  December 1, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:19