HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2015 - Airport Day SubcommitteeASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION April 7, 2015   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Lincoln Zeve (left 10:00am), Bob Skinner, William Butler, Nicole Doran, Bill Skillman and Burl Brim Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Susan Moen and Stefani Seffinger Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:30AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 3, 2015 motion by Skillman for approval, second by DeBoer minutes approved as written.     2.Agenda Item Addition: Staff requests to add a quick discussion regarding the Brim storage area lease. Commission would also like to mention the vacancies and appreciation for members who are leaving. Both items added to new business.   3.Public Forum: No public discussion.   4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.FBO Lease: No change. Staff still needs to schedule a meeting with Skinner and David Lohman to discuss final language.   B.AIP Project: Precision Approach Engineering and Knife River Materials (KRM) met onsite on March 24th to perform a final walkthrough of punchlist items. Once punchlist items are approved KRM will be finished with improvement portion. PAE still needs to finalize project closeout documentation for the FAA and staff will need to make a reimbursement request for 90% of funds expended on project.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission that Planning will be attending the May meeting to discuss the proposed code changes and take Commission input before returning to the Planning Commission again for a formal discussion.   D.Self Fueling Permit: Staff informs Commission he has received the proposed edits from John Prochniak of Brim Aviation, but has not had time to compile a new permit with changes for Commission and Legal review. Staff expects to make changes within the next week or two and send back to Brim for one final review before going to Legal and the Commission.   E.Hangar Enclosure: Staff needs to schedule a meeting with Skinner and discuss the possibility of Skinner working directly with Mockeridge Engineering to obtain construction drawings for hangar enclosure. Once the drawings are completed staff will have them approved in concept by the Building Department so they can be offered to tenants willing to enclose the hangars. A future discussion about cost/benefit and rate adjustments will need to occur as well.   F.Airport Budget Update: Staff informs Commission the first phase of the budget process is over as the Budget Officer and Finance have reviewed and approved the Public Works budget to move forward to the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for May with final approval by the Council to occur in June.   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Skinner has nothing to report to the Commission regarding issues developed onsite since the previous meeting.     B.Airport Rate Discussion: Staff presents the rate sheet to the Commission. The rate sheet is highlighted to show where fees can be changed. Typically the monthly rental rates and monthly/daily tie downs can be changed as recommended by Commission and approved by Council. Staff also informs Commission of previous discussion with Legal regarding conflicts and potential conflicts of interest. In that discussion it was determined that most if not all Commission members have a potential conflict of interest with respect to the rate changes, even if it is detrimental. Legal previously informed Commission they should either state they have an actual or potential conflict of interest and then move forward as a body with a motion. If you have an actual conflict you are to recuse yourself from any discussion and voting pertaining to a motion. All Commission members in attendance declare a potential conflict of interest with respect to the rate discussion. DeBoer declares an actual conflict of interest and recuses himself from the discussion. DeBoer rents hangars in competition with the City. Staff explains the CPI-U has gone down .09% from January 2014 to January 2015. This essential freeze in CPI-U will leave the ground leases unchanged from the previous year as their increases are based on the CPI-U. Staff recommends keeping all rates flat and discussing this item again next spring.   Motion by Skilllman: Based on the CPI-U being flat, all rates should stay fixed, 2nd by Zeve, all approved, DeBoer abstains.   C.Election of Officers: Staff presents the code language regarding election of officers and how it is to occur at the first meeting following appointment of new Commission members. The Mayor is supposed to appoint new members at one of the April meetings and newly appointed members terms will start in May.  Commission will elect new chair and vice chair at the May meeting.   D.Brim Storage Lease: Staff states a draft version of the lease is being created and asks on the appropriate start term of the lease. Staff envisioned November 1, 2014 as the start date for the new lease as construction/paving was complete by then and Brim had access to the new area adjacent to his hangar. Commission agrees November 1st would be appropriate. Staff to finalize lease and forward to Brim for review prior to Legal and Commission review.   E.Commissioners final meeting: This will be the last meeting for Doran. In addition, Brim also informs Commission he did not re-apply to continue. Commission thanks Brim and Doran for their volunteer time spent on the Commission. Brim states he will continue to attend meetings as time allows and be an active member of continued improvements at the Airport. Doran will assist as she can with the development of this year's Airport Day.     6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states the pavement will need to be sprayed shortly as the weeds are starting to sprout and take off. The noise abatement sign is still down on the south end and needs to be reset.   B.Maintenance Updates: Staff still needs to work with Terra Survey in order to perform the approach slope survey and determine if any trees are encroaching into the 20:1 slope. Commission would like to see area mowed before Airport Day. Staff to contact Parks and ask if they can mow area the week prior to Airport Day.   C.Brown Bag: Wolske attended and gave a brief announcement on the upcomping Airport Day festivities. No other items of mention.     D.Transportation Commission: No update.     E.Medford Airport: No update.     F.Action Item List: Task list updated.   G.Airport Day/Marketing: Airport Day Subcommittee will meet after the regular meeti8ng and continue to develop plans for Airport Day.     H.Airport Users Group: Wolske emailed users group/airport users trying to garner more interest to join users group and volunteer for Airport Day.     OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  May 5, 2015 beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:19 AM