HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes December 2014ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION January 6, 2015   MINUTES         Members Present: Bob Skinner, David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Lincoln Zeve, Bill Skillman, Burl Brim, William Butler,  Susan Moen, Nicole Doran and Michael Morris Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: Elizabeth Tripp Visitors: None   CALL TO ORDER: 9:32AM   1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 2, 2014 motion by Skillman for approval, second by Moen minutes approved as written.     2.Agenda Item Addition: None   3.Public Forum: No public discussion.   4.OLD BUSINESS:   A.FBO Lease: Staff still needs to update language in lease and send to Skinner for review and comment. Staff expects to send lease language update to Skinner this week. Legal would like to speak directly with Skinners insurance agent to better understand aviation insurance as a whole.  Once Skinner reviews edits and questions developed by staff/legal, Skinner and staff can work together in order to finalize the document. Commission would like to see a copy of the final document before it is taken to Council for approval. Staff will provide final approved lease document in future packet for Commission review.   B.AIP Project: Staff informs Commission of punch list meeting held with Knife River Materials (KRM), Precision Approach Engineering (PAE) and Skinner onsite to discuss outstanding items and cleanup issues. KRM will install a new catch basin at the corner of the new taxilane when the weather improves. They will also compact the surrounding ground adjacent to the new pavement areas and make sure areas drain appropriately. In addition they will be required to maintain the erosion control features until spring when the new growth takes over to hold soil in place. Staff still needs to resolve all payments to the engineering and KRM in order to make a grant reimbursement request. PAE still needs to complete project closeout documentation for FAA approval.   C.Airport Zoning: Staff informs Commission the draft code language should be finished shortly. Severson and Molnar have met a couple times over the past month to discuss the language and develop the update. Once staff receives the update he will forward to the Commission for review via the next packet.   D.Self Fueling Permit: Staff informs there is no current change to this agenda item. Staff has not forwarded copies of other permits researched to Brim and Brim has not produced any recommended changes. At this point staff expects to continue to work with all parties to finalize the permit.   E.Enclosure of Hangars: Staff informs Commission that he spoke to Brian Mockeridge of Mockeridge Engineering regarding the hangar enclosure design. Mockeridge does not currently have the insurance limits required by the City for contractual work. The current limits are $2 million for professional and general liability. Staff explains there are circumstances where the limits can be lowered to $1 million, but the City Administrator must approve the reduction. Staff believes based on the project the limits could be lowered. The other option is to have Skinner contract directly with Mockeridge Engineering and reference a credit on his month payment by the $1,500 contract amount. Staff will need to verify this with Legal. Staff to work with Mockeridge and administration to determine if the insurance limits can be lowered. Once final engineering is received the Building Department will review and approve the design for conformance to all applicable building codes.     5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Good Neighbor Items: Staff informs Commission that he is scheduled to meet with the City Attorney and Administrator regarding Linda Lewis’s letter regarding disbanding the Commission. The email was sent directly to the Mayor along with various other recipients including Commission members. The email sent by Lewis is part of the packet. The Commission agrees that all appropriate correspondence should be placed in the packets and made part of the public record. Commission does not discuss the letter any further. Staff to update Commission on outcome of meeting. Staff passes out email sent by Eva Voget this morning regarding her suggestion to not change the airport zoning overlay code to allow over the counter permitting of hangar construction. Staff explains their appears to be a misconception about the overlay zoning code update. The zoning update will only effect development on the airport itself. The code update will also include a master plan update tie in that will further refine where and what type/size of hangars can be developed in the rest of the available airport area. The code change will not affect areas outside of the city limits. The code update is expected to allow for construction of non-commercial banks of T-hangars, to be used as general rentals, in an over the counter process while commercial operation hangars will still be subject to an appropriate site review and noticing. Staff also explains the process of approval will involve public meetings at the Planning Commission and City Council before the code is approved and adopted and that the Airport Commission is only advisory on the matter. Staff to continue to work with the FAA on development of the master plan update in order to meet FAA requirements along with appropriate tie ins to the code changes.   B.Airport Day Subcommittee: Staff discusses with Commission setting up a subcommittee for planning airport day 2015. This subcommittee will help plan and assign tasks to users group members, volunteers and other commission members in order to have a successful airport day this year. Commission would like to see the airport users group members tasked with assisting on the production of airport day. Wolske will send out an email to users asking for support and help in development of airport day. Wolske, Tripp, Butler and Skinner will attend the subcommittee meetings to start the process. Moen will try and assist as well. Staff asks for a time to schedule the meeting and recommends either right before or after the current meeting. Commission agrees to meet after the regular scheduled meeting ends.   6.AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION:   A.Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner is currently renting two of the open hangars until such time someone is interested in them. The roof leaks in the maintenance hangar are slowly starting to get fixed. They are having some issues with drainage at the man door and have had to keep water from coming into the hangar. The gutters could possibly be filled with debris and should be cleaned. Various leaks will need to be addressed. The noise abatement sign on the runway is down and will need to be fixed. Skinner also states the web cam is still not online. Staff needs to speak with IT about networking it into our site and allowing users to access it.   B.Maintenance Updates: There are still a few items left near were the fire department training trailer was that need to be removed. They are pieces of a ladder and some piping material. Staff to see about having the material removed and brought to were the trailer is currently stored.      C.Brown Bag: Cancelled.   D.Transportation Commission: No update.     E.Medford Airport: No update.   F.Action Item List: Calendar updated for 2015. Task list updated.   G.Airport Day/Marketing: No update.   H.Airport Users Group: No update.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.    NEXT MEETING DATE:  February 3, beginning at 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 10:43 AM