HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes March 2010ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION March 2, 2010   MINUTES       MEMBERS PRESENT: ALAN DEBOER, RUSS SILBIGER, BILL SKILLMAN, DAVID WOLSKE, LARRY GRAVES, BOB SKINNER, LINCOLN ZEVE, RICHARD HENDRICKSON STAFF: SCOTT FEURY MEMBERS ABSENT: ALAN BENDER, TREG SCOTT Visitors:  Kirby Mills, Burl Brim, Brittany Wise, David Ridsdale, Mark Bennett CALL TO ORDER:                   9:33 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 2, motion by DeBoer for approval, second by Skillman, unanimous vote, minutes approved.   Additional Items:     Public Forum: No Public Comments   OLD BUSINESS: A.     AIP Project Engineering Design: Fleury informs Commission that he attended the Oregon Board of Aviations review and recommendation meeting for the aviation related Connect III grant projects. The taxi-way extension was ranked 12th out of 24 viable projects by the Aviation Board. The recommendations will be forwarded to the Oregon Transportation Commission “OTC”. There are still a few steps in the review process before Ashland will be made aware of a grant award. In addition, their will be 3 applications turned in for the specific 5 million dollars rural airport allocation. The projects will include the 5% reimbursement for the AIP design, construction and the Taxi-way construction. With regards to the AIP project, the City is awaiting 50% plans for the runway and PAPI light installation design. The plans will be in City hands for review at the beginning of April. The consultant will also perform an obstruction survey in March to determine the exact degree of baffle needed on the PAPI lights for both runway 12 and 30. B.      Airport Website Development: Graves and Fleury present an overview of the new Airport Website. Grave states that the structure of the website has to follow the site in a box site development tool the City is using. Fleury goes through each individual page on the website. Graves and Fleury would like the Commissioners to review the website and bring back comments to the next meeting. Fleury also states that the site does need more pictures. Fleury and Graves have not figured how to link the current webcams at the Airport to the new City site. Also, the City needs to put a forwarding link on the old Airport site that will direct traffic to the new site. Zeve to contact Lobaugh about these two issues and report back to Commission at next meeting. C.    CAP Hangar: Fleury asks Commission for one final review of lease letter before mailing. Mark Bennett of Medford CAP on hand and reviews letter as well. He states that the letter seems reasonable and that the CAP will respond in a positive manner. He also states that the CAP would like to keep the hangar as an asset if possible for future search and rescue operations and training. He also states that weather issues often hamper missions out of Medford in winter and Ashland does not suffer from these same issues.  Zeve, motion to accept the letter to form, 2nd by Graves and all approved. Fleury to mail letter to Wing Commander in Eugene and also to Chris Adams the local Ashland CAP officer. D.     Tower: Burl Brim and Brittany Wise on hand to discuss training operations at the Airport. Brim states they are one month into training and has 45 days left in the current cycle. Skinner states he has had one noise complaint from Oak Knoll regarding helicopters hovering at the end of runway 30. Brim states that he has had complaints from Eva Voget regarding his training and tries to workaround issues with wind and weather when it comes to the noise generated by his operations. Commission recommends that Skinner and Brim meet to discuss operations and possibility of a better location for hover training. Once Skinner understands the frequency and type of training that Brim needs he can come up with a plan or location that would minimize noise issues.  Zeve states that in order to have a viable airport it has to be used by both commercial and private operations and that most property owners within the Horizontal surface have signed an avigation noise easement. Hendrickson states that as long as there is an airport there will be noise complaints and that the airport has to be a good neighbor and try its best to resolve situations, but noise will never be totally eliminated. Wolske states that the sustained noise not the transient noise is the true issue. Wise states that Brim Aviation has a list of places they do not fly in order to not disturb property owners and they actively try each day to find a place to train that will minimize noise. Commission asks for status of training tower that Brim plans to build on site. Wise states that she is working towards revising the plans to submit to the building department for review. Fleury states that once the building permit is approved that the Mayor can sign the temporary ground lease for the tower and equipment storage. E.      Airport Commission Applications: The Airport Commission is in need of another member since Silbiger is no longer a voting member of the Commission. Current members to search around for new members. The Commission also needs to appoint an Ex-Officio member to the Transportation Commission. Wolske has shown an interest in being a member of the Transportation Commission and Zeve motions for approval of Wolske as an Ex-Officio member to represent the Airport Commission on the Transportation Commission, 2nd by Graves and approved by unanimous vote.   NEW BUSINESS:         A.     Airport Day: Brittany Wise on hand to discuss training operations at the Airport. Airport day is planned for May 22nd. Fleury has posted this date on the City website calendar. Wise is trying to have more companies from the Valley on site this year. Their will be a pancake breakfast and lunch on site similar to last year. The Forest Service, Oregon Department of Forestry, Local Fire, Police and possibly the Coast Guard will be on site. Bennett from the CAP states they can assist with marshaling visitors at the Airport. Wise to meet with local CAP to discuss involvement as marshals and possible bringing equipment over to display. Hendrickson mentions that he will contact the Young Eagles to assist Wise and see if they are available to help during Airport Day. Wolske questions the sponsorship of Airport Day, is it the City or Brim Aviation; rest of the Commission believes that Brim Aviation is the sponsor of it with assistance of Commission Members and that the City has minimal involvement with it. Commission asks that Skinner and Brim meet to discuss Airport Day specifics and create a plan and layout that will foster a fun and safe Airport Day for all visitors. Fleury states that if he has an itinerary for Airport Day he can load that to the Website. Fleury will also create a separate page on the Airport section of the website that will discuss Airport Day. B.      Rental Rate Establishment: Commission to review next month. Fleury states the CPI-U index was 2.63% and that the lease rate sheet has been adjusted to reflect change for July 1, 2010. Fleury to email rental rate sheet to Commissioners with sections that will need there input. Fleury to contact Medford regarding any updates to the freight tariff rate. C.    Airport Security Camera System: Fleury informs they Commission that he is working with the Information Technology Department to have a security camera system installed at the Airport. The City of Ashland currently has security cameras installed at their yard on Mountain Ave. and Fleury would like to use the same camera system at the Airport. The cameras will be networked to the Cities internal server system and controlled via a computer program. The cameras will be motion activated and all data will be backed up in house. There will be no DVR required in the FBO building. Cameras can be added to system as time and money allow. Fleury would like to install two cameras this year near the FBO building and add more cameras next year if the budget allows. Depending on what IT recommends the cameras will either be wired or wireless. Fleury also contacted ODA regarding grant money for installation of security systems at Airports and Sandra Larsen was not aware of anything current. D.     Educational Curriculum: Graves states that he is in contact with Science Works regarding setting up a joint education curriculum but has not heard back. Will continue to press forward with this issue.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: A.                 Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner states that fuel sales are stable and he is waiting for activity to pick up once nicer weather hits. Skinner has had no new issues with vandalism or fuel being stolen in the past month. Mills asks Skinner to notify all renters of shade hangars that the electrical service pack installation will begin shortly and if they are interested can have electrical run to there appropriate hangar. Skinner to have Cathy send email to occupants and inform them of opportunity. Skinner states that he has had another conversation with Stan Bartell regarding the damage to the door that was done last year. The door was pushed off its roller and Bartell believes that the design is faulty, i.e. the stops. The door was repaired by American Industrial door and paid for by the City of Ashland. The City was trying to recoup the money spent on door repair and Skinner asks Commission if he should proceed with pursuit of the money. Commission states that the City should be responsible and pay for the repair of the door. Motion by Skillman for City to pay bill, 2nd by Wolske approved by unanimous vote.   B.                  Maintenance Updates – No new updates. Maintenance work will continue as time and weather allow.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  April 6, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:30