HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes January 2012ASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION February 7, 2012   MINUTES         MEMBERS PRESENT: DAVID WOLSKE,  JEFF NIELSEN, SUSAN MOEN, ALAN DEBOER, WILLIAM SKILLMAN, BOB SKINNER, RICHARD HENDRICKSON, ELIZABETH TRIPP STAFF: SCOTT FLEURY MEMBERS ABSENT: DENNIS SLATTERY, LINCOLN ZEVE, ALAN BENDER Visitors:  CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 AM   APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 3rd, 2012, motion by Hendrickson for approval, second by Moen, unanimous vote, minutes approved as amended.   Additional Items:  None   Public Forum: No Comments   OLD BUSINESS: AIP Project Engineering Design/Connect III: Fleury received draft closeout project manual from Reid Middleton. Fleury also prepared required invoices for reimbursement of the 5% match monies through the Connect Oregon III grant. The surveyor still needs invert elevations for all catch basins installed on the project in order for the engineer to complete the as-built topo survey and project as-builts. CAP Hangar Lease: Staff informs Commission that the bill of sale has been signed by all parties except Brim, due to the fact that Brim is currently out of town and will return shortly to complete the transaction. Fleury and Brim have previously spoken and a ground lease charge will start with the bill of sale signature date, even if the ground lease is not completed and approved by Council for another month or two. Staff also states that the lease termination letter was drafted and approved by the Legal Department as requested at the January meeting, but was not sent do to the fact that the sale is imminent. Commission agrees that it was better to wait while the final process unfolded then to send the letter.   Entrance Sign: Fleury states that he asked around internally for vendors that produce City signs and was given 3 names. Fleury is currently in process of working with a sign maker to develop an overall schematic and quote for replacing the entrance sign at the airport within the sign ordinance parameters. Fleury is hopeful to have a design and price by March. FBO Lease Addendum: Fleury goes over sub-committee meeting regarding the FBO lease addendum. Lohman drafted a restatement of the current FBO lease with the reasoning being that it is easier to trim portions off to create an addendum and or release the restatement as part of the FBO RFP process. Skinner was not aware that Legal was drafting a restatement of the lease and had not had a sufficient amount of time to review all sections. One of the important additions to the restatement was a maintenance matrix that details who maintains what systems at the airport. Since Skinner needed more time to review the lease and after discussion Lohman had a few changes to make, it was decided that staff would meet directly with Skinner to discuss his review of the lease and then meet with Legal to discuss final changes. The other issue that the City will proceed forward with is the development of an FBO Request for Proposal. Skinners current lease will either end in January of 2013 or if he chooses to extend in 2018. If Skinner chooses not to extend until 2018 and the City does not have a new FBO lined up serious operations issues could develop at the Airport. The goal is to develop a RFP and release it in spring/summer of this year with a multi year timeframe award period; either in 2013 or 2018 depending on if Skinner renews his last 5 year extension. The new RFP will have the final version of the lease restatement in it as an operating document for the future FBO. PAPI Lights: Staff has been working with Mainline Electric to develop a quote for changing the PAPI’s over to pilot control. Staff would like to know if the Airport Commission thinks it appropriate to hook the PAPI’s directly into the runway lighting, so when the runway lights are clicked on or come on at dusk the PAPI lights also come on. Staff also informs Commission that in discussion with the electrician that turning the lights off and on had no significant impact to its useful life span. Commission agrees that staff should proceed forward with quote development for tying in the PAPI’s to the existing runway light system and have them managed together. Pavement Maintenance Program: Staff spoke with the engineer in charge of the PMP regarding the herbicide used during crack sealing and pavement patching. The engineer stated that roundup or an approved equal was approved as part of the PMP specifications. Staff asked to have that specification changed for Ashland and an organic herbicide used instead of to keep with City Council Policy regarding herbicide use on City property. The pavement maintenance program is still slated to be at Ashland Airport in spring of 2012. Zoning Ordinance: Fleury informs Commission that he is still working with the Planning Department in order to develop a paradigm for the process to adopt the ALP into the comprehensive plan and simplify the process for construction of a metal hangar. Molnar, Faught and Fleury to schedule a meeting to discuss expectations and how to resolve all the issues associated with hangar construction at the Airport. Hendrickson says that this issue has been plaguing the airport since he has been and member and motions: give a higher priority and expedite the required adoption and code changes, 2nd by Skillman, all approved.   NEW BUSINESS:           Good Neighbor Policy: DeBoer states he received a call from the FAA about a local complaint. The FAA was doing an investigation into the complaint and DeBoer’s name was given to the FAA. DeBoer answered the FAA questions and wanted the Commission to know that when the FAA does receive a complaint regarding airport operations they do investigate the validity of the complaint and determine if any action should be taken. DeBoer also informed the FAA that he is part of a volunteer advisory committee and that the FBO Skinner Aviation provides onsite oversight of airport operations and deals directly with the FAA when he sees violations of FAA rules and procedures. Tripp states that since the letter was posted and sent out to users regarding using the proper approach and departure patterns that she has noticed more helicopters following this recommendation. T-Hangar Enclosure: Fleury informs Commission that Skinner received one quote back for enclosing the shade hangars. The quote was for approximately $6800.00 per hangar, which includes full enclosure and installation of bi-fold doors. Currently there are two shade hangars that are not rented which we generate a payback of 2.7 years if the new monthly rent is assumed to be $214.00. DeBoer would like to see the two unrented hangars enclosed as we know that they would be rented as there is a waiting list of closed hangars and the shade hangars are often the hardest to rent. Commission asks if tenants of other shade hangars are open to the idea of enclosing and would they pay the rent increase. Fleury states that through Skinners investigation that it appears 4 out of the 6 would pay the rent increase and 2 would if required but would like to stay with the shade hangar. Hendrickson motion: Proceed forward with enclosing 4 shade hangars, 2nd by Moen, all approved, DeBoer abstains.   AIRPORT MANAGER REPORT/FBO REPORT/AIRPORT ASSOCIATION: Status of Airport, Financial Report, Review of Safety Reports: Skinner absent from meeting. FBO report attached the agenda, nothing out of the ordinary on Report regarding rents. The water bill appears to be high for this time of year. Fleury informs Commission that there was a leak in the mainline that was repaired, but is not sure why the bill itself is high. Fleury to investigate bill with Water Department and Skinner to determine why it is that high.   Maintenance Updates: Fleury states that he spoke with the Street Department regarding the grass area west of the runway and the plan is to till that area in late spring before the start of fire season and then re-grade area. Wolske would also like that done to the area north east of the Sky Research hangar. Fleury to work with the Street Department to see that both areas are done in a timely manner. Multiple Commission members mention that the trees along Neil Creek in the approach appear to be encroaching into the 20:1 slope and should be surveyed to make the final determination. Skillman motions: City to create a schedule for tree inspection every 2 years and determine if topping is required, 2nd by Hendrickson, all approved.   Brown Bag: No brown bag meeting report.   Transportation Commission: No update.   Medford Airport Update: Bender absent, no Medford update.   OTHER: The meeting of the JC airport commission is the third Monday of the month at 12:00 PM.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  March 6th, 9:30 AM   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:05