HomeMy WebLinkAboutAirport Minutes April 2016 - Airport Day SubcommitteeASHLAND AIRPORT COMMISSION             Airport Day Planning Subcommittee                             May 3, 2016   MINUTES         Members Present: David Wolske, Alan DeBoer, Bill Skillman, Lincoln Zeve, William Butler, Sherm Lucas, George Schoen, Bob Skinner and Mike Morris Staff: Scott Fleury Members Absent: None Guests: Dawn Lamb   CALL TO ORDER: 11:00 AM   2.AGENDA ITEM ADDITIONS:  None   3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 5, 2016, approved by consent.   4.OLD BUSINESS: None   5.NEW BUSINESS:   A.Airport Day Planning: Butler starts conversation about continued planning efforts referencing attached punchlist document. Sky approved use of hangar for rogue Eagles RC/Drone demonstrations. The two aircraft inside the hangar will be pulled to ramp to allow full access. Butler working on smoke jumpers museum attendance still. Butler states Brim has been in contact with Erickson about the possibility of an air crane on site, only if they have one available. Group estimates they will need approximately 20 tables and 40 chairs for the Rogue Eagles and eating areas. Staff to have tables/chairs/cones delivered by Friday at the latest.   Wolske has been coordinating with Science Works on a display at the event. The Robotics Team from Ashland High will also be onsite with a robot or two. Lamb confirmed the face painter will also be available during the day and charge for face painting activities.   Moen needs assistance in handing out kids gift items and asks if anyone has a high school student who needs the community service hours. Zeve and Butler to ask their daughters.   Butler confirms Garcia’s taco truck will be onsite and Lamb confirms Jenny’s Tyme will also be onsite. Skillman confirms ½ dozen Civil Air Patrol cadets will be available to manage the parking of vehicles. Orange vests are available from last year to use.   Schoen confirms obtaining onsite entertainment isn’t progressing as easily as thought. Schoen has spoken with percussion, chorale and general performers regarding doing something onsite. The group likes the idea of a percussion performer setting the tone during the event. It appears most groups have a prior engagement for the same weekend. Maybe next year with more upfront timing entertainment could be a viable option.   Group talks about venues for advertising the event. Staff has posted the item on the City’s site and will also have items posted to Parks Facebook and the City’s Facebook accounts. Zeve asks about having RVTD run it on their bus reader boards as a possibility. Staff to check in with RVTD regarding the possibility.   Group discusses a pre-event walk around to discuss locations of food truck, tables, bounce house and emergency vehicle equipment. Butler to arrange a meeting time onsite with Skinner and anyone else interested in attending to discuss layout for the event.        NEXT MEETING DATE:  None   ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 11:17 AM